Beasts of Beyond
let me shine ;; joiner - Printable Version

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let me shine ;; joiner - Night of No Stars - 04-05-2022

the woman had come here. he told her to come here, so she must have. livingdead would do anything he said, simply because he knew her secret. not that she was hiding it, but he still knew. he always knew and that was why he thought this place would be best for them. the tiny beast scampered across the ground. the little robe made from the fur of a rabbet, dyed in blacks and greys, rustled as he moved. his tiny staff in his jaws and he ran along.

stopping at the wall of bodies, the male would rear onto his hind legs. taking his staff into his right paw and looking out over the lands. "is anyone out there? my name is mr. snuggles and i came to join?" he called out to the lands. hoping livingdead would show and he could see her again.

i'm not afraid of fading

Re: let me shine ;; joiner - blackjack - 04-06-2022

Perhaps Blackjack's presence was an unwelcome one to the hamster, for the jaguar found himself absolutely famished on this fine day. His stomach churned and cried for the slightest of sustenance, and he found himself on the prowl for some tasty snack. He swore he had found his next meal by the Pitt's ominous borders, his head dipped beneath his shoulders and his paws moving carefully upon the soft, warm sand as he eyed the bite-sized creature.

And then it spoke. Because of course it could talk.

The feline lifted his head and huffed in disappointment, lips pursed as the hamster introduced himself as Mr. Snuggles and inquired if he was able to join. He took a closer look at the rodent, who adorned himself with a dyed robe and a small staff that rested in his right paw as he stood on his hind legs. Well, this was certainly the strangest little beast he had encountered upon these borders; granted, it wasn't like he had been here for very long. Perhaps there were even stranger to come. "Mmm. Not my call. But you're real cute, Mr. Snuggles. So adorable, I just wanna eat you right up," Jackie purred, running a reptilian tongue across his lips as he offered the other a deadly smirk. He was merely playing, of course — but if this little guy didn't prove himself worthwhile, he really wouldn't think twice about gobbling him up.

The Pittian rested upon his haunches now, golden hues fixated on this ambitious little creature. "And what exactly brought you to the Pitt, hmm?" he asked with a slight tilt of his head. There had to be some reason this pipsqueak was here. The Pitt was not meant for the weak. What could have possibly drawn him to this place?
[glow=#f4c430,2,300]how to rob men blind[/glow] —

Re: let me shine ;; joiner - shinigami sakigami - 04-06-2022

Arfur had always considered himself the weakest of the band of people. There was no lie or shame in admitting so. It was because he was undoubtedly the youngest member, boasting an age of a mere three months. As far as the purple hued lab knew, he was also the smallest in size. Often times, he struggled to avoid being stepped on by larger creatures. Even for being a dog, some cats were bigger than himself. It bothered him for sure, as he just wanted to fit in.

Fitting in was no simple task for Arfur. His purple hued coat made him stick out like a sore thumb. Not to mention, a majority of spots along his pelt were coated in a thick layer of rot. His ears had been rotten, and his skeletal tail protruded. Not to mention, if one paid attention, you could see through multiple spots along his body. Including his neck, giving the illusion his head was floating.

He was strange, but this? It may have been stranger.

Moving closer to the newcomer, the puppy would cock a metaphorical brow and snicker. “Hello mister mouse man!

Re: let me shine ;; joiner - Night of No Stars - 04-06-2022

now, the small being had no clue he was being hunted at first. he hardly payed mind to the sounds he was hearing. but, he was sharply aware of the sensation of being watched. it washed over him as if he as already in the jaws of death. and then, he spotted the movement that was a jaguar. raising the tiny staff, he was bracing for the worst when the creature spoke to him. the staff would lower to the earth again and he offered a soft squeak. it seemed this one was a member here, but not one that could accept him into the realm.

