Beasts of Beyond
[P,Vale] Chapped at the chapter where you hide - Printable Version

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[P,Vale] Chapped at the chapter where you hide - Olalla - 03-28-2022

It had been about 3 days since Vale had shown up, insulted him, then proposed that they worked together, and Olalla had hesitantly accepted the proposal, reluctantly. The beast huffed as he rolled over from his gentle rest upon a warm rock within the Jungle's comfortable confines, sharing his spaces with the Anoles and smaller birds wishing to warm their bones upon this fairly colder morning.

Olalla opened his eyes, staring down at the pale brown Anole, flashing his showy throat at the beast. He let out a huff of breath at the reptile, watching as it scurried hastily down the rock. He supposed he should at least let Vale know his plans, what with Vale being now the Co-Ardent. More of a War General than anything, if he was being completely honest.

The beast yawned and stood up from the rock, shaking his body vigorously, bits of dirt and debris being flung from his thin pelt. Olalla sat back down onto his haunches, not wanting to walk all the way back to the Plaza to may or may not find Vale. So, he resorted to his loud, carrying call. With a sharp breath, Olalla let out a snarly elk like bugle. Anoles scattered and birds fled from the abrupt sound. Hopefully Vale would hear, and at least check it out. Otherwise he'd have to go back to the Plaza.

Re: [P,Vale] Chapped at the chapter where you hide - VALE - 03-28-2022

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ five-eyed white wolf
The crow’s leisurely flight over the jungle was rudely interrupted by a harsh, ringing cry. Though the cursed creature had wandered the world for years, Vale required a few seconds to remember where ve’d heard the peculiar sound before. The fuck was an elk doing in the Pitt? Eh, it was probably tastier than whatever loser corpse ve’d find on the border’s outskirts.

Dipping vis right wing to turn, the blight changed course and headed for the jungle. It wasn’t difficult to pick out the source of the sound: go where the birds fled.

When Vale spotted Olalla, the crow rolled vis red eyes. Ah. Not a tasty snack, then, but hopefully an interesting encounter. Ardents didn’t scream for attention without a reason. Unless their name was Vale.

The crow stopped flying. Ve dropped like a stone—so much faster than landing gracefully—and splattered against the rocks.

After a moment of stillness, the blackened flesh twitched. Bones cracked and lengthened. The beak elongated and grew teeth. The skull reknit itself into a canid shape, supporting five eye sockets and a lolling tongue.

The skeleton stood up and shook verself off. Sludge splattered the nearby rocks as white fur bloomed over exposed flesh. After a final stretch in downward dog, the wolf pawed at vis jaw—popped it on the left, then the right—and looked at Olalla.

“You rang?”

Re: [P,Vale] Chapped at the chapter where you hide - Olalla - 04-01-2022

Watching as vale drifted slowly down and ... splattered against the warm stone. Why were vey like this? Why couldn't vey just land normally? Although this was Vale we were talking about, nothing was ever normal with Vale.

"I did," he rasped with a coarse voice from the loud bugle. "I'd like to discuss with you my plans for The Pitt, with you being the secondary Ardent and all; i suppose i should at least let you in on that much." Truth be told, very obviously, Olalla didn't trust Vale; but could you blame him? Vale was an unreliable Ardent in the past despite ver return, what was stopping vem from leaving again or denying responsibility vey oh so desperately wanted.

"Firstly I'd like to gather up some cattle that I saw in the plains near that Birch forest east of here, i suggest taking some swift members to round them up and bring them here. We'll have pens built before your return so they won't be shitting on our Plaza grounds." Olalla drew in a sharp breath before continuing. "The cattle will be used commercially as well as for meat and milk, eventually providing us with a range of things. Anywhere from wax, hides, and paints, to cheeses, butter, and oil. "

The beast now looked at Vale, remaining eye-contact the best he could without closing his eyes to talk or waving a paw to emphasize on a subject. "Eventually, I'd like to gather up some Pin-tailed Sandgrouse and Malay chickens for commercial and broiler use. These birds will supply us with a range of things as well, from fertilizer, natural pest control, and meat or marrow, to insulation, bonemeal, and string that's less likely to snap under immense pressure."

"Of course, you will be leading the round up," Olalla began with a raspy inhale. "What with your... exuberance and all. Next, I'd like to start building water reservoirs and a system of aqueducts that lead from the river to the populated areas of The Pitt. A lot of creatures have been sighted on our borders recently, and all fortunately enough have been friendly and joined, but for safe measures I'd like to start building outposts on the borders." He swung his paw as he spoke, drabbing on about additions to the territory. "Marauders, accompanied by Skalds, will watch the borders. The Skald role will then be broken down into three branches. Skald Trava for medical minds, Skald Soldat for military minds, and Skald Uchitel for governing minds." With a stretching of his jaw, Olalla looked furrowed his brows a bit. "I will need you to look out for spare, hollowed cattle bones or horns for the horns adorning the outposts for emergencies. Oh and, the bull of the herd? Kill it. It's skull will be a great addition to the archway I intend to build over the main entrance to The Pitt."

