Beasts of Beyond
Judged, bit, and shaded on // Olalla - Printable Version

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Judged, bit, and shaded on // Olalla - Kold - 04-02-2022

kold — female — Pitt — Newblood — Hard — Bio
Was her body giving out? The question wracked her mind at least a few times a day when her legs bowed in odd directions. It was to the point that, when she wasn't angry, she was concerned for her body. The Grey skies were a welcome sight to the pittian, as she walked the plaza cautiously. From seizures to her limbs acting weirdly, she didn't really wish to risk anything.

Why was she out in the plaza? She often wasn't, opting instead for the burned forest or the desert. But today she was hoping to run into someone. Who was that someone? Well, even she didn't quite know. She supposed anyone who wanted to talk to her.


Re: Judged, bit, and shaded on // Olalla - Olalla - 04-03-2022

Olalla G. Semenov
Male— Ardent— The Pitt— Bio.— Plot
Olalla had been sitting down where the lip of the jungle and the desert met, a small fire gently swaying in front of him. An iguana he had snagged off of a tree near the Nile, spiked by a sharpened stick, hung over the fire; sizzling every so often.

His eyes lifted from the cooking food to the awkward body that roamed the mouth of the Plaza. "Kold," Olalla exclaimed, lifting his thick frame to sit onto his haunches now. "Come on over here!" She didn't have to, though he'd be a bit surprised if she did given the fact that she hated him. For good reason he supposed, though that reason was oblivious to him. Doubtful she'd tell him.

Kold didn't look too good, she looked like a plant who'd been choked of its water for 2 weeks, perhaps she was hungry? Which reminded him to send a party to clean up the banks of the Nile, they could use the bones for more tools and decorations; to make this place at least feel comfy to those who live in it.

Re: Judged, bit, and shaded on // Olalla - Kold - 04-03-2022

kold — female — Pitt — Newblood — Hard — Bio
Her ears swiveled to the voice calling her name, and as her head followed, Kold twitched slightly. Why was Olalla beckoning her over? What did he want? With a wheezing breath she turned her body and started for him, trying to minimize the way her head drooped and her legs wobbled before she took steps. But even then, the rot of her torn lips flaked away ever so slightly.

"What do you want, Olalla?" She strained, partly annoyed and partly in minimal agony. She refused to sit down, but her legs begged for rest as they shook like thin twigs in the wind. Her fur was straw-like, dry and starting to fall away in thin strands.

Re: Judged, bit, and shaded on // Olalla - Olalla - 04-04-2022

Olalla G. Semenov
Male— Ardent— The Pitt— Bio.— Plot
"Oh don't be daft dear," Olalla remarked, followed by a somewhat charming smile. If a stained, spitty, wide smile was ever considered charming. The beast patted the spot beside him, though he didn't expect Kold of all creatures to sit. Still, an invitation, nonetheless.

"Are you alright? You seem a bit pale, have you been getting enough to drink? Enough to eat?" The beast turned his ears toward her and tilted his head subtly before crossing his front paws over each other and settling further into the cold, shaded dirt. "How is the Nile, is it running well?"

Re: Judged, bit, and shaded on // Olalla - Kold - 04-04-2022

kold — female — Pitt — Newblood — Hard — Bio
She let out a weak snort, though whatever of her lips that was still intact curved up into a weak smile. "Didn't expect you to want me near you. You know I hate you." She snipped, teeth clacking. But still, her hindquarters lowered and she sat down near him, head lowered. "Nice catch. Did a bird get it for you?" She raised a shaking paw and pointed it at the lizard over the fire, chuckling hoarsely.

At the question of her wellbeing, she hesitated. "You know how The Pitt is. Hardly enough for everyone. I'm doing the best I can." But it isn't enough. She shook herself gently, moving on to the next question. "For something as red as blood, it's running quite smoothly." Kold shrugged, keeping her eyes from Olalla.

Re: Judged, bit, and shaded on // Olalla - Olalla - 04-05-2022

Olalla G. Semenov
Male— Ardent— The Pitt— Bio.— Plot
Olalla chuckled lightly as he rearranged his paws with a slight shuffle. "Immensely," he teased with a clearing of his throat. He removed his top paw from the other to stoke the small fire, not wishing for it to sizzle out.

With Kold's next response, his brows furrowed, and he eyed the fire with dim, yellow slits. "I am going to change that, you know," Olalla grumbled as he lifted his gaze from the fire. "An equal system of barter amongst ourselves. Better food, better water quality, better living. Just better." Although now he figured he was sounding a bit soft, a bit of a dreamer in a sense. He drew in a sharp breath, excusing his dreams with a hasty pardon. "And in time, better armies. Better wars, although a war is still a war, so i suppose much more calculated attacks. Hopefully Vale will come to terms with learning," the beast added with a hearty chuckle, waving his paws around. "Gods forbid Vale has to learn."

The Ardent swayed his paw near the cooking animal with a smile, ignoring Kold's bantering of birds. "Would you care for any? Im not all that hungry and," Olalla looked back up at Kold with a bit of a head tilt. "You look like you need it more than me."

Re: Judged, bit, and shaded on // Olalla - Kold - 04-05-2022

kold — female — Pitt — Newblood — Hard — Bio
Another snort left Kold, this time, a weak red flame sprouted from her lips, flickering away almost instantly. Though she did not say anything, she turned her gaze toward the fire. Yes, she hated him immensely. For what he had and what she didn't.

She listened as the beast spoke, and with each word she found herself getting angrier and angrier. To the point that her forelegs shook with the fury she felt. Forcing a few deep breaths, she turned to face the Ardent she so desperately wanted gone for the moment. "There was an Ardent who had a very similar ideology to you. Before Vale, before Dante. I was young, naive, and thought he would make this place so much better. We hardly did anything under his reign." She seethed, though now the anger was redirected at this aforementioned Ardent. "We didn't fight back when our Grand Pyramid was shattered by The Coalition. We were constantly approached by Tanglewood for some fucking stupid thing like a punishment that we should have carried out, not them. Jormungand is a Pittian, not a Tangler." She shook her fur gently.

"Moving on. What I'm trying to say is: You better keep up that promise for 'A Better Pitt'. If you up and leave us, I'll hunt you down and drag your rat-looking ass back here for proper punishment." She narrowed her eyes, but sighed and shook her head. Looking to the lizard, she shook her head again. "Despite my deathly appearance, I haven't been too hungry." She spoke, completely ignoring the fact she pretty much spoke a speech to Olalla.