the joke was normal in a sad little way. he was food for most and that joke was common when they talked to him. it put him on edge. he was a snack. so cute they could eat him up. he was always a snack. "i'd give you food poisoning." he replied with a snort of amusement. "i came here because i enjoy being around the dead. living dead or the dead dead." he mused with a soft chitter.

as the form of a rotting pup appeared, the male beamed. "you are lovely." he mused before hearing the pups words. "mouse man?" he asks with a soft hum.

i'm not afraid of fading

Re: let me shine ;; joiner - shinigami sakigami - 04-07-2022

As he was called lovely, the child beamed. That is, until he saw that he had made the newcomer sad. A frown replaced his smile as he frantically thought about how to fix this. “I am sorry!

Re: let me shine ;; joiner - VALE - 04-08-2022

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ Arizona blond tarantula
Eight black legs carried Vale to the commotion. The ardent’s four eyes locked onto the cloaked mouse while vis palps rubbed together. Unusual joiners meant entertaining Pittians and interesting possibilities, so Vale looked upon Mr Snuggles with intrigue rather than hunger. Though this, possibly, was because vis body wasn’t able to eat rodents.

“Welcome to the Pitt, Mr Snuggles, though you won’t be considered a full member until your blooding is completed. But there’s no rush! It’s not the sort of ceremony you walk into unprepared.” Was that a maniacal gleam in Vale’s four red eyes?

“The name’s Vale. I’m one of the two ardents. Though you probably won’t see me in this body again.” The spider lifted itself up on all eight legs in a sort of arachnid-shrug. “You’ll figure out how to recognize me. I’ve been told I’m very unique.”

Re: let me shine ;; joiner - Night of No Stars - 04-12-2022

as the child apologized the hamster let out a soft squeak. "oh no no! don't feel bad! i just never heard that one before." he tried to reassure the pup with his words. "its a fitting nickname for me. i look like a mouse man, don't i? tell you what, you can call me that personally. our little joke, yeah?"

the male looked to vale as ve spoke to him. "i will keep that in mind. thank you for welcoming me, vale. i will not let you down." he offered calmly.

i'm not afraid of fading

Re: let me shine ;; joiner - shinigami sakigami - 04-16-2022

The pup was relieved that the newcomer was not upset by his nickname. In truth, Arfur did not recognize the true species of the animal ahead of him. That had resulted in the confusion that was displayed. Even more calm rushed over him when Mr Snuggles allowed the nickname to slide. A soft grin would pad his maw, and he allowed a ginger nod. “Sure!” he replied, just before turning to Vale. As ve allowed entry to the small creature, the canine looked down with an excited face.

Do you want a tour? I’m a great tour guide!

Re: let me shine ;; joiner - blackjack - 04-17-2022

Huh, so they were giving the little guy a shot after all. Well, who was he to be a naysayer? Maybe this Mr. Snuggles guy had something to bring to the Pitt. It was hard to hide the smile that tugged at the jaguar's lips in response to the banter between the hamster and Arfur, who had bestowed a nickname upon the former that he apparently had never heard before. Real cute. "Welcome aboard, Snuggles. My name is Blackjack." He turned to the undead puppy beside him now and said in response to his offer of a tour, "I'll let you take this one, Arfur." The jaguar dipped his head before turning to depart. Though he was in a friendlier mood than before now that Snuggles was an established newcomer and not a quick meal, he still could not ignore the pangs of hunger that he felt, and being around something that snackable was not a good idea.
[glow=#f4c430,2,300]how to rob men blind[/glow] —

Re: let me shine ;; joiner - Night of No Stars - 04-17-2022

at the sight of the pup cheering up a bit, the little hamster could only smile. his eyes warm as he nodded softly. "yes. a tour would be just lovely." he offered with a soft chuckle. why not make a few friends early on.

then, he let his gaze find blackjack. watching the other leave to do gods only knew what. the male would wave his staff in a sort of farewell. before looking back to his new found tour guide. "i am thrilled to have the best tour guide leading me."

i'm not afraid of fading