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SO LONG||easy plot task, o - Printable Version

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SO LONG||easy plot task, o - valemon - 05-23-2018

male — 9 months — snowbound — member — tags — rped by Autumnleaf
Val was still quite confused on what was going on with all the prey. He was positive such a thing had never happened when he was around other places, nor was it normal. And, seeing as how others here reacted, it wasn’t an everyday occurrence in Snowbound, either.

The cub had been tasked to search for some of the dens and nests of any of the crazed prey animals, that way traps could be placed nearby. Since this was already stressful for him, he’d definitely need all the help he could get. Those who could fend off any potential attacks would be essential, as well. So, he stood outside his cabin and called out to those around him going about their day. “Anyon’ help me fin’ homes of sick prey?” He hoped he was clear in his announcement. After all, he would need as many paws as possible to assist.
© madi

Re: SO LONG||easy plot task, o - Luciferr - 05-23-2018

Hymn of Ruin
"You needn't have asked, I'll pitch in" Lucifer spoke up, the dragon having been doing nought but idling at the current time - and he was always willing to help clan or more importantly family.

"I'll make sure nothing'll get to any of you" heck he could practically shield them all just by extending a wing or curving his tail around them if the buggers started to swarm about again.


Re: SO LONG||easy plot task, o - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-23-2018

Killua never really had to worry about himself when it came to his own safety. He had far too many powers that he could use if he was ever going up against someone to get him out of a terrible situation. One of which being teleportation in which he could avoid a lethal blow if he really needed to. The assassin had no reason to really get himself injured and liked to finish off battles quick before he could run out of stamina. Being one of the fastest species that existed in the world without powers alone meant that it made him very hard to catch. Unless someone decided that they were going to teleport around to try and get to him then it wouldn't really about speed all that much. So when everyone found out that an infection was going around, he wasn't the least bit concerned about himself. Instead, the concern went to his friend London, who seemed fine as of right now and knew the situation that they were in too. The wildcat didn't want her to get sick of whatever was in their water source anyway. Killua knew that she was more than capable of conjuring up the water that she would need for herself, so he didn't really find that much of a worry. Now it wasn't a matter of protecting himself because chemicals wouldn't get him sick. Not something that he was willing to reveal to the rest of the clan at the moment, but it was there for him and only him to know. Even London didn't know what he was immune to, although he wasn't exactly a creature that couldn't be hurt by anything. If anything he was incredibly fragile, especially if something large got hold of him. If someone the size of Lucifer got hold of him, it would probably be the end for him in just a couple moments. He wouldn't stand a chance. So far, it didn't seem like anyone has gotten sick yet, and with his own ability to conjure up fresh water, he wasn't about to die of dehydration anytime soon. And if they really became desperate, they could always just give a lot of buckets to the massive dragon and tell him to go find a nearby water source. Or just melt snow. Although he didn't exactly have elemental fire and probably would never have the power. He only had air and electricity, electricity being a quicker way to kill someone than trying to burn them alive. At least from what he's seen and dealt with when it came to fire elementals. Killua didn't know Valemon all that well, all that he knew was that his sister didn't really like him all that much.

Should he care? No. Did he? Again no. The lion cubs had each other and if the other cub wanted to have her own opinion that was on her and not him. And still Killua was in somewhat of a bad mood, and he lashed his tail behind him. It was impossible for him to be silent with a massive 11ft Hellhound walking behind him. The beast having purple fur that spanned across his body and a long muzzle like a certain breed of dog. Killua didn't want Mike around him anymore, because whenever the other got close to him he got a massive headache. Yet no matter what he did there was no getting away from him either. Annoying yes, but he would have to live with it until his injuries healed themselves. The albino serval's ears were perked as he made his way through Snowbound territory with a scowl spread across his facial features. It wasn't hard to hear the almost booming voice that was coming from Lucifer, and he wondered what the dragon was up to. As he neared, he almost wanted to snicker at the size difference between the lion cub and Lucifer. But he also stopped himself, because Vale was already bigger than he was. Not something that he really cared about as long as someone didn't try to joke about the height difference. The other seemed to have been tasked with dealing with the infected, his sapphire blue eyes flickering to look up at Lucifer. Well, this should definitely make their life easier with the armored dragon around. Who Killua was used to having around now and wasn't all intimidated by the giant reptile. And with Mike potentially helping them if he gave the order, they could easily get the job done. He opened his mouth as he stopped to the left of the group, keeping a good distance between him and everyone else. When he opened his mouth, he conjured up a strawberry flavored lollipop that fell into his mouth. He flicked one of his large white ears as he sat himself down, and even if he was still injured he was going to join anyway. Anything to get his mind off of a pounding headache he had in his head. "I'll come why not. Although I doubt my help will really be needed with Lucifer around." Killua would say with a grin spread across his jaws. The less he had to play bodyguard was better for him. The assassin flexed his metal claws into the ground, before raising one of his paws to adjust the bandages around his arm and around his throat.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
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Tags | Updated 03/26/17: