Beasts of Beyond
YOUR OWN SHADOWS TURN INTO GHOSTS / meet and greet - Printable Version

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YOUR OWN SHADOWS TURN INTO GHOSTS / meet and greet - Ilijas - 05-22-2018

[color=gray]▴ ▴ ▴
Ilijas was... not a fan of this sort of stuff.

He enjoyed conversation, don't get him wrong, but it was large masses of people that often made him weary and reluctant to participate in these sorts of social niceties. He could handle a thoughtful engagement between one or two other individuals but what he believed would ensue as soon as he made this announcement... it was going to be something insufferable, he already knew. It had to be done though, as much as he hated even the mere thought, he needed friends. Companionship. Something to distract his foggy brain from the pressing reality of his suffocating amnesia.

[b][color=gray]"I'm hosting a meet and greet."

His accented voice rang in the crisp evening air and Ilijas, content that that was a suitable way to garner attention, reared upon silver and gray haunches. Now came the easiest part- waiting. Alone with his thoughts, he could pass time relatively quickly until someone showed up and he was forced to entertain them with conversation. He hoped that he could do this. He was reserved - almost to the excruciating point - and knew not what to do when things began to go awry during normal chat between people. Even despite that, he had enough confidence in himself and his smooth, eloquent way of speaking. Besides, if something went wrong during this of all things, he'd have an issue.

[color=gray]"Let's simply hope that I'm successful in first attracting another being to me. I suppose that that's the first step," He idly observed out loud, flicking his tail. 

Re: YOUR OWN SHADOWS TURN INTO GHOSTS / meet and greet - tristitia - 05-24-2018

fate or finality
Lioness The Typhoon Betta tags
Sekai hated making conversation. After all, it was usually forced, it ended up being awkward, and one party or both of them were always left feeling guilty about themselves. A conversation was meant to be natural, not dwelling on said "social niceties". However, Sekai needed to know her new groupmates. She had walked over, hearing that Ilijas was hosting a meet and great. Oh, the apathetic one. Of all of them, why him?

Still, the lioness forced herself to walk over to him, breathig in the crisp evening air. Well, it looked like he would have to entertain someone with conversation. Hearing his comment, she stopped, and blinked. Attempting to make a joke, though backhanded, she commented, “Well, it's certainly a surprise you completed the first step.”
© madi

Re: YOUR OWN SHADOWS TURN INTO GHOSTS / meet and greet - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-26-2018

"You probably shouldn't talk to yourself out loud." Caesar commented as he made his way over, tail tip flicking. He honestly didn't mind conversations, unlike Sekai, though he much preferred the conversation to be about himself or at least not small talk. "You do remember me, yes?" He said to Ilijas, tilting his head.