Beasts of Beyond
GUIDED BY CONFUSION ★ moonlight vale, first meeting - Printable Version

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GUIDED BY CONFUSION ★ moonlight vale, first meeting - arcy - 05-23-2018

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Videogames isn't going to lie, there -- there wasn't a lot that was more terrifying than seeing Arrowhead's corpse sprawled across the ground, bloody and one leg less than he had alive. He had felt the bile and the panic, seeing somebody he would almost tentatively call a friend dead. Videogames isn't sure what killed him, or why, but -- well, there wasn't a lot he could do, anymore. The lanky serval takes in a deep, shuddering breath as his paws shake. There's still blood on them, and the serval finds that he's been staring at them for a few minutes. No, not great. He needs to get that off, especially considering Arrowhead had already been buried for almost an hour now. (they hadn't been able to bury him properly, just as they hadn't been able to do so with anybody else for -- well, all of Videogames' life)
It only takes a little stumbling before Videogames finds himself hovering at the bank of a river, the water clear as anything. The serval's eyes are wide as he looks deep into the water, able to make out the flickering shapes of fish and the vague shapes of rocks at the very bottom of the river, over the edge. Was it possible for water to be this clear? Videogames isn't sure, but this certainly is. So Videogames steps into shallow end of the river, where the water reaches his shoulder. The water is freezing, but the shock to his system is almost welcoming. The blood has begun to dissolve away from his paws, but not fast enough, and so Videogames growls as he raises his paws to rub it away, feeling a swirl of nausea as he does so. He's shaking as he emerges from the water, fur still dripping even after his shakes his pelt out. Even so, he feels better in some way, and Videogames feels a sort of ... relief at that. He squeezes his eyes shut and takes another few breaths again. So -- right, he has responsibilities. Sure, their little wayward band of nomads didn't exactly have a solid ranking system, just a leader, but it was clear who everyone expected to take Arrowhead's place. Videogames couldn't fault them for that -- he'd always been one of the more involved members of the group, and was one of the first Arrowhead would ask if he needed second opinions. He'd never been the leader type before, but -- well, Videogames wasn't going to deny, he had been thinking about this for a long time, he just hadn't thought it'd be like this. But still, somebody had to step up.
This is what brings Videogames to where he is now. With damp fur, the server takes long, purposeful steps to reach the center of their little makeshift camp. It was only temporary, of course, but Videogames imagines that they'll all be fairly scattered across the territory on later days. It was fairly large, after all, and perhaps not being all in the same place would be beneficial sometimes.
"Um -- hey, everyone!" It's with a nervous lash of his tail that Videogames perches himself on a boulder, grinning down at the many familiar faces on his clanmates. They're a small bunch, of course, but Videogames thinks that might be better in the end. less managing, altogether. "I -- I know the last few days have been really bad, but I -- have a few announcements to make," Videogames' voice shakes for a moment before he steadies himself again. The grief is fresh, and he doesn't feel quite ready to do all of this, but -- well, here he is. "F - First and foremost, I ... am going to step up as leader, now. Nobody has any objections, right?" Videogames' blue eyes scan the crowd for a long few moments, waiting to hear if anyone had any opinions on the matter. He may be the obvious, expected choice for leader, but that doesn't mean everybody waas going to agree. "Okay, um, right. First order of business -- despite what happened to Arrowhead, we're going to stay here. We've looked too long, and I don't -- I don't think that what happened to him is related to the territory," Videogames explains, even as the fur on his neck bristles. That was a problematic decision -- Arrowhead had died, but Videogames doesn't imagine that the other feline would rather they move back on. Sure, they survived, and they were used to it, but -- well, it got them into trouble a lot. Videogames isn't lying despite all of this, though -- it's a gut feeling, more than anything. Something about Arrowhead's shadow had always frightened him, especially as of late, and he's just -- he's not sure. "A - and this is long overdue, but. Uh -- Moonlight Vale. That's -- that's what we're calling ourselves now, for good luck, at least. I'll also be establishing a ranking system, a proper one -- there's no excuse to not have done any of these things already," Videogames can't help but huff. Arrowhead had always been focused around their group's wellbeing over, well, literally anything else. And that was fine, but Arrowhead hadn't ever considered stuff like rankings or names, because they wouldn't be important, but -- seriously. Rankings would be beneficial. Rude. Anyways -- is there anything else he should say? Explore the territory? Something else? Videogames didn't claim to know a lot about clans. Were they an actual clan now that they were settling, come to think of it? Or just ... a bunch of sad wanna-bes or something. Well, Videogames wouldn't know. "Does ... anybody have any questions? Comments? Suggestions?" His nose twitches. This was a very bad first meeting. Oh well, it's not like Videogames had a lot to reference himself on, he's sure none of them would blame him too much. Oh, but he's probably going to get some backlash on the 'staying here' thing, considering, uh, you know. The Arrowhead thing.

Re: GUIDED BY CONFUSION ★ moonlight vale, first meeting - guts - 05-23-2018

Sakaris wasn't too invested in the politics and issues of the group, not because she didn't care, but because she couldn't really understand. She was a child of only 4 months, so it was to be expected. She knew that there was a leader that basically led them, but that was as far as her knowledge reached. But, apparently, their leader had died. Unlike the topic of their group, she knew about death. She knew what it was and what it meant. When people died, they didn't come back.

The sadness of the loss had hung heavy over their gathering, and she could feel it weighing down on her. She was a pretty cheery child, but it was hard to stay happy when everyone was dragging their feet and looking so depressed. It would feel wrong to be her usual bubbly self.

When she noticed her father stepping up into the center of their camp, she smiled brightly at the sight of him, quickly bounding over excitedly. She listened intently as he started to speak, immediately interested as he states that he would be stepping up as leader. Then she also looks around, giving a glare that wasn't nearly as intimidating as she would have hoped. If anyone objected, she would have beat them up! But alas, none said anything, and she turns back towards Videogames.

Cocking her head to the side, she waves her paw in the air, although she's right there in front of the rock he's perched on. "Daddy, what's a ranking system?" she asks, which would have sounded a bit off if it weren't coming from a kit. Even if she wasn't, she was a nomad who had no idea what traditional clans were.


Re: GUIDED BY CONFUSION ★ moonlight vale, first meeting - pallid-i - 05-25-2018

Autumn was fairly new to this group. The flowery lion had been interested and joined, though now he was just busy watching the meeting and looking indifferent. So they had a new leader? Interesting. "Congratulations on the promotion." He grumbled, tail flicking. "I'm sure you'll have a blast leading." He was being sarcastic, of course. Leading was just so tedious.
the guts and the grind wrapped in apathy ━

Re: GUIDED BY CONFUSION ★ moonlight vale, first meeting - Solarwinds, - 05-27-2018

Solarwinds hadn't understood why their previous leader was lying on the ground, all bloody and limp. She had merely thought he was asleep, so she decided to ignore the sight of Arrowhead's corpse. The child would take a seat next to Sakaris, as she was around the same age.

Perking her tiny-ears up, the Fennec Fox would listen to Videogames speak and she noticed that he was nervous, but she only sent a blank stare in his direction.
tags :: updated 5/27: