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it was only a kiss ;; Aesior - Printable Version

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it was only a kiss ;; Aesior - tanglewoodian - 03-28-2022

now, to him, a nibble was a greeting. affection in a weird way. so, he had no idea why people acted weird. the last npc ran away from his soft bite. not that he cared. he never seemed phased. he was rather immune to the feeling of sadness, it seemed.

flopping along, as turtles do, he would see a new face. not knowing any better, the child would move closer. being tiny was such an annoyance. once close enough, he would offer a soft, harmless, nip to the others foot. seeking their attention to stave his boredom. after all, he couldn't pester cory all the time. right?

Re: it was only a kiss ;; Aesior - aesior - 04-01-2022

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
surprised was the gaze that moved down to the child that had nipped at his toes. blinking a few times, the tom bent his head to the child and would sniff the young snapping turtle out of curiosity, picking up lingering smells of tanglewood on his shell. nose bridge wrinkling as he considered things, the feline would take another sniff of the child's scent, memorizing him as well, as a tiny turtle. he didn't have a name for him and couldn't ask the child himself. brow furrowing as he straightened, the mute tabby sitting down and laying his tail over his paws. the nip didn't hurt so much as it was a surprising twitch that corresponded from the toe that had been nibbled.

cautiously, he raised a paw to gently attempt to tap at vintara in a gentle discouragement before wrapping his tail about his paws once more. if the child were to be underfoot more often, the feline would have to make sure his paws were cleaned constantly in the future if he was working with herbs.

Re: it was only a kiss ;; Aesior - tanglewoodian - 04-02-2022

the child was confused by the lack of sound. tiny snapping turtle was used to hearing others talk to him. he had no idea that this creature could not speak. as he was sniffed, he pulled back into his shell a tiny bit. ember orbs blinking as he was tapped ever so gently. honestly, he was a bit lost at first, but slowly came back out of his shell.


the young male would tilt his head curiously before moving closer. this time, he would not bite the older creature. no, instead he would attempt to tap at him with his own, admittedly tiny, foot. looking up for approval.

actions "speech"
or am i just a shell?

Re: it was only a kiss ;; Aesior - aesior - 05-11-2022

blinking down at the youth as he was tapped in turn, a small smile coming across the tom's lips. the child learned as it saw, hm? he couldn't blame him. perhaps when the child was older, he could teach him how to write and read, more or less. he took a breath, sneezing suddenly and pawing at his own nose. geeze he was suffering from allergies, that, or the dry grasses were bothering his senses. looking down at vintara, studying the child for a moment before getting to his paws. what could he do for the child?

// no fancy //

Re: it was only a kiss ;; Aesior - tanglewoodian - 05-27-2022

the sneeze made the little turtle jump and he almost rolled. almost. lucky for him, he was able to fall forward not back. he was a bit surprise and his little head stretched out to inspect the other. wondering where the sound came from. little eyes blinking curiously.

actions | speech | thoughts | powers | attacking
tags :: updated 5/22:

Re: it was only a kiss ;; Aesior - aesior - 09-07-2022

"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
oh, he'd frightened the little dear. a small smile took his lips as he smiled down at the youth, wishing he could speak to him and make things easier. bending his head as he watched him roll, sniffing him for the scent of pain, concerned that he'd hurt himself because of the grim's sneeze. he shook his head warmly as he was greeted by the sight of vintara sticking his head out from his shell to investigate around himself and look for the source of the sneeze. tapping on his own chest, he would imitate the motion, as if to say that he was the one who made the sound.

aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- grim - feline shifter.
credit @/teef