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creatures in the dark | pain - Printable Version

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creatures in the dark | pain - SOJOURN - 04-01-2022

Coming back from the dead was still an odd sensation for her. Yet she was becoming more and more accustomed to being alive again. Though she knew after she had killed herself that she would not stay gone forever. Death was not the answer for her and so now she roamed her home as a living corpse. Hardly anyone seemed to want to come near her save for a few which was understandable. She was a rotten thing. A rotting thing. Vile and her history as Kingpin denoted that easily. Her time before had been brutal and though she tried to do things slightly different and focus on those that deserved her judgment she was still seen as a deplorable thing. Did it hurt her? The woman hadn't really thought about it and she doubted that she would look so deeply at the issue for there was something else she was staring at now.

Her former home. A palace of ice and snow. Her gaze roamed over it and she slowly pushed open the crystal like door. The home still stood immaculately despite disuse over the two years. But there was a stark difference. The sounds of children were missing. Her pink gaze roamed over the area and she sighed as she entered the room she had given to him. A frown pulling on her muzzle as a thought invaded her mind. "Ruven...." She muttered to herself and she looked down at her paws. "Are you as dead as I am right now? .....I wonder what you would think of me if I told you the truth. That I stole you...that I lied to you in order to have a son. To have someone." No tears left her eyes, her rotten figure too dried up.

Maybe she was tired but she laid down in her former son's room. "Your parents were nothing but a meal to me. In the way. I'm sorry that I took what I could not have. But I wish you were here. I wish you both were here." Her two sons. Her two children. Yet she was alone again. She was the bad one. She was the evil one. And she couldn't help the small and bitter laughter from leaving her jaws.