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Pull at the Strings // bone arts and crafts - Printable Version

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Pull at the Strings // bone arts and crafts - VALE - 04-03-2022

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ skullfaced tiger
The greyscale tiger dumped three boxes of skeletons onto the Plaza’s stones. Under the pyramid’s long shadow, the sun-bleached bones did not glimmer or shine, though they sang a rattling lullaby. The largest rolled until they collided with [member=18214]AEGON[/member]’s paws.

The skeletons were all one of three species. Bovine: solid, long, with a terrifying skull until you notice the flat teeth. Vulture: the skull as creepy as the bones are lightweight. Rats: because it’s the little details that elevate a work of art.

Vale hummed to verself as ve pawed five into a pile for later (including quite a magnificent five-eyed vulture’s skull). This time also allowed interested Pittians in the Plaza to pad forward and begin investigating the specimens. Vale and Olalla’s vision for territory decorations would come to fruition much faster if Vale wasn’t the only one playing arts and crafts with carcasses.

“I’ve brought out these raw materials for two things.” Vale didn’t bother explaining where the skeletons came from; the gnaw marks were unmistakable. “First, we need bone chimes to place around the territory. Second, I recommend crafting bones into weapons or armor, if you want an edge on the battlefield.”

Vale held up a bovine rib bone. “Oh, and you find one of these lanky things? Toss it in a pile. I’ll use ‘em for a special project later.”

Re: Pull at the Strings // bone arts and crafts - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 04-03-2022

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

he padded up to their ardent with a small smile on his maw. "hey vale, how you doing?" his tongue tapped out to taste the air and he inhaled deeply, watching the bones clank on the floor against each other. "mind if i make some bone armor? could be useful." and would be an interesting present for asmodeus. he approached ver and gently butted vis shoulder with his nose in a friendly manner.

Re: Pull at the Strings // bone arts and crafts - shinigami sakigami - 04-04-2022

Although it was likely little known, Arfur loved arts and crafts. If one were to venture into his quaint living space, they’d notice upon his rock slab that he had several jars of paint. Beside them, he had plentiful materials to create art and flower crowns. The young pup had refrained from speaking about it in great detail, as he did not know how his clanmates would respond. Did they like crafts? Did they hate them? He had no idea.

Until now.

At the call of Vale, excitement lit up on the boy’s face as he bounded near, ears perked to the sky. Sliding across the dirt, he plopped down and began to handle the bones, quickly and efficiently trying to form a windchime. “Hey! Jormungand! Make me some too pleeeeeease!

Re: Pull at the Strings // bone arts and crafts - Kold - 04-04-2022

kold — female — Pitt — Newblood — Hard — Bio
Her wheezing breathing gave away her arrival. As she eyed the bones her body felt even weaker. Would she end up like that, just bones to be used as chimes or arts? Kold wheezed, sitting down nearby. Her sickly body was starting to look worse, and thus she stayed away from the group. "I'll just watch."

Re: Pull at the Strings // bone arts and crafts - Night of No Stars - 04-04-2022

the brute would move over and pause nearby. taking in the scene, he would offer a soft hum of thought before moving in. the male would settle in near the others and set to work on a bone chime. tossing any ribs he found to the pile vale pointed out. "how big do you want the chimes?" he asked gruffly as he used a claw to cut some string for his chime.

actions "speech"
don't try to fight this, and deal with it

Re: Pull at the Strings // bone arts and crafts - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 04-04-2022

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


IC TEXT | IC opinions only

he cast a glance at arfur, originally intending to make armor for himself, but since the child was, well, a child, he'd play along. "sure i can. pick maybe a femur out that fits your chest?" he rose and padded to the pile, looking for skulls and talons and ankle bones. kold padded over slowly, causing a frown to surface on jor's face. what really had happened to her, that caused her to become this creature? what happened to the firey animal he once knew?

