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WELCOME BACK, HON // human au w/vale - Printable Version

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WELCOME BACK, HON // human au w/vale - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 03-25-2022

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

he was really happy to have seen vem again, after the disappearance of their gory leader. they had briefly had a thing, a nice date (even if it were for him to recruit ver), but it was enjoyable while it had lasted. he wondered to himself what a world would be like with both of them at the helm, even if it was just a brief moment of passion, lust, drunkness. he'd like to see what would happen, so he had invited vem out for a date. a neat handwritten letter, smelling of honeysuckles, delivered straight to her door and slipped into the letter-box.

that had been earlier, in the afternoon. he hadn't heard any reply yet, so hopefully that was a yes, vey'd like to experiment with him. same honeysuckles that he had coaxed the scent from held firmly in hand and wrapped with a black bow-tie, matching that placed firmly around his neck. a typical simple dinner date outfit. his hair was slicked back, not a strand out of place. golden cufflinks adjusted well, heels shining and the faintest of a blush kissing his face. there he was, jormungand di angelo.
on a date.

he hesitated. he hadn't really pushed himself out there since aphra, -.

he shook his head. today wasn't about her. it was about him and vale. the return of vale meant so many new possibilities, opened up so many more doors that had previously been shut. he had planned to take her to a restaurant, a nice but quiet one, then go to the water-side and probably make out or something, and see how the night goes.

he lifted his gloved hand and gently tapped at ver door three times, stepped back to wait whilst holding the flowers in front of him. the door opened and he was immediately greeted with the strong yet unmistakable scent of drugs, and a lopsided grin formed on his face. "hey vale. got my letter?"

Re: WELCOME BACK, HON // human au w/vale - VALE - 03-28-2022

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ human au

// content warnings for weed and body dysmorphia

Vale tapped a black fingernail against the sink, glancing between the smoking joint between vis fingers and the mirror’s reflection. The punk wasn’t questioning the chain necklaces, the studded leather jacket, or the mohawk. Though ve’d seriously considered a suit and gas mask before deciding on skull face-paint.

Was it a good idea to date after reclaiming power? After the breakdown?

Ve raised the joint and breathed in. The motion was more mechanical, muscle memory than intentional.

The face in the mirror, the fake skull, resembled Vale’s internal representation of verself more than vis skin. Maybe in an alternate reality ve had already ripped the flesh right off vis skull.

The knock at the door startled ver. Ve grabbed the revolver off the toilet lid—heard Jor’s voice, relaxed—and shoved it in the jacket’s inside pocket. If Jor wasn’t carrying, ve’d be surprised. He should. Not because of ver. But risks came with their business.

Keys and half-joint in one hand, Vale opened the door. “Hmm, yes, I did.” Though ve hadn’t committed on the date until now. The wounded piece of ver, the one longing for Brym and Dante, wanted to wallow. But there was only so much wallowing you could do before it became boring.

“The honeysuckles are a unique choice.” Vale waved the joint and stepped out. The door shut and locked automatically behind ver; with the easy exit blocked off, Vale could stop thinking about long-gone friends.

“This is the only flower I brought. If it’s not to your standards, I don’t mind not sharing.” Vale had a strange way of offering to pass a joint.

Though, now that ve saw him, ve was tempted to run back inside and change into the suit. Probably not the gas mask—people got weird when they couldn’t see someone’s face—but, then again, did ve really want to match Jor? Because matching always meant one looked better than the other, and… goddammit, ve was overthinking this.

“Either way, weed and honeysuckles suit you. As does the smile.” Vale smiled back—close-lipped, because toothy looked weird with a skull face—and reached to take the flowers. “So, where’re we off to?”

Re: WELCOME BACK, HON // human au w/vale - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 03-28-2022

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


IC TEXT | IC opinions only

there ve was. the door slammed open, exposing the smell of weed. he grinned widely, he had missed ver, that was for sure. the grin slightly faltered as he surveyed what ve was wearing, but kicked up again in full notch, adopting more of a smirk as he noticed the facepaint. "you look beautiful today, vale." a casual compliment, filled with mirth. it had been very nicely painted though, vis cheekbones stood out and the colors complimented each other and her outfit. still, despite the strange look today he didn't complain. ve was beautiful and he had no qualms about going out on a date.

ve complimented the flowers and he dipped his head slightly in a thanks. "didn't really know which ones you'd like so i asked the guy to give me some random kinds." he knew too little about plants and flowers, and if vale liked them he'd probably invest some more time into learning about them.

vale had brought a 'flower' too, and he accepted it with a good-natured chuckle. "thanks vale. it's a beautiful flower." handed ver the bouquet of flora and lifted the joint to his lips. took a nice inhale, feeling the chemistry mingle in his brain. his body visibly relaxed and he held out a hand to vale. "i've arranged a picnic. come with me. it's a really nice spot."

