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TO THE STARS WHO LISTEN / open, gifts - Printable Version

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TO THE STARS WHO LISTEN / open, gifts - Margaery - 05-23-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
Margaery had stirred that morning possessed by a sudden and insatiable need to give back to the individuals who had made the Ascendants not just a place for her to reside in, but a home. She did not often reward those whom had helped her in any capacity with anything save a verbal acknowledgement and, knowing that that had to change, had personally scoured the land and, luckily, encountered a few traders from which she gathered her gifts. It was time that she expressed her appreciation in different ways. After all, words only carried so much meaning, it was actions and niceties such as this one that conveyed how she truly felt about her clanma- no, her family.  And there they were, resting at her paws. The parcels were wrapped in shining silver and pink wrapping paper and adorned with tags and over-the-top bows that she had acquired from some wandering fae who insisted upon just giving them to her. She had expressed her gratitude more times then she could count.

She was beaming now, absolutely radiant in the golden light as the sun began to dip slowly below the horizon. Roses, a brilliant yellow, blossomed amiably at her feet and made for quite the scene. Here she was, living, breathing, absolutely ecstatic to be here and so eager to share her feelings with her fellows Ascendants via means of a gift. She had double and triple checked everything and ensured that someone would get something. It was the least she could do. She had endured much in the past few weeks and had it not been for her friends here, things within her life would be vastly different.

[color=#b14767]"Ascendants!" She called out, her unfiltered happiness bleeding into even her voice, [color=#b14767]"I have gifts for you all!"

Re: TO THE STARS WHO LISTEN / open, gifts - BASTILLEPAW - 05-23-2018

[Image: jgC0ptA.png]
Lately, Margy seemed very... cheerful. He wasn’t sure what had gotten into her — possibly her powers returning? — but the gloom seemed to have lifter. She was happier than he’d ever seen her, these days, and it had the effect of boosting his mood around her, too. His powers weren’t quite as rebellious, his souls seemed at peace for the moment, and he was content with his personal revenge against Beck. He had already seemed to be particularly less gloomy himself, but when he saw Margy he offered her a roguish grin in greeting.

”I doubt any of us actually deserve it,” he drawled playfully in greeting, looking amused as he settled down beside her. He considered for a moment, and then amended, [b]”Well, maybe, like Mira or Hazel. I don’t think they’ve ever done a bad thing in their life.”
[align=center][Image: 4ySBjji.png]
the ascendants — cosmic general — tags
[div style="width:400px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-size: 8px"]© MADI

Re: TO THE STARS WHO LISTEN / open, gifts - ★ HAZEL - 05-23-2018

Hazel wished that was true. She wished she had done no wrong and felt her innocence preside over her guilt, but unfortunately, there would always be a missing puzzle piece in her aura; a sort of dimness that indicated lack of knowledge and a sort of confused hollowness. Hazel knew there was something missing in her self - in her soul - that provided the answer to some of her guilt, but was unable to put a finger on precisely what it was. Many times she had broken something or said something that made Mother angry and call her all sorts of nasty things, but whatever this hole was, it was deeper. Embedded in the depths of her soul, under memories and trauma and personality.

So yes, Hazel had never committed a true crime (like burning someone's garden and half the source of their happiness), but she also felt as if she had still done something. That something wasn't right, and ever since that flashback, the discomfort in her soul only grew.

But the girl joined Bastille and Margy anyway, grinning and tossing a semi-playful "Yeah, that's what you think," in Bastille's direction before she sat down. The sight of a happy Margaery was always good for her spirits, not to mention presents. Curiosity sinking its hooks into her limbs, Hazel leaned forward, eyes alight with anticipation and a spark of childish glee. "What're in the boxes, Margy?" She asked, tail curling and smile widening as she took in the beauty and effort put into the presents.
— hazel — "speech" — seven months — the ascendants — tags
c) miithers

Re: TO THE STARS WHO LISTEN / open, gifts - Suiteheart - 05-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width: ##px; height: ##px;"][Image: E8agfv5.png]
Suiteheart, all the while, had felt everything. The subtle notes of happiness through the day were welcomed with open arms not only because it made herself feel better but because she knew her wife was content. The joy she had felt in recent days was not because of her own heart and mind, no, it was from Margaery. The high spirits the chocolate point was in had even lifted the polar bear's mood as she was still somewhat gloomy from being in this state. Even so, Suite's mood shift was noticeable.

