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pick up a drink | aegis leopard sibling adopts - Printable Version

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pick up a drink | aegis leopard sibling adopts - wifewoof - 03-26-2022

Ridel Sibling Adopts ⚔
The Ridel family always had many births in the same litter. Aegis was blessed (cursed if you ask them) with 4 siblings, making it a litter of 5 leopards.

[div style="line-height: 35px; text-align: left; font-size: 17px; font-family: georgia; color: #c850a0;"]RULES & GUIDELINES
-- important
• These will be leopards, but you can change the species after a month if you so wish.
• They have Scottish heritage, so they are Scottish.
• They also have a set of wings on their back, and a single wing on each paw (mutation), and saber-tooth bottom and top canines (mutation).
• No matter what form they take, those two mutations cannot change.
• Names must be based off either Scottish history OR sword/shield/armor names
• They can own/discover other powers.
• They will be 2 years old, and age monthly.
• These siblings are Gen 1.
• Can start being played anywhere after being accepted.

-- siblings
Carnyx Ridel played by Cobra
Claymore Ridel played by Decay
Haladie Ridel played by singingmousai

code © vixika from FF | repurposed by quietly

Re: pick up a drink | aegis leopard sibling adopts - Cobra - 03-28-2022

username: Cobra
name: Carnyx Ridel
gender: Female
appearance: A small leopard with a slender frame. She is a lovely white in color with spots like ice in color. On her back is a set of ice blue wings to match her spots. On each paw, towards the back, is a matching tiny wing of ice blue. Her canines on both top and bottom are saber fangs, though slightly smaller than that of her siblings, they are still sharp.
personality: a restless soul that enjoys wandering freely. she can not settle down for long without becoming bored of that place. she is a bit of a coward, really. not in the sense that she won't defend herself, but she is far from a hero in any way. she will never step in to help anyone. she loves to have fun, and will go out of her way to have a good time if she can.

she has a few ambitions, once she sets her mind to something, she will do anything to get it. she is judgmental of others actions. she has no qualm in looking down on someone that breaks a rule she follows. she is compassionate though, and can change her judgment if they touch a heart string.

she is anxious all the time. this makes her cautious to a fault. though, her stubborn ways can make her throw caution to the wind.
extras: gonna get her the earth aesthetic and have ivy grow on all her wings.

hope she looks okay.

Re: pick up a drink | aegis leopard sibling adopts - wifewoof - 03-28-2022

Accepted <3 is all good! <3 you can start roleplaying her whenever you like <33333

Re: pick up a drink | aegis leopard sibling adopts - Decaying - 05-13-2022

username: Decay
name: Claymore Ridel
gender: amab, he/him
appearance: a red leopard mostly covered by his black spots. they are on the larger side for a leopard. with bottom saber-tooth teeth and top canines. his saber-tooth fangs are long, nearly blocking his sight. though, the right one was broken half way down. the top of his wings, where the bone is, is black. as the rest of it fades to match the red that his fur is. with the smaller wings on each paw being just black. the wings on his paws are rather beat up. his eyes are red.
personality: selfish, looking for a fight, smart, "sword for hire" vibes, brotherly
extras: eventually will have fire elemental + maybe aesthetic to appear like the red under his spots are a fire
plan on them being in the pitt

Re: pick up a drink | aegis leopard sibling adopts - wifewoof - 05-14-2022

accepted <3

Re: pick up a drink | aegis leopard sibling adopts - singingmousai - 05-19-2022

username: singingmousai
name: Haladie "Hal" Ridel
gender: female
appearance: Hal's coloration is akin to pseudomelanism, that is, her spots are larger and cover more of her coat than a normal leopard's. All of her wings are the same dark brown color as her spots, with dapples of the golden beige of her base coat. Her upper sabertooth canines are much more prominent than her lower ones. Her eyes are a sharp yellow.
personality: Hal is generally very quiet and doesn't let her emotions through much. Internally, however, she's proud to the point of being almost headstrong. She can come off as somewhat snippy or judgmental in conversation.
extras: May eventually nab her air elemental, but I'm not 100% on that yet.

Re: pick up a drink | aegis leopard sibling adopts - wifewoof - 05-22-2022

Accepted <3