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pokes head back in - Printable Version

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pokes head back in - Verdigris - 03-26-2022

  [font=trebuchet ms]heya, it's been a while
  life's been really weird and I've had some growing pains, but I'd say I'm doing much better now than I was when I dipped a while back
  site redesign looks sick, and I admit I've missed this place (and you guys)
  might mess around and hang out a bit? I probably won't be posting much but you never know

  so for those of you who don't know me, hello ^^ I'm Verdigris, I pretty much exclusively use Trebuchet MS font, and I'm a huge nerd
  I played a couple characters (Papercutter, Reedwhistle, Warringkingdoms, etc.) way back when- I think if I do any RP this time around it'll be exclusively new characters, but I might change my mind, who knows

Re: pokes head back in - rhosmari - 03-26-2022

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:white;"]these last couple years have been wild but we are happy to have you back! It is definitely okay if you don't want to rp but if you do I'm always open for plots for sure! or if you just want to chat about something too!

Re: pokes head back in - psy - 03-27-2022

verdiiii welcome back to bob!! if you ever get back into RPing here i'm always down for plots w/ my characters ^^