Beasts of Beyond
love me more than you possibly can ꧂ intr[o] (tw: cannibalism) - Printable Version

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love me more than you possibly can ꧂ intr[o] (tw: cannibalism) - jerisidie - 03-23-2022

Thoughts & "Speech." & Attack!

the screaming howling of wind surrounded them, head lowered and eyes slit against the blinding snow. they were backed up against something hard and firm, and oh so freezing cold yet so rough. their jaws were split to reveal sharp teeth ready to rip and rend their enemies apart, snarls erupting from the beast as they stared through the darkness of the snowstorm to the beasts encircling them. short fur rising upon their hide as they snarled, lurching forward as another beast came at them with a roar, sinking their own razor sharp teeth into fur and flesh, their body following their forward motion as the beast they'd attacked went down under their weight before a loud yelp filled their ears soon followed by the other beasts closing in on them in a feral starvation.

there was no talking to these savages, the cannibal had deducted. there was no .. intelligence amongst these monsters that raved and ravaged everything in their sight, even their own kind and families. he wasn't so different from them, he was a man-eater, a kin-eater, a beast most would rather run far away from. he couldn't blame them, he didn't want to be around himself either. there had only been one other being that understood him, and that being was gone! sebastian was gone!

the rage kept building within him, building so strongly, so much so that he could not control himself anymore. a haze of red filled the ahklut's gaze, the violence his body was capable of dishing out only increasing without limitations. only when the last beast had stopped moving, did the akhlut come to a stand still, the sounds of violence echoing out around him in the slowing of the storm, the last dying shriek of the wolf under him echoing loudly in his ears as his jaws crushed down even more heavily upon it's windpipe before his jaws cramped and he released the destroyed corpse. standing in the carnage, he panted and coughed out blood and fur from his mouth. stomach heaving as he looked at the bodies, hunger running through him like a curse as his jaws watered upon the taste of gore on his tongue. bending his head, he closed his eyes with a sense of refusal and disgust as he began to feed himself on the body. part of him wanted to stop this madness, but he hadn't hunted a proper meal in so damn long and it felt like he could feel his own ribs.

for the settlers of this frozen waste, the sounds and screams of war between the unnamed and countless beasts were a common sound, especially for the poor souls posted along the wall of enit. the fires along the wall sputtered amongst the snow, soon drawing his gaze as the beast trod on, the pelts of his latest ... meals slung over his back. walking up to the wall, the great whale and wolf beast yawned, licking as much blood as possible from his jaws. somebody lived here, or many somebodies, he would presume. raising a heavy blood-stained paw to knock on the heavy wooden gates, "anybody go there?"

green and yellow eyes re-adjusted as he stepped back as the doors swung open, a silent question upon his sharp-toothed maw as he growled in warning. were they letting him in, or were they sending out an attack force? lips curling back to show off the sharp teeth he carried within his jaws, tongue pressing forward as a deep booming snarl echoed out from his chest, ears laid back as silence met him. well, he wasn't going down too easily if it was war to come.


Re: love me more than you possibly can ꧂ intr[o] (tw: cannibalism) - SirDio - 03-23-2022

Oh, the woes of two cannibals. Torn from eachother before they could speak what both longed to say, one more than the other. One loving a horrible man and the other... well, Sebastian didn't know what became of Auberon after Frostblown's fading into the past. That's what made them ache. There was no one to fish with, no one to save them from flood waters or the hell of a mean man.

Ears perked at the voice that rang from the other side of the gates, and the demon raised their head. Watching someone open the gate to reveal a strikingly similar form, well built for the life they lived. Attractive in the eyes of the fellow cannibalistic being. While the one who opened the gates stepped back, terrified, Sebastian shot up from their position nearby and let out a strangled gasp. [b]"Auberon!" They spoke, a harsh feeling in their chest. A tightness.

Sore legs managed to walk toward the beast, and the white-ish scabs and scarring along their form was evident as they stared up at the one they missed so, so much.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: love me more than you possibly can ꧂ intr[o] (tw: cannibalism) - JADEIRE ELLEFSEN - 03-24-2022

♣ jadeire ellefsen | jade | 3 years | direwolf hybrid ♣
"knights, execute order 66"

IC TEXT | IC opinions

she followed sebastian to arrive to dying sounds of anger and flesh and battle. worry in her heart, sadness in her gaze as she listened to the despair in his voice. she, too, had missed auberon, yet now did not recognise who this man was again.