Beasts of Beyond
and you’re all gonna know my name - Printable Version

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and you’re all gonna know my name - Falloan - 03-23-2022

[Image: Untitled_8.png]
Falloan sauntered through the forest, eyes catching on a pair of antlers just above an oaks low branches. She was… not hungry right now, couldn’t care less— but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to approach the stag. It was fun to fuck around and find out when she herself couldn’t come up with a consequence.

That, however, did not explicitly mention that she was half deaf; so when a young stag who’s antlers had barely started coming in started charging at her… she would charge right back! What could go wrong, after all? As they butt heads, her own horns ramming into the males crown with a thunk as they made contact with each other. "Hah! Got you, stupid little stag man!" She taunted, prancing backwards to avoid the other stags charge. "I ain’t lookin’ for no trouble, big man, but I ain’t gonna take no shit from you either!" She charged at the older male, her horns hitting his chest before the other backed off a moment to catch his breath and to speak.

"If you want no trouble… why… are you attacking us…" The stag huffed, his breath gone from the impact that she had caused.

"I was messin’ around man, I ain’t tryna start anything with a herd— I’m jus’ young and wanna have some fun buttin’ heads with people I can butt heads with without hurting them," She was huffing too, but not nearly as bad. The stag huffed at her answer, clearly unsatisfied, but accepted the answer she had given nonetheless.

"You may stay with us, but you mustn’t hurt our young or our old nor sick, if I catch you, you will die." He told her, eyes casting a glare over the assembled deer around her. She nodded, ears perking at her new friends. "I am Sornis, patriarch of this herd, and the one you knocked heads with— the younger one— is called Amarith. He is not much older than you, though his antlers are slow to come in— unlike your own branches.” She smiled, teeth showing while she looked around.

"I am Falloan, but you can call me Fal or somthin’ I don’ care,” Falloan would take a step towards Amarith, giving him an apology before backing away. "I ain’t lookin’ for a home right ‘bouts now, but I’ll hit you up if I ever do," She told Sornis, ears flattening slightly as he gave her a dismissive snort. "Have a good one!" She called, sauntering at a leisurely pace to go look for more creatures to annoy.

Falloan rounded a corner in the deer trail she’d used to find the herd, catching a brief sound of running water and picking up her pace a little to find the source. She was running for quite a bit of time before she saw what she was searching for: a waterfall taller than she’d ever seen before in her life, with multiple worn trails leading to the top. She wasn’t interested in that though, and as she got closer, she realized the fish she had been hoping to find… were indeed there! She fuckin’ loved fish.

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