Beasts of Beyond
COTC'S SPRING EQUINOX EVENT 2022 - Printable Version

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COTC'S SPRING EQUINOX EVENT 2022 - Romulus - 03-23-2022

[Image: 41450132_oCTyo4kdcSATJIk.gif]

Was that not an interesting subject, especially recently? The re-appearance of familiar faces, whether alive or dead, had come in waves within the last few months. For long-time members of the island, it was a shock. Even Tanglewood's leader came to proclaim their concerns about the undead rising. The experience was not far from home either. Faces like Sojourn, Bryiath, Ninazu, and more arrived on Romulus' doorstep without any warning or explanation except: 'I'm back.' Needless to say, the events were peculiar, yet timely. 

The unnatural phenomenon strangely loomed near the Coalition of the Condemned's annual event, the spring equinox. The equinox represents the rebirth and revitalization of their home. Romulus couldn't help but ponder if the event was a coincidence or a timely plan from the heaven's above. Despite his concerns though, he tried to embrace what came upon him in such a short time. Mother, sister, and wanderers alike were back in full swing to celebrate the Coalition of the Condemned's resurgence.

Spring's equinox marked the end of their cold climate though. Grey snow storms within the clouds were beginning to shift into white, delicate flurries. With the bright sun beginning to peak over the horizon's edge, specks highlighted by golden hour began to glitter and shine for all to see. Soft, yet pliable, the snow was satisfactory for the kingpin's plans. The fantastic weather was only beginning.

Sunrise marked the start of the event. A roar echoed from the central island's inner circle. "WANDERS OF THE COALITION OF THE CONDEMNED, GATHER," demanded the kingpin's call. "FOR IT IS TIME FOR THE SPRING EQUINOX!" The lion's voice spread quickly throughout the nearby area to his pleasure, causing him to drop to the floor. His tail curled around his large paws that were patiently tapping away at the ground.

Thankfully, a crowd gathered. Satisfied with the turnout, Romulus continued in a quieter tone and deeply spoke out to them. "Rebirth is upon on us. It is time to start moving past the harsh winter and into the warm summer," he stated firmly. "Let us find new beginnings within this times and revitalize old relationships with one another by rejoicing together." There was multiple ways to do so. Some tradition, some new.

"I would like to start within our own borders first." A dark paw moved upwards and out towards the territory, gesturing widely across the area. "We should start by cleaning our homes, reviving the territory, and making sure things are in order for the upcoming months." His paw pointed back at the stone homes before them, only to take it's final bow onto the ground moments later. "Decorating, painting, gardening-" Someone had to handle the border's flytraps. "-and other ways to bring that fresh feeling upon us." The kingpin planned on assigning tasks if no one stepped up to the plate, while also handling some himself.

He let them take in that information for a moment as voices rose out through the crowd and then dipped back into silence, allowing him to continue. "I would also like to take a moment to reconsider our neighbors on the mainland." Romulus did not hesitate physically, but in the back of his head he knew some would be displeased. After all, considering the last reigns before him, his was rather neutral. The returning members had not watched their group evolve and change under his grip. That could come with conflict, unfortunately. Nevertheless, Romulus studied their features for reactions as he spoke with confidence. "The Coalition's recent endeavors have been impartial. I would like to expand our horizon by taking the opportunity to visit groups we used to consider enemies." Tanglewood, The Typhoon, The Pitt, and others who clashed with them before were all planned.

The kingpin's straight face continued to survey the crowd for reactions, but rather than waiting, he continued before someone could interject. News regarding outsiders was not finished. "While I will be heading to these group's myself to talk first, I would like to introduce an ambassadorship program and have candidates visit their territories with me." The lion locked eyes with a few trusted individuals for a moment. "If you are interested, please come to me privately." The chosen individuals would plan their visit from there.

A smile began to breach his maw. "If anyone has any issues, comments, and suggestions, you're more than welcome to come to me after our events." Large paws pushed away from the ground and rose Romulus up to a standing position. "Instead, let's begin with our festivities," he mused.