He shook off a small Anole that clung to his forearm before flicking an ear and continuing. "Eventually though, an aviary will be built to house the birds that will act as messengers to further regions instead of sending valuable members across the world. It wastes time and precious strength that can be used elsewhere. The birds will also be companions for those who are unable to bond with anyone in the Pitt like you," he bantered, casting a challenging look to Vale. "But also, a symbol of status. The bigger the bird, the bigger the title. You and I would receive something along the lines of a Condor or Bustard while Pittians would receive something like a Vireo or Lapwing. Although the bird companions are completely optional."

He blinked a bit, realizing now he hadn't throughout the entire time. "I would also like to start the regeneration process of the Jungle that was burnt down." Olalla eyed Vale, knowing this of all things would hit whatever exposed nerve he was looking at. Was that ver Axillary Nerve? Didn't matter, getting off topic. "This would supply us with a range of benefits like better shade against the hot sun, raw materials for the construction of houses, and cleaner water to drink from, to nutritious filled soil for agricultural purposes, a barrier between the dangerous sand-filled winds that harass newborn skin, and native plants and animals for a more nourishing food source."

"I've heard of a House called the Sakigami House that are Earth Element wielders, that could help with the process. Tanglewood has plant seeds that we could use, if given a chance without politically exasperating them with raids and risking lives, we may be able to work out an alliance. After all, a new leader is a new dawn; a new page and a new leaf. " Olalla looked at Vale now with an expecting look, genuinely wanting to hear what vey had to say. "If you have something you'd like to add, now is the time."

[member=3123]vale[/member] , you do not have to mirror the length, ik this is a lot//

Re: [P,Vale] Chapped at the chapter where you hide - VALE - 04-02-2022

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ five-eyed white wolf
Vale’s right eyes twitched. This was going to be a long listening session, eh? Maybe ve should’ve brought a pen and paper, all this shit was going to spill out of vis brain if ve wasn’t careful. Politely, Vale stifled a yawn and sat down on vis haunches, tallying all the points up in a mental list.

Well, until Olalla went for a personal attack on the birds. All five eyes narrowed. The wolf chewed on vis tongue until the grey muscle bled red.

“Hmmmmm, I don’t mind a good roast, but don’t project your insecurities on me. I’d say I have far more friends than you—isn’t that why you couldn’t ignore me when I returned?” The wolf bit at the fur growing between vis toes, lips pulled back in an ugly snarl. Sludge leaked from vis mouth; the fur remained, stained black. “I’ll have to cancel my hunting trip with Aegon. We were going to hunt for Tanglers, but I suppose we can redirect our exuberance elsewhere.”

Vale paused from tearing at vis paw to grin at Olalla. Ve shook out the paw—not even bothering to watch the skin and fur sloughing off—and the flesh regrew as Olalla explained further details. Ahaha, a Pitt without a desert problem and paws without fur feathers!

“Birds? Aight. Outposts? Aight. Producing our own cows and chickens? Sure, and I’ll round up that starter herd from the wilds for you. Regrowing the jungle? About fucking time. You know that’s the original reason why I sided with Stryker and used the Coalition against Gael, eh? The Malus’s didn’t hold up their end of the bargain, but I suppose our agreement became worthless, as they both were dead when I ascended power.” Vale rolled all five eyes. “The wife managed to get tropical plants to work in tundra, you’d think she could’ve stuck around enough to reforge our territory.”

“But I’ll let you handle those alliance negotiations. I’m absolute trash tier at anything involving peaceful exchanges.” Vale pressed a paw to vis jaw, popped it, and sighed in mild annoyance.

“Hmm, those skald rank additions though? You gotta keep the ranks streamlined. The Pitt isn’t known for intelligence. You muddle up the hierarchy too much, and idiots start brawling for power. Make titles like the Typhoon or Tanglewoods have if you want to reward specialists without making it a full rank in the hierarchy.”

Vale stretched out vis shoulder—popping every vertebrae in the neck—and grimaced. Ve’d meant to put the shoulder back into place. “Otherwise, it’ll get confusing. A skald in charge of teaching trying to tell a bonecollector the history of the Typhoon's hatred of us before they start pulling prank shit on the pirates? A healer-type scald trying to order a marauder out of the battlefield for grievous injuries? Just keep it so the skalds prove themselves watching the border and being assistants to the higher ups, and add titles for specializations you want. Then you’ll end up with a marauder good at battlefield medic shit, a bonecollector good at mentorship, and so on.”
