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thinking of him;; Open - Printable Version

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thinking of him;; Open - HISOKA - 05-23-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color:#212121"]♠ Hisoka doubted he was missed much. The fact of the matter was that he was off, a request of sorts from a dear friend of his. Which, working in the business that he did it was a damn near miracle to have. Most people that took up the job hunter were cynics. Untrustworthy bunch that, even on the rare occasions that they did meet up on missions it was mostly competitive rather than collaborative. There was good reason that hisoka worked mostly alone, and had a reputation of such, anyone really interesting to fight were fought and- unsurprisingly killed in said battle. Or they managed to get away. But he digress. There is an... occupational hazard to such things. All part of the job description. Really, hunter was just a glorified title given to mercenaries. But hunter sounded better, more professional compared to the roguish group barely held together. Hunters were meant to be contracted one at a time and not much work in bunches.

Really, For such a short resideancy (short in his time frame at least) he already considered this place home. Temporarily residency no longer~ No, this place was far too interesting for him to let go of now. Strange little taps of potential. He would protect them, let them grow up to become something fearsome and deliberately break it slowly. It sounded wonderful -exciting. The kitsune had needed something to past the time for the next few hundred years or so.

He slipped through the border quietly. Near silent footfalls as his coined gaze took in the... rather unchanged landscape. But there was something on the horizon. Some great calamity that Hisoka took an instant notice to. Maybe it had already effected the group- maybe the tribee's knew. There was irritation, feeling his tails flicker behind him in a way that looked hypnotizing (because he was disciplined enough to rule his body language). His approach faltered towards camp. Not out of hesitance but just... taking in the scene. People watching. Somber faces. Some seeming restfulness, well. There went his earlier excitement on arriving back home. Well, it looked like some mysteries were happening around here. He wondered where he could get some information around here.

As seamless as his disappearance was, his appearance was the same. Weaving throughout the camp and watching other's through a carefully concealed expression. He wondered were the deputy was, maybe killua would be willing to pass on some information? ♦

//Consider this my return to activity thread! ack sorry for the miny hiatus guys ★T^T♦

qualities of gum and rubber - ♥ // TAGS 「5/23」:

Re: thinking of him;; Open - quinn - 05-23-2018

oo, who was that? Quinn had never seen them around before, and she was fairly interested. Today, she'd actually found the energy to decide she did, in fact, feel like a girl today, and she did want to go by such pronouns. Of course, she wouldn't introduce herself that way, since they wouldn't be able to tell in the future, but all that aside.

The feline bounded over and a happy smile, her paws skidding her into a halt just before she managed to run into the man. "Heeeellooooo! I don't believe i've met ya before, M'quinn! Call me.. uh, well, Quinn, or Quinny, or I suppose Q works too. What're'ya doin' here, hm? Do ya live here? I haven't met everybody yet, so I wouldn't know."

well, she was talkative, no one could deny her that.

[glow=#f4d35e,1,000]strangely, I feel at home in this place[/glow]

Re: thinking of him;; Open - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-23-2018

[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]After going from one clan to the next, the assassin had been able to pick out a couple creatures the didn't necessarily enjoy being around or even trust for that matter. Having been an assassin his entire life, it wasn't exactly that hard to pick out those that were similar to him no matter how much they tried to hide it. The same went for those that joined Snowbound out of late, and there were Natasha and Bucky there were on his radar. They had a familiar vibe around them, and it was a vibe that Killua didn't exactly like. But at the same time, he wasn't really one that would be capable of judging someone based on that considering that he was a killer himself. Although he was trying to better himself instead of making his situation worse. He just wanted to be a kid for the remaining time that he could be a kid in that regard. Which didn't sound all that difficult to do, but when it came to his family that wanted nothing more to rip that freedom away from him again, he wasn't given much of a choice. He had been on the run for who knows how long away from his family now, and he was used to the presence of other clanners instead of that of his family. It made his life easier after all, as he didn't have to meet anyone's expectations either. He could just be himself, whether or others like it or not he didn't really care. He had made a friend, and that's what really mattered. Of course, there was never an announcement publicly that stated that he and London were friends, and he wouldn't mind keeping it that way either. After all, if word got out to any of his family what was happening while he was inside of the clan, they would probably try to get to Snowbound quicker and he couldn't have that. Plenty had happened since the last time he had seen Hisoka. The kitsune being one of the many creatures that were now on his watch list. Natasha, Bucky, Silentgrave, and Hisoka were all the different animals that he was going to watch while they were in the clan. When he hadn't seen the kitsune in a while, the assassin had almost been hopeful that the other wouldn't return. He could track the other by scent if he really wanted to figure out where he was heading, but at the same time, he wanted to stay away from the kitsune as much as possible. It wasn't hard to see that the mythical creature was incredibly strong compared to the likes of him. Killua couldn't afford to get another injury though, especially with the way, his mind was working as of late. He still didn't know what the issue was, but recently the headaches that he used to get seemed to increase intensity and make it almost impossible for him to make proper thoughts for himself. It was incredibly painful, and it happened just the other day.

He couldn't figure out the reasons why, and he hadn't been sleeping all that much since his nightmare. At least, he was trying since London had made him some gloves for him to wear while he was asleep so that he wouldn't nearly kill himself while he was sleeping. The assassin had bandages that were wrapped around his throat and his right arm, fairly tightly to keep from any dirt or grime getting underneath the bandages as he moved around. It would take another week before he was almost fully healed, and he would rejoice that moment because he was getting tired of changing his dressings all the time. He just wanted to be healed so that he could move his body the way he wanted to. Another predicament that happened while the kitsune was away was the appearance of the Zoldyck guard dog Mike finding his way toward Killua. The albino serval didn't know it, but Mike was there to gain information on his whereabouts and his current condition. The beast being controlled by Illumi, something that he hadn't taken into consideration just yet. He had considered the fact that his family had sent the 11ft Hellhound to find him so that they would at least know that he was alive, and if anything bad happened Mike would be capable of protecting him. However, he didn't enjoy the other basically shadowing every move that he made and never leaving him alone. On top of a headache and the hellhound, it was rare to see Killua in a good mood unless he was faking it. Which happened plenty of times. The young male was making his way to camp for his daily visit, although he never liked staying in the camp bc of the crowds that were in the camp. It was practically impossible for the wildcat to remain silent with a lumbering creature that was walking behind him. Frustrating. His metal claws didn't make any sound as they made contact with the rock flooring of the cave that made up the camp, and it seemed like as soon as he took a step into the camp, a familiar and unwelcoming scent filled his nostrils, causing a scowl to spread across his features. This time though, he didn't feel the fear that happened the first time he was around Hisoka. Although it wasn't pure fear, it was a mixture of emotions that he felt about the larger creature. Thanks to how small the camp was, Mike wasn't able to fit inside of the camp and was forced to sit just inside. Its emotionless eyes tracking everyone that came and went outside of the camp. His eyes locked onto the owner of the scent, and he was disappointed that the other had returned. Why? Where did he even go for that matter? Quinn didn't seem to realize who she was talking with, but he doubted that Hisoka would just kill someone that was trying to spark a conversation with him right? That's what the assassin hoped as he made his way over to them too, but kept plenty of distance between him and the kitsune. Who was full grown and already plenty bigger than he was at his current age. "I thought you would have left by now." The Snowstriker would state with a huff as he flexed his metal claws. There was no trust in his eyes, and his body language showed that he was alert. The way he talked sounded like he wasn't happy with the other coming back, and one would certainly be right in that observation.
[align=right][size=8pt]KILLUA ZOLDYCK - SNOWSEEKER - MALE - 8 MOONS
aaaa[align=center][div style="background-color:#BG COLOR; max-height: 125px;overflow: auto;"][div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]

Re: thinking of him;; Open - HISOKA - 05-24-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color:#212121"]♠ Hisoka had adapted a certain way of reading people that had little to do with their emotional input and very much more to deal with their threat level. That wasn't to say he was an idiot of course. He has lived on this planet longer than most here have, he was fairly sure. While kitsunes were normally lone creatures they always lived on brinks of civilizations and settlements. Tempering with mortals and tricking people because- well, there wasn't really much to do beside annoy people. He knew how to trick through omission. Though he was capricious for lairs.

He knew when to tell someone was lying, and easily when someone was hiding something. But he was only on his third tail, still had quite a while to go in comparison to the mighty nine-tailed he could be. and already he was so very powerful. Already the amount of challenge within the midst of these clans were trickling down to the handfuls. That was the importance of culling the potential, these little sparks few and far in between groups. Let them grow let them shine, unto something challenging and wonderful and dangerous. Snowbound as it seemed- had quite a few, a very good significant amount in comparison to others.

and oh it gave him chills just thinking about it. His fur prickling in excitement as he forsaken the previous anger. No, hisoka wasn't one to hold onto such petty emotions. Only thing that ever caught his interest anymore was the thrill of battle. Hunting, searching, killing. oh. 

