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the smallest bee packs a sting + intro/trapped! - Printable Version

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the smallest bee packs a sting + intro/trapped! - MONTROSE. - 03-29-2022

At an unmentioned point during years gone by, a fellow named Irving Montrose took up residence on the Coalition of the Condemned's central island. Sitting along the mountain village's frigid outskirts was the homestead in which he occupied, lined by thick stone walls, shutting out both the cold and the Coalition's common folk. Idle conversation and good fellowship were inessential concepts to Mr. Montrose, and apart from showing his face when the situation absolutely called for it, he led a solitary life.

The few who knew of the timber wolf referred to him only with his surname. 'Montrose', from his perspective, carried far more depth than 'Irving' ever could. And along with reading, researching, and the occasional grand scheming, depth mattered a fair bit to Montrose. Each and every situation, setting, and person presented their own unique variables; they required careful consideration before being acted upon. It was a thorough - and oftentimes lengthy - process, but this fashion of thinking has served him well thus far.

Anyways. Today's circumstances were a bit different. It would seem that depth, in a literal sense, was his undoing. During his once-a-week supply run, taking the exact same path which he always did, the snow beneath his paws inexplicably gave way. It was only a smattering of moments ago where the wolf stood on relatively solid ground. Now, he found himself in a rather deep sinkhole.

Comparatively speaking, it wasn't all too deep. If Montrose stood just four feet taller, he would have little trouble escaping its earthly clutches. But the walls of soil encircling him proved too immense for the canine's physical form, and in such an enclosed environment, there were little variables to consider. Thus, in a rare turn of events, Montrose acted on impulse.

"Assist me! Anybody!" he howled from below. Although he would much rather make his own escape and avoid face-to-face interaction, the only way out would come through external aid. And as he realised this, Montrose writhed. "Down here! In this gods'-damned sinkhole!"

Re: the smallest bee packs a sting + intro/trapped! - Casphian - 03-30-2022

The snow the covered the ground had excited the feline when they awoke that morning and felt the chill in the air and the soft wetness beneath their paws as the snow melted slightly where they stepped. Saturn found themself bounding through the snow, not really having any particular destination in mind, more so that they were just happy to feel the snow and the cold that cooled off their dense fur. Being a snow leopard that was stuck in a place that didn't have cold weather 24/7 honestly took a toll on the feline. The warmer summer months would leave Saturn mostly stuck inside somewhere or laid out in a river to keep their body cooled off. Their double coat was most definitely not built for heat.
The sound of a voice calling out for help drew Saturn to a stop, their ears flicked to the side in search of the voice again when it finally rang out once more. They quickly darted off in the direction, skidding to a stop once they reached the chasm that was the hole. "Hello?" they called out curiously, peeking their head over the edge of the hole. cloudy orbs peered down at Montrose, never quite taking in the form of the wolf. "Are you okay down there?"

Re: the smallest bee packs a sting + intro/trapped! - MONTROSE. - 03-31-2022

Apprehension was welling up inside Montrose at a steady pace. The initial fall had caused a fair amount of grief, and every moment spent down in the sinkhole frustrated the wolf even further. Alongside frustration was the embarrassment that came with feeling so helpless. And the embarrassment did not help the situation at all. He shuddered at the conjured image of how laughably pitiful he must look in this situation. Marooned in a sinkhole approximately five metres deep. Stuck in all that earth. Lost to the worms.

An indeterminate amount of time passed before aid came. It may have been seconds, potentially minutes. But a leopard of the snowy variety, someone from the Coalition like he, soon answered his pleas for rescue. Their physical form triumphed the wolf's when it came to size (and probably muscle mass), and to top it all of, they bore an impressive set of wings. Taking these factors into consideration, Montrose was quite satisfied with Saturn happening to be the one to locate him - there were far smaller members of the group, after all.

"Unfortunately, I am not," the canine responds from below, his tone hardly concealing the underlying frustration in his system. Optimistically speaking, however, he would be free from the soil's grasp soon enough."Help would be greatly appreciated," Montrose pressed on, an undesired wag taking hold of his tail. "It's hardly comfortable down here. Are you able to grab me, and fly me out?"

Re: the smallest bee packs a sting + intro/trapped! - Byriath - 04-01-2022

[div style="margin-top: 4px; margin-left: 9px; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 36px; text-transform: lowercase; text-align: left; line-height: 22px;"]WE'LL ALWAYS SEEK,
The heavy thump of large paws could be heard as the massive feline approached Saturn, not seeing who his husband was staring at. Confusion laced his glowing eyes as he heard Montrose, but couldn't see him until he stopped next to Saturn and looked down. "Shit, you're pretty far in there." and he held back a snort. This wasn't the time for jokes, but he examined the sinkhole. Yeah, the stranger was very much stuck in a hole. Again, another snort left him.

