Beasts of Beyond
An Old, But Young Heart ~Introduction~ - Printable Version

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An Old, But Young Heart ~Introduction~ - Crimson - 04-01-2022

Kathizisi ~ Siberian Husky ~ The Pitt

A young, but not too young Siberian Husky sat just outside of where she was sitting. She loved excitement, but she also had a dark side to her. This Siberian Husky's name is Kathizisi. Kathizisi liked to watched the others as they went by, but she was wanting something more. As she watched the others she thought about her life.

Kathizisi stood up and looked at the sky and smiled before she started off. She looked straight ahead as she walked before stopping and sitting once more. She smiled watching more go by. She didn't say anything, but she also wasn't paying too much attention if anyone came up on her.

Re: An Old, But Young Heart ~Introduction~ - shinigami sakigami - 04-02-2022

The young pup had figured out the routine of people by now. They usually went to bed at all hours, waking only to trail around aimlessly or participate in foul activities. Arfur didn’t understand the motives of the very place he lived. He also didn’t feel it was his place to question how things ran whatsoever.

Stumbling upon this new face, one he was unsure about, he let a large smile fill his face. “Hi! I’m Arfur,” he greeted, dipping his head politely.

Re: An Old, But Young Heart ~Introduction~ - Violet Ryder - 04-02-2022

Leon Lite

Leon was going on his way, doing his own things, busying himself with small tasks while his pale grey eyes scanned the clearing, his limp prominent as he moved with almost ghostly grace despite having something such as a limp. His long ears swerving forward as he heard the excited yip of a young pup and a soft hum came from the doctor in training before deciding to approach the other youths.

"Would any of you be interested in a cup of thè(tea)?" his heavy french accent sung through after Arfur had excitedly introduced himself to the young husky. A charming smile slipped on his maw in a form of greeting. "My name is Leon, I'm training to be a doctor" he expressed coolly to the others. Why not? Would be a good way to make some new "friends" with the others, especially ones near to close his age.

"Speech"  Thoughts

Re: An Old, But Young Heart ~Introduction~ - Crimson - 04-03-2022

Kathizisi ~ Siberian Husky ~ The Pitt

Kathizisi smiled hearing the two. “Nice to meet you Arfur, Leo.” Kathizisi said not hearing the n in Leon’s name. Kathizisi then shook her head in response to Leon’s question. She was happy to talk to others. She looked at the two still.

Kathizisi smiled looking from Arfur and Leon to the sky. ”Are you two causing any trouble?” she asked, now looking back at the two. She didn’t mind when others caused trouble, she actually liked hearing about the trouble that was caused.