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dew drop : arfur’s storage - Printable Version

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dew drop : arfur’s storage - shinigami sakigami - 03-26-2022

I. Biography
II. Living Area Description
III. Artwork
IV. Posting Template

Re: dew drop : arfur’s storage - shinigami sakigami - 03-26-2022

❝ just last the year ❞


Name: Arfur
  — Nicknames/Aliases: here

Gender: Male
  — Sex: Male
  — Pronouns: he/him/it/its

Age: 3 months
  — Birth Date: 1/27/22
  — Creation Date: 03/27/22

Rank: Member of The Pitt
  — Former Allegiances: none

Titles: none
  — Former Titles: none

Romantic and Sexual Orientation: Panromantic Demisexual
  — Status: Single
  — Previous Relationships: None
  — Crushes: None
  — Monogamous/Polygamous: Monogamous

Known Languages:
English • Fluent
French • Beginner



Alignment: Lawful Good

Mental Health: 85/100

Positive Traits: kind, caring, ambitious
Neutral Traits: quiet, soft, attentive
Negative Traits: jealous, reserved, paranoid

Disorders: BPD
  — Quirks/Habits: has nervous tics such as a “squeaky” noise and taps his feet
  — Addictions: none

Likes: tea, blankets, sleep, learning

Dislikes: loud noises, confrontation, being alone, bright lights

Strengths: very organized, team player, photographic memory
  — Talents: excellent singer

Weaknesses: cowardly, bad with tone, doesn’t sleep enough
  — Phobias: emetophobia

Fears: being alone

Aspirations: to succeed, to have a lovely partner, to do good for others

Description: Arfur is far from a typical being. The way he processes things is drastically different from those around him. He is able to look outside the box on scenarios others would consider casual and normal. Because of this, he can be considered very attentive and detail oriented. Mistakes have a hard time getting past him, as he analyzes things thoroughly even when it may not be necessary. Being so detail oriented, he has also discovered a strong need for organization in his life. Everything has a place, and he ensures it all stays where it belongs, whether that is in his mind or in reality. Everything around him remains tidy. As long as nothing becomes a total mess, Arfur is content. However, when things do become a mess, he begins to get stressed and very irritable. Many joke that he is the most tame timebomb they’ve ever met in their lives.

Arfur also has a lot of trouble comprehending tone. Unless someone is very blatantly obvious with the meaning behind their words, he often tends to overthink what is said. Sometimes, he can do so to a fault. This makes Arfur become very reserved and quiet. At times, he can even convince himself that people hate him due to the paranoia. He pushes people away without intending to, only realizing the consequences of his actions afterwards, when he cannot take it back. Since he is so paranoid of people leaving, jealousy has manifested its way into his personality headfirst. Often times he gets visually upset with other people when it comes to those he considers himself close to. This is a prominent issue he faces his entire life.

Despite his shortcomings, Arfur is a very caring person. Everyone he meets has a place in his heart, and there is nothing greater to him than family and friends. He would do anything for the people he cared about, if he wasn’t so afraid. Arfur is cowardly, and often avoids extreme risks and frantically tries to steer his peers away from that lifestyle. However, he seldom succeeds and instead feels like he’s failed to help those he loves, even if these decisions are not his fault.


Reference(s): here

Species: Dog
  — Breed: Labrador Retriever

Physical Health: 100/100

Build: He is rather petite.
  — Height: 22in
  — Weight: 65lb

Exterior Type: fur with rotted looking pieces
  — Color/Markings: arfur is mainly purple with no prominent markings, other than the rotted looking bits.