"Yeah, hun. Do you think you can get him? Or should I?" He glanced at his blind lover. He knew better than to belittle them for their lack of sight - they were still able to navigate and direct themselves around the place quite nicely.
name — tags — played by DIO

Re: the smallest bee packs a sting + intro/trapped! - rhosmari - 04-02-2022

The woman was still getting comfortable here. Attempting to fit in she guess although she had yet to think about taking a bath. From where she had come from that had not exactly been a priority. So she still had dirt smudged and in her pelt. Looking rather dismal as it were but she was fine with that. The only reason she was here anyway was to get away from her former home and have a life. So when she heard the commotion she huffed as she shoved her way through snow and ice. This was not the most ideal environment but she had nowhere else to go currently. Sucking in a breath the feline would hop her way onto a rock and did blinked her odd eyes as she looked down at the wolf that was stuck. "Oh...." There were already others offering to help him out of the hole and so she glanced up before looking back down to the guy.

"I can get a stick for you to use to get out. Not as fancy like flyin' but it'll get the job done." Disappearing for a moment, she took a little bit before her head popped back over the rim of the hole. She looked down, gauging the distance before she disappeared again. Not too long sounds of grunting cam be heard and well it wasn't from her but a nearby Wanderer she had asked for help. A large trunk of a long was dropped into the hole, the end sticking out of the hole and she gave a grin as she looked at the wolf. "Try this!"

Re: the smallest bee packs a sting + intro/trapped! - MONTROSE. - 04-02-2022

The outlines of two more individuals soon came into view, gawking down at him from the sinkhole's overhang. Both appeared to be felines of some sort, although one of the new arrivals greatly prevailed over the other in terms of size. While the hole's summit proved itself as too far beyond Montrose's own reach, the wolf had no trouble in understanding those who stood above him. And frankly, he was growing a tad frustrated with their lacklustre rescue attempts.

"It hardly matters who's getting me out," he asserts in a somewhat impatient tone, unknowing of Saturn's blindness, "as long as it's sooner, and not later. I don't want to become food for the moles and the worms."

Next, he fixates his attention on the third creature to answer his pleas. She clocked in at a meagre fraction of the sabretooth's body mass, and yet, the floral-patterned pussycat was contributing more to the extraction effort than the other two. The chunk of trunk that she deposited into the sinkhole was long enough to span from the bottom to an exit point.

This would have made quite the impact in the current circumstance - had he been born a feline. Regrettably, Montrose lacked the catlike nimbleness which would have allowed him to climb on out. Thus, when he did try to scale the log and escape the earth's clutches, he hardly made it halfway out before ragdolling down to the bottom.

"If you would be so good to grab me and haul me out, good sir," Montrose implores the xenosmilus, unconcerned about how uncomfortable the procedure might be, "I will owe you one. I just want out of this fucking hole." What an embarrassing way to cordially meet everybody, he thought.

Re: the smallest bee packs a sting + intro/trapped! - Casphian - 04-02-2022

Gradient wings had started to spread out when Saturn felt their husband stop beside them. A soft giggle sounded from the leopard at the statement that was made, finding the situation to be a little funny honestly. "I can get them out dear, it would probably be easiest for me to do it anyways," they hummed, grateful that Byriath had asked them about it instead of assuming they wouldn't be able to help. Their ears pricked to the side when they feminine voice spoke up beside them. The sound of something crashing into the pit sent a pick of anxiety through them as the thoughts of the stuck wolf getting hurt but when the male spoke up whatever anxiety Saturn felt had disappeared.

While Montrose was talking, Saturn had taken the time to lift into the air and move to lower down into the pit. They used the wolf's voice as a way to guide theirself down until finally their back paws touched the ground and they fully lowered their body onto the ground, wings curling against their sides once more. Their cloudy orbs searched for Montrose, never quite finding him since they could no longer use the voice to go off of. "I'll need someone to guide me back up once i have use lifted into the air but as long as you don't move too much I'll be able to get you out of here with no problem," they hummed, a smile dancing on their muzzle.

Re: the smallest bee packs a sting + intro/trapped! - Byriath - 04-02-2022

[div style="margin-top: 4px; margin-left: 9px; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 36px; text-transform: lowercase; text-align: left; line-height: 22px;"]WE'LL ALWAYS SEEK,
A slightly annoyed huff left the Xenosmilus as he heard Montrose's urgent yells. Giving Saturn a smile, and pressing his body lightly against theirs before they started to drift down the hole, he gave Vivian a glance before shaking out his fur. "Okay, okay, Saturn's coming to get you out. You don't have to curse." He rumbled, but stood closer to the edge. "Let us know if you need any more help, Saturn. We don't need two people hurt."
name — tags — played by DIO