All members are open to creating a Spring Equinox thread! Include an OOC comment in your post below and I can add your thread on this list! Romulus, if asked ICly, can also assign your character with a prompt.
- Ambassador Program Sign-Ups
- Tribal Paint with Plexus
- Casting Objects Into Fire with Ninazu
- Flytrap Management with Bryiath
- Meet n Greet with Bryiath
- Nursery Decorating with Inferno
- Herb Organization with Zuriela
- and more! Just ask to add on!

Re: COTC'S SPRING EQUINOX EVENT 2022 - Byriath - 03-24-2022

[div style="margin-top: 4px; margin-left: 9px; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 36px; text-transform: lowercase; text-align: left; line-height: 22px;"]WE'LL ALWAYS SEEK,
The spring was upon them, it seemed. Just as the start of a warm-season thawed the ice and melted the snow, the familiarity of the Coalition was beginning to thaw and melt whatever cold settled into his heart. There wasn't much, mind you, now that he was with Saturn. But there would always be a sense of blood lust in him.

The call of Romulus drew the god from his home, a few white streaks in his fur. Seating himself in the group, his ears leaned forward on his skull to listen. Festivities, decorating, such the like that Byriath once thought stupid. Now, he seemed eager to help. The massive beast rose from his position but waited until Romulus finished.

"If it isn't too much of a problem, I'd like to help with the fly traps." He started, and then a smile reached upon his face. "A 'Meet-and-Greet' wouldn't hurt either. I've seen a few new faces and some old ones as well. It would be nice to get acquainted with everyone." Byriath looked to Romulus, hoping his idea would be approved.
name — tags — played by DIO


[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ —  ɪɴꜰᴇʀɴᴏ | ꜱᴄᴀʀᴇᴄʀᴏᴡ ᴇꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ʙᴀʙʏ | ᴄɪᴘʜᴇʀ-ᴠᴀɴᴛᴀꜱ | ʙɪᴏ

ɪᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ | ɪᴄ ᴏᴘɪɴɪᴏɴꜱ

the call summoned her, jittery and hopping about, as if someone had introduced her to coffee. she listened to what he had to say and curled her tail towards herself. "i'd like a challenge if possible, romulus!" the kingpin was right; this was a time to start anew. she needed to clean everything out, abandon old memories and make new ones. maybe explore, find love or something.

ᴏᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ!


Re: COTC'S SPRING EQUINOX EVENT 2022 - Agrimony - 03-24-2022

Confusion. That was the emotion she felt in her new life. She was alone for so long, it was hardly a surprise that she was confused. New rules and laws. The concept of ranks and boarders. All of this was so new and foreign to her. Nothing was as her mother claimed. She was raised to believe in a lawless world. A world where she was expected to fight and scrape by from a young age. All of it was a lie. All of it was false. No one was out to get her. She didn't have to fight daily. She simply had to pull her wait. Yet, she had so much to learn before she could pull her own weight fully.

Starting with this new tradition. Well, new for her. She was sure it was normal for the members of her new family. So, when a roar summoned them, she followed the flow of fellow members. There, she would finally meet the Kingpin. She had heard from others about the leader of this group. Of course, between baths and nursing herself back to health, she had never bothered to meet him. Silently, she would settle in the back of the gathered.

Eyes focused on the Kingpin as he spoke to the gathered. All the tasks set forth made her tilt her head. Cleaning. Painting. Decorating. Gardening. Other groups were a new concept to her and she perked up at the mention. After the Kingpin finished speaking, she tilted her head slightly. "Can.. Can I help too?" She was excited, despite her soft voice. Eyes flicking to the gathered as if seeking someone she could assist.

Re: COTC'S SPRING EQUINOX EVENT 2022 - ninazu - 03-25-2022

Ninazu sat down and wrapped her short tail around her malus flytrap. She was so proud of Romulus; the circumstances his ascension to leadership were likely difficult. And she’d played her part in making them worse; she should’ve been strong enough to step up as Kingpin, yet… she hadn’t. It bruised her pride to know that, without Stryker, she’d collapsed.