Both of them actually seemed... happy. Throughout their time in the Ascendants, terrible thoughts and deeds had plagued their existence (some self made, others fated instances). Now, however, things appeared to be looking skyward. Suite hoped it remained that way with all her heart. She and her wife deserved to be at some sort of peace, dammit.

Lumbering forward at her beloved's call, the large creature would sit down beside Hazel, trying not to smile at Bastillepaw's words. The boy was true; Haze and Mira were surely the only ones actually deserving of a gift. She did laugh a bit at Hazel's response, and Suite couldn't help but wonder what "bad" thing her favorite golden girl had done. "Ah, come on now, Basty Boy. I think we've all been good lately," Suite replied, smiling.

Dark eyes fell on her wife, curiosity glittering deep within their obsidian depths. Suite had been trying to not listen to their bond in order to be surprised at whatever gift her wife might have for her, and she had succeeded in keeping everything under wraps. The Cosmic General was very eager to see what sort of present her wife had thought to give her. She smiled. Oh, how she smiled in wonder and happiness and love.

Re: TO THE STARS WHO LISTEN / open, gifts - Margaery - 05-25-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
Margaery's cheeriness did in fact stem from the return of her powers. Her flower prints provided her a sense of comfort and served as a perpetual reminder of how things used to be- most everything about her life had changed since the last time she possessed the ability and thus, she realized such is inevitable. As mundane and almost trivial as that sounded, the revelation had indeed succeeded in altering the starstruck general's view on, well, the world and her melancholy take on it.

But that didn't matter right now, not when there were presents of all shapes and sizes scattered around her paws. [color=#b14767]"Just because you think you don't deserve it doesn't change the fact that you're getting one," She would inform Bast upon hearing his comment, a faint smile curving her lips. His gift was one she was most worried about giving (he was awful to shop for, there were so many possibilities and she was dreadfully indecisive) but she was certain that he would at least entertain her with false gratitude even if he didn't like it. He was kind to her in that sense. Pushing the heavy package forward, she would hopefully watch as he opened and revealed to his clanmates a set of leather-bound journals and a bottle of very, very expensive wine. Only the best for her son who wasn't exactly her son.

And then came Hazel.

She'd smile at the girl before finding her box, hoping and praying that she'd like the gift she had chosen for her. She had come across a lioness trader who specialized in carrying all sorts of books and such and had picked up a few cookbooks for Hazel. One had been empty and, to sort of get her started, Margaery had copied some recipes from her mother's old journals into Hazel's. [color=#b14767]"I really hope you like them," She said lightly, suddenly embarrassed. It admittedly felt rather strange to be gifting another individual whom she perceived as one of her own something that Caroline had written. She and her mother had not been on good terms for nearly Margaery's entire life and yet, she still devoted herself to reading her diaries and understanding her life- even to this day. Oh well, she had included Caroline's recipes for the sake of Hazel to enjoy them. Her complicated relationship with her presumably deceased mother didn't matter with that in mind.

Suite's arrival was noted with a bright smile, the girl quickly searching for her wife's gift without wasting a moment's breath. [color=#b14767]"I found the shadowbox part... everything else I did myself," She informed quietly. What Suiteheart would find wrapped tightly in sparkling silver wrapping paper would be a shadowbox with a picture of their tiny family - Margy, Suite, and the Souls - beaming in the center of it. Dried lilies, geraniums, and roses as well as sparkling confetti filled the box and gave it personality. It was something Margaery took pride in and honestly, she couldn't wait to see Suite's reaction.

[color=#b14767]"You all have been so wonderful to me and I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude towards each and every one of you. I know that words often fail short in conveying true meaning so I figured that these gifts would better express my feelings."

Re: TO THE STARS WHO LISTEN / open, gifts - Suiteheart - 05-26-2018

[align=center][div style="width: ##px; height: ##px;"][Image: E8agfv5.png]
Dark eyes watched in happiness as Margaery presented both Bastillepaw and Hazel with gifts. She tried to peer into the bond she shared with her wife in order to figure out what their gifts were, and once she got through, a smile lit up her features. Journals and fine wine for Bastille. Cookbooks for Haze. The polar bear was certain the younger creatures would enjoy their gifts. After all, those presents spoke to who they were.

Her eyes widened a bit as the chocolate point pushed forward a present. It was wrapped neatly in silver paper that sparkled brightly. She grinned softly, and she was excited to see what this could be. Margaery was so kind. She was amazing. Suite truly, truly loved her. She loved her not because she was giving gifts, no, she loved her because Margaery wanted to make everyone feel important.

