Beasts of Beyond
reappearance - Printable Version

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reappearance - toboggan - 03-26-2022

Heya, been a while! Almost two years, actually.

I'm Sled, formerly known as Toboggan, that one ex-moderator and part time funnyman. My greatest achievement is playing Leroy in Tanglewood a long, long time ago.

Life got right shite in 2020 (tbh who didn't feel that way), but I got accepted into my university of choice last week! And with classes starting this Fall, I wanted to give forum RP a go again - writing keeps my creative juices active, after all. It's a hobby that I enjoy quite a bit, and I've missed it.

I look forward to interacting with all of you Smile

Re: reappearance - rhosmari - 03-26-2022

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:white;"]hello again and welcome back to the site Tobo! We are definitely happy to have you back on Bob. I can't wait to rp and plot with you around the board! I'm definitely open to DMs or any messages on the site.

Re: reappearance - charliemoo - 03-26-2022

hi I’m bri! welcome back to the site, it’s wonderful to see you! my DMs are always open for a chat or to plot, I currently play Corrupttimelines in Tanglewood

Re: reappearance - SirDio - 03-26-2022

Hiiii I'm Dio! Nice to meet you! Just like Charlie my dms are always open - I play like three or four characters in Tanglewood to plot with Big Grin

Re: reappearance - teef - 03-26-2022

eyo s'been a while! wb ^^

Re: reappearance - psy - 03-27-2022

heyyyy welcome back to bob!!!

Re: reappearance - toboggan - 03-27-2022

hey!! its great to see both familiar faces and new!

im looking forward to writing w/ you again, rhos & teef. how have u guys been? & idk if i ever got the chance to fully rp with you, psy, but its good to see u once more Smile

and whats up dio & bri? as someone who once played a leader of tanglewood, i applaud your choice in group. hope you guys are having fun in the swamp.

being an adult is still new to me and im hardly coping with how busy my schedule is. but ive got a creative itch that needs scratching, so im going to be making my first character very soon. i look forward to interacting with you all!

Re: reappearance - teef - 03-27-2022

life's been okay ^^ I'm headed off to uni this fall I hope, (moving next month to the appropriate city lol)

I have multiple characters across the site once again, at least one in every group, main and unofficial/backboard. Currently four in Tangle with a fifth waiting for me to afford them ^^

Can't wait to see you around and writing

Re: reappearance - Poofy The Dark Master - 04-07-2022

Hi and welcome back! I'm Poofy and if your looking for anyone to plot with, just shot me a dm!