And, still, she hadn’t rebuilded. Rebirth might’ve brought her back into the flesh, but it hadn’t mended the mind. Not even time in the ground had muffled her grief.

After he concluded his announcements, Ninazu gritted her teeth. Alliances were certainly needed, but she wouldn’t volunteer. She had no talent or skill in negotiations, and most groups probably had at least one member who remembered all the violence she’d committed over the years.

“I’ll help with an event,” Ninazu said. That, at least, she could do for her son and the group.

Re: COTC'S SPRING EQUINOX EVENT 2022 - Romulus - 03-25-2022

[Image: 41450132_oCTyo4kdcSATJIk.gif]
Voices started to break free from the crowd. His eyes landed on Bryiath at their call first. The lion was always protective of his mother's flytraps, but he nodded along in approval. Bryiath was an old friend. He believed he could trust him with the border's beloved plants. "You may," the kingpin simply said.

As for Inferno, the larger feline looked down in thought. They were smaller than most. A simpler task for their height to prove their worth seemed suitable. "Head to the nursery and get new supplies for the upcoming litters of Spring," he requested. "I'm sure Brutei and the others would appreciate it." The season often brought an abundance of new children, especially for those hibernating in the winter. Staying inside all the time led animals to get desperate, after all.

Unlike the others, Zuriela was younger. Their request was a surprise, but Romulus was pleased by their willingness to step forth, despite their age. His gaze narrowed on the small fox in thought. They were going to need something easy. "Can you help organize some of the guru's herbs?" He momentarily looked around for Plexus. "The piles are a mess and in an emergency it'll be impossible to find the right thing." Most things were green, after all. For a child, it should be relatively easy though.

His mother was the last person to capture his attention. He did not know his mother's feelings towards his leadership, though Romulus hoped that they were positive. The reign he followed was quite different to his own. He could only hope the changes made were better and made her proud. The lion merely acknowledged her request with a short, validating nod. "Let's let go of the past and move forward with the future, shall we?" came his inquisitive request. "How about burning objects of our past to make way for others?" The shortcomings of their lives should not hold them hostage, but push them forward, after all.

Re: COTC'S SPRING EQUINOX EVENT 2022 - Agrimony - 03-25-2022

Despite her age, she was determined to do her best on any task given to her. As such, the little fox perked her ears at the mention of herbs. Of course, being young, she had never seen a herb before in her life. Yet, the idea of these herbs being useful in an emergency peeked her curiosity. Little form swaying on small paws, the girl would nod. "I will do my best sir." She piped up as she turned to bound off.

Sure, it would be a learning curve, but she wanted to learn. She would try to keep things neat and help out the guru. It sounded important and she loved it. So, off she went.


[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ —  ɪɴꜰᴇʀɴᴏ | ꜱᴄᴀʀᴇᴄʀᴏᴡ ᴇꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ʙᴀʙʏ | ᴄɪᴘʜᴇʀ-ᴠᴀɴᴛᴀꜱ | ʙɪᴏ

ɪᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ | ɪᴄ ᴏᴘɪɴɪᴏɴꜱ

she blinked up at him, nodding as he said she should get supplies. a bubbled shriek-laugh spilt from her lips, ending in a cackle. she could do that! that would give another opportunity to look at byriath and the children.

ᴏᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ!


Re: COTC'S SPRING EQUINOX EVENT 2022 - Romulus - 03-29-2022

[Image: 41450132_oCTyo4kdcSATJIk.gif]
He offered a nod of approval towards the both of them, although he did crane his head at Inferno's ghastly shriek of joy. What an odd one. Nevertheless, he shook it off. Romulus awaited for any further questions before moving along.

//Updated links!

Re: COTC'S SPRING EQUINOX EVENT 2022 - Romulus - 06-02-2022

Ending event is here! Come enjoy some pheasants and admire the COTC's flora.