So when quinn moved over with a very certain air of balance. It caught the kitsune's interest enough to stop and listen. Golden coin eyes resting on the small domestic. The blood speckled beast had patience, at least. Tolerable in the way that he could deal with rambling animals. Kind of part of the trade really. When he reached the peak, glaring down into some doomed dead-man's eyes that was all they could do really. Stutter out their promises, their regress, their last pathetic dying words.

He cocked his head just so, feeling the distinct shit in the air that alerted him of the assassin's presence before he spoke. Before hisoka could speak. Aah, speak of the devil and he shall come. When he turned his head a little to catch the other in his sights he took note of the other's denigrating health. Oh my. He just got through the whole 'don't fuck with my brother' shindig with illumi too. Hopefully he was the kind to not shoot the messenger. As much as hisoka admired someone who could pin him down in a fight- he wasn't interested in loosing one of his limbs anytime soon. Or gods forbid- a tail. No maybe it was a circumstance to, omit certain things. Just having to keep a closer eye on the other to be sure he actually slept.

Just as the silence was beginning to stretch on a little too long, the hunter raised a paw. His sharpened talons resting on the crest of his chest as he leaned his head back. Letting out a puffed imitation of mock hurt. "Killua, you wound me." His voice was smooth, a low timber as his words rolled along his tongue that was natural of a tri-lingual. "I was off escorting someone actually. Some of us do have to make a living you know~" Not saying he was poor by any means. In fact the kitsune had quite the gold mines around the place. All in little fox holes hidden from the untrained eye for him to later retrieve. Mostly goody piles, sometimes the occasional artifact.

" Curious little thing, arn't you?" The kitsune responded be-musingly. Tilting his head down to better meet eyes with Quinn. His voice takeing on a purred edge that was more to unsettle the deputy and ease the other into conversing more. Afterall, information gathering was part of the daily grind here after all. He seemed to have missed out on quite a lot by the looks of things. " I live here actually. Just returning back from a trip." He was pleasant, coming to rest down and let his tails flicker behind him as he sat. Seeming to sway to a unheard tune only in the ears of the kitsune. "It's a pleasure to meet you Q. Name's Hisoka." Of course, he didn't bother with a last name. No body in the are would recognize it anyway. no, his first name was the one that turned heads more often. Beside, there never was anything wrong with a bit of mystery.♦

qualities of gum and rubber - ♥ // TAGS 「5/23」:

Re: thinking of him;; Open - arcy - 05-24-2018

While Izuku wasn't terribly familiar with Hisoka, the green tabby knew him well enough to know his name(not that Hisoka had ever told him, but he'd heard it). Izuku isn't sure if he wants to remember Hisoka, honestly -- their first encounter had been pretty nasty, with Izuku on edge and Hisoka, bloodthirsty. No, not a great combo. Luckily, Izuku was a little less paranoid now. But only a little. He still didn't like Hisoka much at all. Aggression and hostility was one thing, and thirst for blood was another.
So -- Izuku is not the most pleased to see the white-furred kitsune again. Not that Izuku knows it's Hisoka right away, only having seen the other once, and also, Izuku's eyesight was absolutely horrible right now. Basically, he spends a long few moments squinting before it hits him. And then his mood plummets a little. Fantastic. He tries not to be so judgemental about Hisoka, he really does, but Izuku is way too put off by the kitsune's vibe.
"It's you again," Izuku finds himself saying a little bluntly as he finds himself wandering over. He stops a few feet away, looking up at the much larger kitsune with bleary, unfocused eyes. Then decides he doesn't like being even that close and attempts to discreetly shuffle farther away. It's not really discreet at all, considering how far he was moving. Anyways, his voice isn't upset or anything, it's just ... an observation. He hadn't really had any interactions with the other beyond their initial encounter, again. Though, Izuku's mild dislike of Hisoka just sort of. Grows. Even now. Which was ... not the intention. Izuku would like to trust all of his clanmates, even Hisoka, but wow, if his instincts still aren't going haywire about the kitsune. The maine coon tips his head slightly before speaking again. "Um -- welcome back? I'm Izuku," In case Hisoka hadn't bothered to learn Izuku's name last time. Either way, Izuku's usual anxiety regarding interacting with other people has been replaced by a simple sort of -- hesitance, as the Maine Coon's ears turn warily on his head. Should he say something other than that? No, probably not. Izuku doesn't want to accidentally make a bad second impression, because he's not exactly in the mood to get on the other's bad side. Or anyone's, for that matter.
what was i worth