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Time For Fun, Nickname Giving Love - Printable Version

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Time For Fun, Nickname Giving Love - Crimson - 04-04-2022

Kathizisi ~ Siberian Husky ~ The Pitt

Kathizisi smile sitting outside of her house. The one thing she liked the most was giving nicknames to others or simple not hearing them say their name. Kathizisi thought it was good to give others nicknames. She looked at the sky while thinking of names. She knew that someone would stop by soon and she would be able to give them a nickname.

Kathizisi smiled watching the sky as she waited. She hoped that she didn't have to wait long. Other than giving nicknames, she didn't have much fun in anything else. Kathizisi to herself thought that she was more of a mother figure than anything, that is why she liked giving nicknames to others.

By giving her nicknames to others, Kathizisi consider them family. She having others whom she could see as family and that she can care about and worry about.

Re: Time For Fun, Nickname Giving Love - blackjack - 04-04-2022

It seemed that whenever Blackjack so much as blinked, more newcomers would find their way to the Pitt and decide to settle down here. He wasn't one to visit the borders and welcome every joiner, nor did he ever bother keeping track of them (in all honesty, he couldn't give one shit about them unless they proved themselves interesting to him), but he found that lately that was becoming more and more of a detriment, for now he would walk into the plaza and see a variety of new faces that simply were not there the previous evening. He couldn't call them pleasant nor unpleasant surprises yet, merely a surprise. Whether or not their presence meant good or bad to him depended on their future interactions and if Blackjack saw any use for them to be around him in the first place.

Among these individuals was the Siberian husky before him, who he wholeheartedly could not recognize as someone he was well acquainted with. He identified her as Kathizisi (at least, he believed it was her name) based on the murmurs of some other Pittians earlier on, but he was certain that they had not been introduced to one another officially. Regardless, he could still be polite to her and see what she was up to. She seemed to be lost in thought, or perhaps waiting for someone. "What's on your mind, Kathizisi?" he asked curiously.
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Re: Time For Fun, Nickname Giving Love - shinigami sakigami - 04-05-2022

Arfur had never recalled having a nickname before in his life. Truthfully, he wasn’t sure how much he would actually enjoy it if given one. His name was rather nice he thought, and he didn’t like the thought of making it anything else than it was. In fact, his name was the only thing that reminded him that he had a family at one point. A real, blood sharing family.

Trudging closer, Arfur’s eyes would flicker amongst the two talking. A gentle smile appeared as he sat on his haunches. “Hi miss Kathi! Hi mister Blackjack!

Re: Time For Fun, Nickname Giving Love - Crimson - 04-07-2022

Kathizisi ~ Siberian Husky ~ The Pitt

Kathizisi smiled hearing Blackjack. "I was just thinking about giving out some nicknames to add to my family." She said happily as she now looked at Blackjack. As she looked at him, a name came to her that she thought would work for him. "Hm, I think the name Jack fits you." Kathizisi added still very happy that someone had stop to talk to her.

Kathizisi's smiled grew a bit more when she heard Arfur come up. She nodded in as a greeting to him before thinking to herself as she watched him. "Hm." She said thinking about what nickname she would give Arfur. She smiled more when a name came to her. "Arf, is what your nickname would be." Kathnizisi said hoping that neither one of them would be upset at the nicknames that she gave them.

Re: Time For Fun, Nickname Giving Love - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 04-08-2022

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


IC TEXT | IC opinions only

the male too, padded over upon hearing blackjack's voice, then other animals speaking. so she was here giving nicknames because she found it fun, how interesting. jor sat down next to blackjack, and his ear twitched as the nickname 'jack' was given. hadn't there been a jack once, in the pitt? that was a long time ago, hadn't it been?

Re: Time For Fun, Nickname Giving Love - blackjack - 04-10-2022

Nicknames, huh? She seemed to be on a roll today, dishing them out left and right for anyone that was passing by. He didn't find a particular use for what the husky was doing, but he supposed this was her idea of fun, and who was he to dictate what her interests were?

"I think the name Jack fits you." He knew the other was without a doubt harmless and merely indulging him in her current interest, and his physical self was composed still, yet something within him stiffened.

"Jack." The name felt bitter in his mouth, bitter turned metallic as though blood coated his tongue as he spoke. It was the first time he had had a reaction to his name in such a manner, and frankly, it took him aback.


i can call you jack, right

Noticing his heart skipping a few beats, the jaguar forced himself back to reality, blinking at the canine and offering her a faint smile. "Well, you're the expert here," he responded. "But I think so, too." It was better not to confront the previous events, especially not in a public space, and the feline felt he was successful in covering his turmoil — at worst he appeared to have zoned out for a moment, something he was prone to doing anyway. Besides, would it really make sense to live in fear of his own name? You are utterly ridiculous.
[glow=#f4c430,2,300]how to rob men blind[/glow] —

Re: Time For Fun, Nickname Giving Love - Crimson - 04-29-2022

Kathizisi ~ Siberian Husky ~ The Pitt

Kathizisi looked at Blackjack. She smiled and didn't mean any harm. "Sorry if I offended you in anyway." Kathizisi said still looking at Blackjack. She figured that Jack would be a good nickname for him.

Kathizisi looked at Jormungand seeing him and smiled at him. She didn't know his actual name at the time, but she watched him trying to think of a good nickname for him. "How about Jor." She said hoping he would like the nickname.

Re: Time For Fun, Nickname Giving Love - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 04-30-2022

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


IC TEXT | IC opinions only

jor. it was already his nickname but she most likely didn't know that. to humor her he nodded with a small smile, noticing silently blackjack's reaction towards being called jack. "that is a good nickname, kathizisi." he murmured, flicking his tail. "what about yourself? what is your nickname we can address you by?"