Beasts of Beyond
IT SEEMS // Meet & Greet // Equinox Event - Printable Version

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IT SEEMS // Meet & Greet // Equinox Event - Byriath - 03-25-2022

[div style="margin-top: 4px; margin-left: 9px; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 36px; text-transform: lowercase; text-align: left; line-height: 22px;"]WE'LL ALWAYS SEEK,
Byriath was more than happy to host a Meet and Greet event for the group - he hadn't seen the people he called friends in a long while, and with new faces arriving as well, it just seemed fitting. The Pub was, in his eyes, the perfect place to hold it. "Look alive, everyone, let's go to the Pub." He called out to no one in particular as he walked toward the Pub, hoping to get a following.

Entering the pub, he hopped up on one of the empty tables to speak to the group that had begun to gather. "It's good to see that some of you have listened to me. If you remember me, Hello again. If not, you're in the right place. I'm holding a meet and greet right here, right now." He sat down, and raised a paw as if to wave to the group. "I'm Byriath Nightshade, former Guru of this place. It's good to be back." He nodded, then lowered his paw. "Now that I got myself out of the way, I'll step down and let everyone else introduce themselves." And that's just what he did. The Xenosmilus hopped down from the table and waited to see who else would speak up.
name — tags — played by DIO

Re: IT SEEMS // Meet & Greet // Equinox Event - Agrimony - 03-30-2022

the child heard a voice and made her way over with a graceful ease. she had never been inside the pub, that she knew of. after all, she was a kid still and she tended to explore the beach more then the camp. why wouldn't she explore the lands she called home? the kid took a seat just to the left of the door. her eyes were scanning the entire room about her. after taking in this strange place, she looked back to the older male.

"meet and greet..?" she offered the taller beast before looking to her tiny paws. she had never heard of a meet and greet, but as she listened she knew it was not to hard. so, the child would look back up and wait a moment for anyone else to stop speaking. she was not sure if she should speak, but she decided it would be rude not to.

"i'm zuriela.. no special rank or names or whatever.." she paused and took a breathe of air. he soft voice likely missed by anyone not listening. "I'm new.. but i would love to get to know everyone better.. if its not any trouble.." she mused as she looked nervously about her.

Re: IT SEEMS // Meet & Greet // Equinox Event - ninazu - 04-01-2022

The feathered Utahraptor slowly walked into the group, minding her steps. All the small animals were too easy to crush under her talons. She recognized Byriath and Zuriela—the first a healer from Stryker’s time, the second as a child she met on the border—and supposed she’d match their short introductions. They’d be here all day if she started from the beginning.

“My name is Ninazu Malus-Harbringer,” she said, her voice rumbly and deep. “I am one of the Coalition of the Condemned’s founders, and I have been dead for two years. I was known as Stryker’s wife and right hand, but most now will know me as Romulus’s mother and the creator of the mutated jungle flora.”

Re: IT SEEMS // Meet & Greet // Equinox Event - Plexus - 04-02-2022

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
Plexus carefully crept in, his long brim hat, scarf, and mask on (paint included). His muscles doing light jumps from how tense he was as he didn't do well in crowds, around others, and from exposed nerves. The large Norwegian Forest pushed himself into a small corner, and quietly piped up, "Plexus Kingsford, new Guru, recent member."

He couldn't help himself at being interested at Ninazu's involvement at the flora around the Coalition. He'd have to find time to talk to the woman about it (if he could gather the courage).