Beasts of Beyond
?'? ????? ???? ?? ???? ??? ⍟ awakening (possession intro) - Printable Version

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?'? ????? ???? ?? ???? ??? ⍟ awakening (possession intro) - mei - 03-23-2022


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] laying in bed, eyes closed tightly, noises all around in a soft hub-bub of sound and being alive. silent the twitch of an ear, eyes rolling beneath lids shut tightly as breath stirred in lungs that worked double time as legs began to jerk in the grips of a dream. heavy was the heart resting inside the ribcage, agony in the unmoving memories playing over and over. the memories of water rising up around and filling the mouth and lungs, chasing away every last wisp of breath within her lungs as her legs seized and kicked, the bobcat deep within her sleep.

from far away, she felt as if she was watching her own body as all sound dropped to nothing, her senses suffocating her and her eyes flashing open except ... she could only see darkness. all around her she could hear nothing until there was a screech and there was suddenly sounds. her head was pounding, getting the feeling that she was sitting upright and as she looked around, she could see a dark gray turning to a lighter gray as if the world was calming, the noises so violent that pressed in around her calming to a dull throb. she felt warm and cold, watching as the gray around her started to show speckles of green and blue lights, her brows furrowing as a sense of comfort and calm swept over her, suddenly feeling as if she was adrift in a warm water on her back. the scenery changed with her senses, showing her a field of starry skies overhead, gaze watching stars beginning to fall across the sky as a serene feeling filled her body.

letting the soft flow of the water that she now floated upon take her, the siren gave a weary breath, seeing faces forming in the stars, faces that she knew. faces that belonged to her family and friends, people she loved and missed so dearly. could anyone tell what she'd done? blinking as the stars began to change and form a different shape, a long dragon forming itself among the stars before it left the stars for the river she was in, a pair of blue eyes in the dragon's face holding her own as it floated above her body. there she felt at peace despite the fearsome creature looming over her, a soft voice whispering through her entirety, "sleep now, xioahui." and with that, her consciousness faded and her control over her own body slipped away into nothing, coming to rest fully and peacefully.  -


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] the body grew still as breath left it, mei's body still under the tree that she had called home for the night, the restful slumber of death settling on the body so recently returned from the earth's maw. the peaceful emptiness didn't last long before eyes that were once green opened and were flecked strongly with blue, almost enough to be called blue itself. breath returned so strongly as maw split open, air forced out with the force of great coughing and choking. all but forcing itself to it's paws, hacking and wheezing until it remembered how to breathe and a loud very masculine voice burst from the gray and green bobcat, "fucking hells! what in the fuck!?" as the coughing subsided and left the bobcat stumbling to the nearest puddle of water. "how in the fuck am i alive!? i'm supposed to fucking be dead!", his voice was shrill, filled with an unmet anger and confusion.

laeglin stared down into the water below him, each limb shaking as he tried to get used to the fact that he was very much alive, and judging by the piercings of the body he was in, possessing his sister's body. "fuck me! fuck you fate!", he yowled, splashing the water with a shaking paw, fur rising along his spine. what was fate doing?! how was he alive!? he'd willingly given up his body to mei so long ago when he'd lost all reason to keep living in the beyond, too long separated from the few people he'd loved so madly and deeply. his family and friends. ares. everything had changed then, he'd had no home and no will to keep fighting for such a useless reason. that had been it. there had been no more of him then. there was no more 'laeglin', there was no more 'prince', there was only the body-less god of stars fading away as his siren sister seized his conscious and body so long ago. so why in the fuck was he back?

sitting down heavily, he touched his face with his paws, growling as he felt tight scars, "god damnit mei, look after your fucking body! where in the fuck did you even go? why am I back? where did you go, you little shit!?" to any outsider, the sight of the bobcat sitting there and talking to itself would be strange, especially with the tone change in voice, yet the physical body remained the same. this was not what laeglin thought would ever happen, even when the curious thought of looking over the population of the beyond had occurred. he certainly hadn't expected to have been sucked back into existence, let alone in his older sister's body.  -