The Cosmic General would nod at her wife's words before gently opening the gift. Once she had ripped away at all the wrapping, she pulled the shadowbox close to inspect it. The grin she currently wore transformed into a radiant smile. "Oh, Margy," she rumbled, happiness easily finding its way into her tone, "this is amazing! I love it!" Her eyes swept over each intricate detail of the shadowbox - the flowers that symbolized each individual in the photo, the confetti and the glitter, and even the picture itself. Suite could've cried at how absolutely precious the act was. Aiming to pull her wife into a soft embrace, she said, [color=#73B1B7][b]"This is one of the best gifts I've ever gotten. Thank you. I love you!"

Re: TO THE STARS WHO LISTEN / open, gifts - ★ HAZEL - 05-27-2018

For an hot second, Hazel was sure Margy was making a joke about Hazel's horrid attempt at baking. (Yes, there was still a burn mark on the inside of her leg, okay?) But the tiny flame of discomfort was quickly snuffed out after Margy's "I really hope you like them." She seemed to be sincere and genuine, and it warmed Hazel's heart - besides, she wasn't sure Margaery had it in her to tease over something like that.

"Never been given a present before," Hazel murmured softly, reverent. She didn't want to ruin the bow, or the paper, so she opened it very carefully, hoping to save both for later craft use. Once both were off, Hazel's eyes lit up. It was - it was a book! A smile danced across her expression, giddy as she opened the cover. Her own book! She could start her library with this, like Bastille!

And then, very slowly, her expression fell; melted to one of sadness as she ran a paw over some of the words on the page.

"I can't read it," Hazel all but whispered, voice cracking in just the slightest as her smile flickered. Helpless, she glanced up, gaze flicking from Bastille to Suite to Margy. Bast was helping her learn to read, and for that reason her gaze lingered on him just a fraction longer, but for now, she was illiterate in English. "I'm sorry, Margy." She murmured, blinking down at her paws with a watery golden gaze. Christ. This was mortifying. Margaery wanted to do something nice for everyone, and Hazel couldn't even use the wonderful gift she was given. And she wanted to read it to; wanted to read it so badly it almost hurt.

Hazel swallowed. "I'm sure it's lovely, but...I can't read English." She curled her tail tightly around her paws, wanting to shrink in on herself. Margy tried so hard, and Hazel was unable to reciprocate.
— hazel — "speech" — seven months — the ascendants — tags
c) miithers

Re: TO THE STARS WHO LISTEN / open, gifts - BASTILLEPAW - 05-28-2018

[Image: jgC0ptA.png]
Bastille shot Hazel a playful smirk, evidently not buying for a second that she had done anything terrible in her life. Oh, she could play coy all she wanted, but his expression alone was enough to clarify that he was calling bullshit. "I don't know," he drawled idly in response to Suite, grinning slightly, "I'd give us, like, a 5 out of 10, maybe." He wasn't going to fight Margy on it, however, because he knew it was futile. He couldn't think of a time when he'd actually ever received a gift (he hardly counted getting his mother's necklace from her corpse, thanks to one of her friends), and so the gesture left him briefly flustered, but he forced himself not to look awkward and instead just focus on opening it to make her happy.

He supposed he shouldn't be surprised that Margy seemed to know him well, but it still startled him a little bit to see the journals. He was an avid reader, true, but something stirred in him at the sight of the journals -- Grimm, no doubt, had passed down a special affinity for words and recording them. Good for stories, popped into his mind immediately, and that seemed to confirm it. That, and leave it to Margy to draw on their shared taste in wine. He smiled crookedly and glanced up at her, overcoming the faint flush he felt to offer, "Thanks, Margy." Trying to express anything more complicated would probably only bring out that awkwardness, and besides -- he was distracted by Hazel.

He realized probably a beat before he saw her face fell what the problem was going to be, and he was already looking at her when she turned towards him. He felt a flare of guilt, as if he should have been able to teach her better or faster by now, even if he knew that was probably impossible. Still, however, something about the dimming of her aura made him feel restless, and after a beat he was saying, voice deceptively light, "We can just switch to reading that one, instead." What were they in the middle of, The Odyssey? They could always come back to it. After a pause, he added, "Or I can just read it to you when you want to try the cooking again. Or something. I don't know." He wanted to promise that she'd be able to read it eventually, but bit his tongue -- he didn't want to promise that, didn't want to risk failing and letting her down on a promise.
[align=center][Image: 4ySBjji.png]
the ascendants — astral seraph — tags
[div style="width:400px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-size: 8px"]© MADI