Beasts of Beyond
whisper of solitude | balefire; joiner; open - Printable Version

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whisper of solitude | balefire; joiner; open - wifewoof - 03-25-2022

BALEFIRE - male - feline - tags - tanglewood
[Image: dark-souls-bonfire.gif]
A tall turkish angora, an old sword at his hip, stood on the border, his left leg stiff and unmoving as he waited on another soul to find him. His heart was slow and off beat as he had walked for days to make it, his hunting abysmal due to being unfamiliar with any of the territory he went through to make it to Tanglewood.

He mournfully thought of his past life, his past lover, his past friends. He'll never see them again. He couldn't live in a place where he was treated as a fragile feline anymore. He had been disabled for 6 years and they still treated him like he couldn't so much as go on a walk alone. Balefire fervently hoped that this group didn't repeat the behavior for he heard the leader herself has permanent injuries. He had no idea if it was a rumor or not, but it still gave him hope.

Balefire quietly placed his head on his paws, sinking down, and waited.

Re: whisper of solitude | balefire; joiner; open - SOJOURN - 03-25-2022

Getting to understanding this rather depressing territory was one of his first steps to becoming integrated into this group. It was a large area and be was most curious of the environment despite some of his misgivings. It was the only reason why he had come upon the feline as he seemed to float along the air to avoid touching some of the more mucky areas. Billowing cloud mane shifted and rippled with the colors of morning as he tilted his head a little to look upon the alabaster feline, taking in that they were waiting here. Why he could not fathom after all he had just landed in the village himself with reprimand. So he didn't truly understand why there was a cat here. Perhaps in need of something. With a light flourish of wings that were mostly invisible he landed upon the driest spot that he could find.

"Hello there. I couldn't help but notice your standing frame here. Do you need something?" The angel asked with a smile pulling at his muzzle. He was as welcoming as he needed to be with a dip of his head to acknowledge his own words and then he moved into introductions. "This place is Tanglewood by the way and I am Apollyon."

Re: whisper of solitude | balefire; joiner; open - Seven - 03-25-2022

The blind Tigress rumbled gently as she walked, mapping out the route with her paws feeling forward and whiskers twitching. The words of Apollyon made it to her ears and she altered her path to encounter him and whoever else he was talking to. Faint white outlines finally faded into view and she examined them, noting the way the outline of Balefire seemed... well, he had a twisted leg. Not much to even try to worry about.

"Hello, you two." She spoke, tail flicking behind her. Glazed eyes looked unseeingly to each of them, the blue tigress shuffled her paws as she sat down. "I'm Seven, it's nice to meet both of you." A smile expanded across her blank face, and the mushrooms that clustered on the side of her neck glowed with a gentle pulse.
Seven - Tanglewood - Heavily mutated tigress - Tagged by Astral

Re: whisper of solitude | balefire; joiner; open - wifewoof - 03-25-2022

BALEFIRE - male - feline - tags - tanglewood
[Image: dark-souls-bonfire.gif]
The white feline gazed at the (angelic? he didn't have much experience beyond...his old friend) lion, and very mutated tigress. His green and amber eyes flitted between them as old habits reared their head. He subtly confirmed possible escape routes, his body rising to greet them as his tail cleared a path behind him so he wouldn't trip if needed, and he adjusted his body to fave both larger feliforms. It had been a very long time and he still couldn't shake training (not when it's saved his life so many times).

Balefire cautiously started, "I'm...Balefire. I traveled incredibly far to settle in Tanglewood. I'm glad to have made it." His leg ached as he shifted ever so slightly, his face schooled in a neutral expression, "I am wondering if it is too forward to ask about the territory and the higher ups. I came to this group after hearing a few rumors; I've only heard about your leader, and the swamp itself."