Re: Pull at the Strings // bone arts and crafts - shinigami sakigami - 04-04-2022

By the time Jormungand had agreed to do so, Arfur had completed his windchime. With a bright grin across his face, he shuffled the object over to Vale. Proud of his handiwork, the pup would not and scoot back over to the pile, sifting through the bones with a bit of difficulty. The pup was still small with not much muscle to assist in him moving the pile around.

Then, he found what he needed. Ebony eyes trailing back towards the former, his tail shot up and wagged. Skeletal features shifted back and forth and a grin fell upon his face. “This one!” he proclaimed proudly, dropping it at their feet. It was only then that he realized others had joined the crowd.

You aren’t helping, Kold?” Arfur inquired, a frown taking up his face as he waited for a response.

Re: Pull at the Strings // bone arts and crafts - blackjack - 04-04-2022

Blackjack wasn't sure if he ever was formally introduced to Vale, but from what he had seen, ve seemed to be a very...interesting specimen. A spontaneous, strange individual that seemed to adopt a new form every time he laid eyes on ver, as though ver's entire being was a mere optical illusion for all those around ver. But as always, Blackjack Venturo was not a man of outspoken judgment. Only occasional, silent thoughts.

The jaguar had arrived at the sight of quite a few of his clanmates pulling a variety of bones and skulls from three boxes, along with various crafting materials to accompany them. Arts and crafts with the dead, hmm? Very in-character for the Pitt. Blackjack told hold of a small pile of assorted bones and began digging through them, picking out the bovine ribs that Vale desired and tossing into ver pile all but one, which he kept in his possession. "Think I can keep this for a weapon of mine?" he asked, nodding his head at the rib he held. He had done away with the rest of them in his pile, and he doubted that Vale minded if he spared just one of them for himself. He still found himself without a weapon of his own, primarily because he vastly preferred hand-to-hand combat, but he figured that as a full Pittian, it was about time to arm himself appropriately. He still kept the coyote tooth somewhere in his treehouse, having successfully dissociated it from his Blooding — maybe he could use it in his creation as well.
[glow=#f4c430,2,300]how to rob men blind[/glow] —

Re: Pull at the Strings // bone arts and crafts - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 04-05-2022

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


sorry arfur, i meant the pelvic bone! (i didn't do my research)
IC TEXT | IC opinions only

arfur had finished the windchime, then ran off to, with some difficulty, find a ribcage small enough for him. meanwhile jor chewed on his lip and thought about how how he could fasten it to the chest to make it a proper piece of armor. glancing around at the ground he found some stones. picked them up, smashed them against each other to create a sharper edge and break them apart so he could smoothen down the sides of the bones. he analysed the curves and realised that he could use string to weave together and pull it taunt enough to loop around the shoulders. then maybe something that held it fast to the underbelly?

Re: Pull at the Strings // bone arts and crafts - VALE - 04-05-2022

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ skullface tiger
“Fine with me, Jor. But do a windchime or a dozen, so I have less of ‘em to do.” The tiger rested vis chin atop Jor’s head until the skald moved away. Friendly affection? Probably more than that, considering their blasted-on-catnip night when Vale’d returned.

Ve began tying string around vis bone chime pile, about halfway through when Night of No Stars asked his question. The skullface’s red eyes slid to the dark lion; ve hummed and scratched at a cheekbone with claws.

“Any size you want to make, really. We’ll need a bunch across the territory. The more unique each bone chime, the easier it’ll be to navigate around with them as landmarks.” Vale assumed that was why Olalla liked the bone chimes, though the ardents could have two completely different reasons for wanting to add more gore to the lands.

Blackjack arrived while Vale finished up tying the first bone chime (rat legs dangling centipede-like from a bovine skull) and nodded, tail-tip curling around the exposed vertebrae at the end. “Go ahead. But make a bone chime, too, eh?”

With all the questions answered and vis first bone chime completed, Vale huffed. Time for a break, eh? And so ve noticed Kold. Tilting vis head to the right, the skullface asked, point blank, “Hey, Kold, I can grab a bowl of glue for ya, if you’re having trouble keeping your insides inside.”