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Sakigami siblings adopts | CLOSED | NO SLOTS - Printable Version

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Sakigami siblings adopts | CLOSED | NO SLOTS - wifewoof - 03-28-2022

The Sakigami triplets are demi-gods as they have been blessed by Mother Amaterasu to live in the mortal world until they grow bored of it. Between these 3 siblings, they all shared a collective power as they were inseparable as Gods. It was known as Greensprout. When they came to the mortal realm, Mother Amaterasu split it between them.

Kojin Sakigami has Bloom.
Tanjiro Sakigami has Water Lily.
Shinigami Sakigami has Vine.

Bloom allows bursts of flowers and land plants to spring and bloom when used.
Water Lily allows water lilies and aquatic plants to grow.
Vine allows vines to be sprung from existence and grab hold of things, or to anchor things down, or just about anything vines can help with.

[div style="line-height: 35px; text-align: left; font-size: 17px; font-family: georgia; color: #c850a0;"]RULES & GUIDELINES
-- important
• First Come, First Serve
• These siblings can be any body, not limited to a weasel.
• They are Japanese ethnic wise.
• Must have a Nature inspired power, so Earth Elemental is REQUIRED. HOWEVER, a Slot can be applied for BUT no power is available for [insert ic reason] until Earth Elemental is bought & used. This option will be decided by if I like your character enough.
• Names must be based off either Japanese Mythology or Japanese God/Goddess's.
• They can own/discover other powers.
• These 3 share a very close sibling bond.
• These siblings are Gen 1.
• Can start being played anywhere after being accepted.
• Will be added to the Sakigami Dynasty thread

-- siblings
SLOT 1 | Nesaku "Tanjiro" Sakigami | WATER LILY
SLOT 2 | Shinigami Sakigami | VINE

code © vixika from FF | repurposed by quietly

Re: Sakigami siblings adopts | open - SchizophrenicVoid - 03-28-2022

username: SchizophrenicVoid
name: Nesaku "Tanjiro" Sakigami
gender: Male
appearance: A typical brown Tanuki with brown eyes, and a large strange scar on his head stretching from under one ear to his forehead from a mysterious injury.
personality: Kind almost to a fault, Tanjiro always likes to give others the benefit of the doubt, even enemies. Despite this, he's not naive by any stretch of the imagination and is always ready for betrayal. No matter how friendly he appears, he only trusts his siblings fully and would do anything for them no matter what; even if their wishes went against his strong morals.
extras: Not picky on which power he eventually gets, he'll train extremely hard to become 'worthy' of them. He has vague memories of a large family that disappeared or was killed, and he blames himself despite barely being aware of this past life, seeing his lack of powers as an atonement for his 'crime' of failing to defend them.

Re: Sakigami siblings adopts | open - wifewoof - 04-01-2022

// accepted <3 reminders cause brain forgetting if mentioned + a little info
body ages monthly, actually thinking about the ic reason of possible power loss is Mother Amaterasu saying to find it within yourself since you are no longer a full fledged god but instead a demi-god who has to deal with being half mortal, these 3 were together since "rebirth" but stretched apart by distance as they turned around a year or two old but still staying very close (different places, still close bond)  (which also allows for time for backstories and such apart from basic demi-god siblings/how they exist here on the moral realm)

ALSO if next person to apply chooses a power, Tanjiro will get the one left since no preference

Re: Sakigami siblings adopts | open | ONE SLOT LEFT - charliemoo - 04-04-2022

✧ shinigami sakigami | nicknames
✧ physically 6 yrs, mentally unknown | nov. 24 | saggitarius
✧ cis female | she/her
✧ typhoon | member | no titles yet
ages every month
appears visually much younger than actually is
is interested in zodiacs

✧ eastern wolf (ref.) | health: 100% | current body
— shinigami is a rather small statured wolf. her species typically averages at 53 lbs, however shinigami weighs closer to 48 lbs since she is significantly smaller than most wolves. she is a mere 25in tall and often times has to climb up onto things to see. she is potentially one of the smallest grown wolves around at all times, for unknown reasons to herself or others.

shinigami has a rather odd pelt, one sprinkled with tons of different hues. at her feet, a pale yellow color creeps from her toes and fades into a deep blue color. this creates a gradient in her feet that is unique to herself. just above that gradient, one sees a simple pink stripe, which cuts into the ombré effect and allows a sharp transition to a purple hue that covers her body. upon that lovely purple color, she is dappled with the pale yellow that was on her paws as if she were a canvas begging to be painted.

in some areas of her pelt, there are swirls of a soft pink and yellow color, mainly on her back and her stomach. there are some small patches along her fur. she also has very small, pink horns. her eyes are blue.

her fur is generally well kept, and a bit longer than what is typical for her species. there are very minimal matts in her fur thanks to this.
— fluorescent blue blood/tears
— is constantly wearing a pink collar
— no current injuries

✧ ( intelligent, hard working, ambitious )
✧ ( protective, dominant, observant )
✧ ( irritable, distant, manipulative )
— shinigami is a rather complex creature to describe. while her motives may be well intentioned, often times she finds herself making decisions that are impactful to those around her in negative ways. she aspires of changing the world in her own twisted fashion, wanting to become more than just a random clanmate you’d pass by. she has a deep-seated dream to become one of the most popular leaders in history. as such, she applies a lot of her time into work rather than trying to maintain stable friendships. her goal in life is to separate herself from everyone else, even at the expense of people she cares about at times.

despite these flaws, shinigami is incredibly protective over her siblings. she would move mountains for them, even when they may not deserve it at times. she finds herself committing a lot of acts she may not normally commit for others when it comes to her family. at times, she may come across as brash or distasteful.

✧ npc x npc | kojin + nesaku’s sister
adopted by no one
✧ sakigami
✧ biromantic demisexual | single | shipname
✧ friends | best friends | is difficult to make friends with

✧ physically hard | mentally medium | elemental powers ( vine ) | keeps a shuriken on hand
✧ will start/end fights, easy provoke | will kill
✧ no mentor | no apprentice | very skilled combatant
✧ allowed to powerplay peaceful actions | attack in bolded #B8FFF9 | mention @/account when attacking

✧ lena luthor face claim
✧ allergic to alcohol
✧ may have violent outbursts
— shinigami is very irritable, it does not take much

Re: Sakigami siblings adopts | open | ONE SLOT LEFT - wifewoof - 04-04-2022

//accepted <3 same notes as from last one, won't repeat it lol

Keep some eyes out for more adopts for the Dynasty :eyes: Side Families in the Dynasty are to come!

Re: Sakigami siblings adopts | CLOSED | NO SLOTS - wifewoof - 04-05-2022

/thread to post for ranks in Sakigami Family. Can apply for Kizoku, Kojin will step down after making Pitt/Sakigami relations.