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dancing on snowflakes ;; joiner - Printable Version

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dancing on snowflakes ;; joiner - Nickodemus Mistletoe - 03-29-2022

the woman loved being free to wander, but she wanted something more. especially if her friend was going to come looking for her. she wanted to settle down, but she wanted somewhere suited to her. thus, she found herself sitting on the edge of a small ledge. resting on a mountain was not something she was used to doing. yet, she was having fun here. letting out a yawn, she opted to call out for attention in this strange place.

"anyone live around here?" her voice was calm. simply seeking anyone near her. the woman was simply waiting for an answer. the white and red feline was not all that sure someone dwelled here.

Re: dancing on snowflakes ;; joiner - Nickodemus Mistletoe - 03-30-2022

now, he was not one for enjoying the mall things. he was, if anything, a massive jerk about things. he prefers a good fight to a good view. yet, seeing his friend alone was not something he liked. he always tailed her, as without her, he had to much of a temper. so, was it any surprise that he followed her? in his mind, no. in hers, likely no. he was always with her.

so, it was no issue for him to leap up and settle behind her. "talking to me or the air?" he inquired in that gruff tone. eyes looking down at the smaller feline. he was, in his way, teasing her.

Re: dancing on snowflakes ;; joiner - Persephone - 06-13-2022

Persephone A. Lingre    Canine Mix speaks in this color thoughts are in thiscolor TAGS Frostguard
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #f5f5f5;"]  Now having two at the border was one thing, but this was  first a least for her.  Persephone was not sure of how to interact with strangers, though putting a cordial and welcoming demeanor.  The young woman made her way over towards the duo, she was curious.  The scents at least told her that both were far from here.

"Hello who are you?"

Re: dancing on snowflakes ;; joiner - Nickodemus Mistletoe - 06-16-2022

kabe knew that geki was not far behind. he went everywhere with her and she was fine with that. his comment about talking to the air or to him made her fold her ears. the male was always so grumpy, but she was not going to let that stop her. so, she turned and pawed at his nose.

"no silly. there are others living here. i am talking to them!" a new voice called her attention back and she let her ears perk up. "hi! i'm kabegami and this is gekigami! we came to join." she offered with a small wave of her tail.



Re: dancing on snowflakes ;; joiner - Nickodemus Mistletoe - 06-16-2022

the soft batting on his nose got a gruff laugh before a new voice made his head swivel. eyes locked onto the stranger calmly. he did not open his maw to speak, but he did watch. as he knew kabe was better with people.

he was better with ending people. these things were not the same. nodding curtly, he let his lightning blue eyes flick back to kabe as she spoke for them. simply letting her handle this situation. for now.



Re: dancing on snowflakes ;; joiner - jerisidie - 06-26-2022

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
THE WAVES WILL BREAK! -- hellhound. regent.
the border was always ... an interesting place. there were usually all sorts of strange things happening, and reports of increased loner activity via his rangers had the regent doing more patrols than usual in the vast frozen territory he called home, and where he raised his family. tailing after his daughter's scent, letting her lead the way, he would soon catch up to persephone as well as the duo of kabegami and gekigami, his golden eyes cruising over the pair. clearing his throat softly, he would simply observe for the time being until they listed their intent.

"i'd advise you two to be careful of the cliffs. this is a very old land, and even the most sturdy mountain paths are rife with danger. you wish to join us here in the north? if you were, you would have to prove your ability to provide for yourselves. i am the leader of this land, i go by jeris.", he would clarify, a soft chuckle on his maw. what an interesting duo. he wouldn't give his full name to any strangers, fearing any to be fae, fae he was avoiding like the plague. there was enough misery without the fae coming for him as well.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #606A83. -- EVERY CHAIN ON ME !
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: dancing on snowflakes ;; joiner - Nickodemus Mistletoe - 06-26-2022

another arrived and her eyes brightened. ears perked at the greeting and a note made of his warning. she would nod her head slowly and then speak in turn. "well, i am a good climber and love a good hunt from time to time. i can help with any sort of exploration or food gathering."

she paused and looked to geki a moment. "and mister grumpy stripes here is a skilled fighter. he can handle himself. so, we can do whatever it takes for use to be here." she offered with a wave of her tail in excited fashion.



Re: dancing on snowflakes ;; joiner - Nickodemus Mistletoe - 06-26-2022

still not speaking, he would let his eyes fall on the larger hellhound. noting each word spoken before nodding at kabe. she was right. he could fight and he would pull both their weights if he had to. he was not going to let kabe down. if she wanted this, he would fight the world to get her in this kingdom.



Re: dancing on snowflakes ;; joiner - jerisidie - 06-30-2022

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
THE WAVES WILL BREAK! -- hellhound. regent.
puffing out a soft breath, the regent would chuckle and smile, "Well then, welcome to our ranks you two. You will be sworn in at the next meeting held here, and we will hold an Oath Taker's Path for you to formally join us as members of The Frostguard.", he would speak warmly, "Feel free to ask any of us to show you around, we will also procure you with furs when we get back to the Wall. Please follow us.", he would murmur as he nodded to Persephone and turned to leave to guide the way home.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #606A83. -- EVERY CHAIN ON ME !
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy