Beasts of Beyond
// joiner - Printable Version

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// joiner - DAMION MAVERICK - 04-03-2022



after years of slumber, the hellhound was back. back and ready to live and breathe again. acid dripped from his nose, his heart thudded against his ribcage as he approached the border. spikes and heads and skulls and body parts, how welcoming. the male hesitated, for once in her life. he could almost feel sofiya next to him, urging him on. his wife who had left the sweet sweet memories. he shook his fur, skin falling off. decay. it was one thing that plagued him, haunted him, cursed him. the curse his father had left him, a mutter of ממזר as his talons dug into his own blood's flesh.

he shook his head. that didn't matter now. now was time for a new beginning. his wife looked at him, her azure eyes blinking through thick lashes as she faded away. he smiled back and nodded thanks for the encouragement. turning his gaze to the border and his back to his disappearing lover. waiting, waiting for someone to approach him and say hello.

ממזר = bastard in Hebrew


Re: // joiner - Crimson - 04-03-2022

Kathizisi ~ Siberian Husky ~ The Pitt

Kathizisi had been walking by when she had noticed someone that seemed to be waiting. She looked at the other before walking over to him. "Hello." She asked getting close, but not too close. Kathizisi watched him carefully. She then figured it was probably a good idea to introduce herself. "I'm Kathizisi and who may you be?" She asked.

Kathizisi wasn't sure what to make of the newbie. Kathizisi smiled as ideas flood her mind. "Your heading towards the Pitt territory. Are you looking for a home?" She asked now curious of the newbie. She wanted to know more now. Kathizisi still watched Damion wondering what he would say and do.

Re: // joiner - shinigami sakigami - 04-03-2022

It was no secret Arfur was wary of strangers. Every time someone decided to display themselves upon the border, or even stroll into camp as he has seen before, he felt himself tense. What if it was someone mean? If someone mean just waltzed into camp and decided to do what they want, well, Arfur would not be having it! He had learned from his clanmates that you must be firm, perhaps even scary.

That was how you’d survive here.

Shifting his weight amongst his paws, the purple child has been nearby. Each dance from paw to paw was intricate and delicate, his eyes fixated on a small bug he had located. That is, until he heard a familiar voice ring in his ears. Ideally, he meant to ignore them. However, when the context of the words spoken by Kathizisi, his head shot up and he barreled over to face the new person. Skidding to a halt beside her, the puppy would sniff at the stranger.

Hi! I am Arfur! Are you going to live with me?

Re: // joiner - Violet Ryder - 04-03-2022

Leon Lite

Well, what an odd site to spot. Both Kat and Arfur had already made their own greetings to the stranger and it would look like the of the little party would join. Pale grey eyes scanning over the rotting flesh and decaying body. He wondered how the other could even wonder about with such a thing... and all he could think of was trying to find out why and do experiments to figure out how the other's body did such a cursed thing, but for now the boy would push back his own wants to experient and instead a smooth honeyed smile slipped on his maw.

"You're an interesting sight to behold but that could be discussed on a later note. I'm Leon Lite, a doctor in training. I've see you have meet two of mon amis" he spoke with a heavy and honeyed french accent while his long ears swerved foward and a almost innocent look would play on the youth's face. If the other did choose to join, Leon could always... watch from afar...

"Speech"  Thoughts

Re: // joiner - Kold - 04-03-2022

kold — female — Pitt — Newblood — Hard — Bio
"I'm Kold, the local Living Dead." said undead beast spoke, walking forward on staggering legs. Her voice seemed hoarse, ragged. She eyed the hellhound, squinting at his form. But enough energy was wasted speaking, so she sat down, wings twitching and aching.

"It seems... It seems that we both are in the Undead Cate... category." She wheezed, propping herself up on her one still decent leg. Not good, but decent.

Re: // joiner - Night of No Stars - 04-04-2022

the brute od a lion was next to arrive on the scene. eyes locked on the stranger and the many gathered. he didn't know any of them very well, if at all. yet, as a pale blood, he knew that he was safe with them. he would have to discuss this, bloodening thing. he needed to figure out how to do so and where to go. simply so he could get that insulting pale blood thing off his back. sitting to the side, the male would let his ears twitch slightly.

no more needed to be said until the other spoke in turn. thus, he waited there. watching the stranger with observant eyes. though, frankly, he was itching for something fun to do.

actions "speech"
don't try to fight this, and deal with it

Re: // joiner - DAMION MAVERICK - 04-04-2022



three's a crowd, what about four? he calmly observed everyone approaching. first came kathizisi, then a child barreled over, reminding him painfully of his own deceased children. he frowned, pain briefly flashing across his optics. his only answer was "yes, i'm here to join." before settling down in his spot and waiting for more to show up. another one, leon. so-called doctor. he cast a dead gaze over the other, noticing his cockiness and arrogance. and then another female, the "local living dead", as she so wonderfully put it.  her voice nearly broke on several occasions and he allowed a small smile. how interesting. she said it seemed they were both undead, and he nodded.



Re: // joiner - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 04-04-2022

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

ah, the interest of a newcomer. always welcoming. he strode over to the borders, the talk with baby really cheered him up. the newcomer didn't seem scared of the multiple threats that hung outside, and jor tilted his head. "i'm jormungand, the skald. who are you?" he repeated kathizisi's question, coming to a halt next to kold.

Re: // joiner - DAMION MAVERICK - 04-06-2022



the male cast an uninterested glance at the skald, who introduced himself as jormungand. the world-eating serpent, greedy and power-hungry. "damion maverick. now can i join, or what? i'd like to prove useful again, and it has been a long time since i'd interacted with anyone, so... forgive my mannerisms." he yawned, jaws overextending slightly with a creak.



Re: // joiner - VALE - 04-06-2022

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ 3-eyed crow
Vale swooped down from the air, attempting to land on Jor’s shoulders. Chernabog and Renlys both provided better perches—dragons had the advantage of horns and height—but Jor functioned well in their absence.

“Damion Maverick, eh? I’m Vale, one of two leaders. I’m the chaotic one, haha!”

The crow leaned to the right, peering around Jor’s head and locking two out of three eyes upon the undead hellhound. Vale hoped vis curse wasn’t starting to become contagious; the Pitt currently housed more rotting-yet-alive animals than anytime ve remembered. But Vale dismissed these concerns as egomania.

“Your application is received. Full membership will be granted upon completing your blooding ritual!” The crow flapped vis wings dramatically. “But, seriously, welcome to the Pitt. Ask anyone about the blooding’s details. See ya around!”