Re: whisper of solitude | balefire; joiner; open - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 03-25-2022

We do not have many,” remarked the large wyvern, trudging forward to meet the small group with his eyes fixated forward. Subtly, a soft drifting glance fell upon Balefire, and a smile would creep upon his face as he made sure to avoid lumbering over them. “I am Corrupttimelines, although most call me Cory. It is nice to meet you,” greeted he, the stench of alcohol gently wavering past his lips into the air. Evidently, he wasn’t drunk, but he had been drinking a bit to loosen himself up.
code by spacexual

Re: whisper of solitude | balefire; joiner; open - wifewoof - 03-26-2022

BALEFIRE - male - feline - tags - tanglewood
[Image: dark-souls-bonfire.gif]
Readjusting his stance, the feline jerked his head to the wyvern, "Pleasure is mine to meet you, Cory." He tested the name on his tongue, and decided to use it, "That...sounds highly strange. Did something happen to cause such vacancies?" A frown crossed Balefire's muzzle, he rarely heard of groups, colonies, or battalions having so little command, so he assumed something must have happened.

With a dismissive shake of his head, Balefire took a whiff of the alcohol on the large dragon's breath. His blood sung at the thought of alcohol. He hasn't consumed any in so long, his old companions forbid him in fear of him drinking himself to death, or he'd hurt himself more. Laughable, if he were being honest. He never drank enough to be blackout, or to risk alcohol poisoning.

He felt a small weight leave him at the thought of how they can't smother him anymore.

Re: whisper of solitude | balefire; joiner; open - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 03-26-2022

A brief roll of his shoulders in a circular motion was then followed by a shrug. In truth, Cory hadn’t been here long enough to know much of anything. As much as he longed to help, one can only do so much with minimal knowledge on what may have occurred before them. A brief smile dotted his lips at the usage of his name as well, having missed the lack of formalities. “I am uncertain. I have only just begun residing here, and I typically do not ask many questions,” the wyvern would remark, shifting his wings back into a neatly folded position before observing the marshy land around them. “If you wish to live here, you need a home. Would you like an escort?” inquired he, cocking an imaginary brow their way.
code by spacexual

Re: whisper of solitude | balefire; joiner; open - SOJOURN - 03-27-2022

Though he was curious he allowed the talks to continue. Gaze seeming far off before those shocking yellow eyes seemed to sharpen intensely. He looked at Balefire then, tilting his head a little when he asked one question then another but he was curious about something he had said to begin with. "And what did you hear about our dear leader?" Rumors could be undoing and he did not like the idea of anyone being negative towards their leader. She did not deserve such things and she worked hard for them as far as he saw. Flicking his tail he glanced at Cory then and well, he was more cautious then the dragon it seemed. He was not too friendly at first, the angel wanted to gauge others. It gave more information.

"Before we get to far, I think it would he wise for him to meet Madam Firefly first. Then if she thinks it is okay he can find a home." Letting anyone in seemed counter intuitive. A smile flicked across his muzzle because the hypocritical behavior was not lost on him about how he had taken up residence here.

Re: whisper of solitude | balefire; joiner; open - wifewoof - 03-27-2022

BALEFIRE - male - feline - tags - tanglewood
[Image: dark-souls-bonfire.gif]
Collecting his thoughts, Bale carefully began, "I heard that the current leader had experience with permanent injuries, and that she was not lesser for them." He shot a rueful look at his own limp, lame hindleg, "Even if it isn't true, I thought...maybe Tanglewood would be better than where I was, and so...I journeyed to be here." His green and amber eyes gauged the angelic lion, the wyvern, and the tigress. All bigger than him.

"I am commendable to being escorted to the Luminary. I would be glad to meet her." Balefire easily agreed, even if he's outnumbered and out powered, he couldn't help but be a little excited to meet the leader.

Re: whisper of solitude | balefire; joiner; open - butch kennedy - 03-30-2022

[glow=black,1,400]IS IT OVER YET, WILL I EVER FEEL AGAIN? — 。+゚.[/glow]
[glow=teal,2,300]"I like that people are talking about me so nicely, really puts a smile on my face."[/glow]  Firefly said with a grin as she moved towards the group.  She had used her reptilian body to catch up to her companions, but seeing the feline's back-leg, she shifted back into her birth body.  Immediately, the uncomfortable scales were gone - alongside the feeling in her lower half - and her easy grin turned a little sheepish.

[glow=teal,2,300]"You could say I've got some experience... come on, walk with me.  Looks like we've got some things to talk about."[/glow]

template credit to guppy