Re: WELCOME BACK, HON // human au w/vale - VALE - 04-22-2022

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ human au
If Vale wasn’t wearing the facepaint, vis eyebrow would’ve shot up. “Honestly? That’s probably how I’d pick your alcohol, so now you know in advance.”

Taking the flowers with one hand, Vale considered the… assortment of petals. Ve’d never been much good at romance. But holding dying flowers while their beauty still lasted struck a morbid cord, which Vale appreciated if only for the novelty. Probably not why anyone else enjoyed flowers as presents.

“The flower I brought is the only kind I care to know much about,” Vale said. With a slight smirk, ve grabbed Jor’s hand and looped his arm over vis shoulders. “Oh, and? I may be shorter than you, but if you lean your weight on me like a goddamn cane, I’ll break one of your ankles.”

“A picnic, eh? Good thing I’ve got the munchies.”

Re: WELCOME BACK, HON // human au w/vale - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 04-22-2022

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


amore mio = my love (italian)

IC TEXT | IC opinions only

so ve'd randomly pick alcohol for him? he chuckled, he'd need to watch out for that then. it wasn't like he minded too much what he drank, but he had taste and he might have to sort something out later. he let his eyes rake over ver body - vale's time working out was evident and ve was absolutely beautiful. his breath hitched in his throat as ve grabbed his hand, looping it around ver shoulders, and his free hand came up to gently cup ver chin. his thumb brushed a loose strand of hair away from ver lips, moving his face closer to vers.
"i have no intention of resting my weight on you, do not worry, amore mio." he crooned, gently pressing a soft kiss to ver nose. the threat was cute yet he had no doubt ve was able to do exactly what ve said. suddenly a scenario flashed across his mind. "what if i get really injured in my leg? will you let me lean some of my weight on you?" his honeyed voice layered in the air and he allowed a small smile to slip onto his lips.

suddenly, another idea came to his mind and his hand moved to his pocket to pull out his phone. doing a quick search he tapped some buttons, fingers moving swiftly to book them a slot in a rage room. after he was done his eyes slid to ver. "i think it might be enjoyable for you." he murmured, gently tugging ver along towards the street that lead to the picnic area he had set up.

Re: WELCOME BACK, HON // human au w/vale - VALE - 04-23-2022

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ human au
Vale froze and nearly stumbled in vis trusty combat boots. Hand on face contact. Face on face touch. Could he feel the burning hidden under the paint, pulsing beneath vis skin? Gods, he was tender when he wanted.

And Vale? Vale broke a knuckle fracturing a skull. That was how Vale communicated with touch.

“Already calling me cute nicknames? You’re adorable.” The usual smirk flashed across vis face. And then ve could move normally, think normally. Why was it so much easier to punch mouths than to kiss them? “And a surprise! I love surprises.”

Ve dramatically tapped a black fingernail to vis jaw at Jor’s question. “I suppose it depends on the leg injury. I might just prefer to take a blood sample first, you know? But if you’re going to die, I can control myself long enough to call for an ambulance.”

Looping a few fingers through Jor’s hand, Vale rubbed an ear against Jor’s arm. Vale didn’t know why he always wore such formal attire; mens’ clothing was practically designed to diminish attention to the physique. He looked less swole than he was, than he felt like.

Ve bit vis tongue against this critique, chewed on vis thought, and finally settled on less acidic words. “It’s a shame. You’re more attractive than these joggers in the park, but only when you’re beating the shit out of a moron.”

Re: WELCOME BACK, HON // human au w/vale - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 04-23-2022

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


IC TEXT | IC opinions only

it seemed his closeness had caught ver off guard, and he chuckled lightly to himself. ver face was really warm, was he feeling a blush from the other? ve recovered quickly though, ver trademark smirk flashing across ver face again and calling him adorable for giving ver nicknames. "what can i say? i like you, vale. so yes, cute nicknames." ve said ve loved surprises and he smiled. he felt like a rage room would be interesting for the both of them, plus he wanted to try it out sometime.

to the leg injury question ve responded with a blood sample would be nice, and he tilted his head. he couldn't tell what a blood sample would do, but if it would entertain ver then so be it. "it is okay vale, i do not plan on dying any time soon." shot ver a wink, slowly, seductive. vale rubbed ver ear against his arm and he glanced down at ver. how adorable. ve really had grown on him, he decided.

then, a pause as ve analysed his choice of clothing, and he allowed a mirth-filled frown to settle on his features. but afterwards came a compliment calling him attractive, and he made a cooing noise. but only if he was beating the shit out of a moron. "well then i guess going to a rage room is a good idea, no? i am sure we can find some morons for me to beat up."