Eye Color: Black

Scars/Marks/Tattoos: none yet
  — Mutations: he has zombification, which causes him to appear rotted along his whole body. he also utilizes invisibility to display the pieces of him that you can see through.
  — Artificial Enhancements: none

Accent: A very soft American accent
  — Manner of Speech: Speaks very low

Disorders: None
  — Permanent Injuries: None
  — Disabilities: None

Possessions and Accessories:
• Owns a soft flower crown

Description: Arfur is a rather odd marvel to the eye. He is of a rather petite Labrador retriever build, although his hue is the real abnormality. His eyes are a jet black almond shape. He is a rather bright purple hue ( #584475 ), one that can be seen plain as day from a distance. This color wraps around the entirety of his body, and is only separated by the blotting patterns of green rot ( #3A453D ) scattered amongst his body. These areas do not bleed, however they are repugnant looking and perhaps may even frighten smaller creatures to see. Arfur has had these abnormalities his whole life, and thus sees no issue in them. In addition to this, one can clearly see Arfur’s skeletal tail. Each bone is interlinked neatly, and it often makes almost surreal sounding clanking noises when it sways.

To contrast his stark purple hues, invisibility causes portions of his flesh to appear nearly transparent. The hue of an almost ectoplasm ( #CABEDD ) appearing substance allows others to see directly through his flesh, revealing bones and parts of his internal organs and muscular tissue. Although all these appear normal, it sure is an odd sight.


history and relations.
Parents: parent x parent
  — Generation: here
  — Siblings: here
  — Place of Origin: here

Children: here

Notable Relatives: here

Loyalty to Individuals vs. Groups: He is significantly more loyal to individuals than groups, in fact, perhaps even to a fault.

Friends: here
  — Best Friend: here

Apprentice(s): here
  — Mentor: here

Rivals: here

Feared Individuals: here

History: Little is known of the troubled pup’s past. One day, he found himself scared and confused, wandering across the lands to find a home. That day, he landed himself upon The Pitt and joined their ranks.


Physical Level: Easy

Mental Level: Easy

Battle Dynamics: here

Powers (mastery level x/5):
Invisibility ( 3/5 )

Overall Skill Rating (x/10): 3/10
  — Strength: 3/10
  — Speed: 4/10
  — Agility: 1/10
  — Intelligence: 5/10
  — Endurance: 2/10
  — Perception: 2/10
  — Magical Ability: 1/10

Rules for maim/kill/capture:
Ask to capture
No maim/kill
  — Rules for nonviolent/peaceful interactions: These may be power played, but Arfur may react poorly.

Social Difficulty: Struggles socially
  — Platonic Relationships: Tries to engage in platonic relationships willingly and often, always open.
  — Romantic/Sexual Relationships: Has a very hard time forming romantic or sexual relationships, requires a very strong bond first. Not open as he is too young.
  — Rivalries: None yet


❝ oh skinny love ❞

Re: dew drop : arfur’s storage - shinigami sakigami - 03-26-2022

Arfur’s home resides in the White Temple of the Pitt. Although he is very young, he lives alone in the pyramid room. His room is rather small, a bit smaller than most of the other available rooms. The walls are lined with vines he had taken from the jungles and gotten assistance from NPCs to hang. They drape down from all of his walls, delicately being blown by any breezes that may enter his abode. Scattered throughout his room, one can find many things that appear menial, but have great value to him. One such thing is a tattered blanket he found while rummaging through junk. This blanket functions as Arfur’s bed and comfort item. It is nestled into the topmost right corner of his room, tucked away for safe keeping.

Towards the left corner of his room, Arfur has a stone slab for which he uses to eat, make flower crowns, or occasionally draw. Nearby, one can find several small bottles of paint which appear to be handmade. They are neatly placed in a row upon his slab, taking up space but also providing him comfort. Amongst the walls, you can see faintly done paintings of many varieties.

Towards the front of the room, Arfur has tons of plants. There are shelves with plants, and old pots with plants as well. It is clear that he takes excellent care of them all, as they are in pristine condition.

Re: dew drop : arfur’s storage - shinigami sakigami - 03-26-2022


Re: dew drop : arfur’s storage - shinigami sakigami - 03-27-2022

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