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a wandering soul ;; joiner? - Printable Version

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a wandering soul ;; joiner? - Agrimony - 03-22-2022

now, she had no clue how she got here. tiny paws, muddy and sore from walking, finally gave in under a small fern. it was here that she lay. little form of pink tinted white simply to tired to keep on. at only two months old, she was all alone. why? well, her mother and brother went missing one night. she had taken a nap, and when she woke up they weren't there. it was this reason that she had wandered so long.

hunger and cold making her keep this hopeless search up. yet, despite wandering for so long, she found no sign of them. the trail died off long ago. now, as she lay under a fern, she could smell strangers. yet, she had no clue how close or far they were. all she wanted was a simple nap and something to eat. so, the young fox simply closed her eyes. waiting for sleep to take her, despite her hunger pains.

Re: a wandering soul ;; joiner? - LAERTES - 03-23-2022

Plants could not be trusted. Wether it was with baring his weight or trying to consume him. Ruffled and a bit sticky Laertes was making his way back to camp, not bothering to watch where he was going as his mind was rather focused on plant killing methods. Of course it was now that something would happen. Stepping through ferns the enormous feline found himself almost tripping up on something squishy. Furry. Alive. Now making noise. With a shout Laertes leapt back, feathers and fur flying. That was until he saw what he'd almost squashed on his angry jaunt back home.
A child. All alarm bells ceased ringing. A quick sniff confirmed that they were alone. What was a kid doing out here alone? It was a dangerous world here, something which was only now truly dawning upon Laertes. He'd been so sheltered by family he hadn't considered that leaving them would be so hard. And now it seemed this little thing had no family. How much more difficult that must've been. Any scent of their guardian long gone.
Gathering his composure Laertes found there were no options to be weighed. He'd have to protect the little fox. Knowing she was likely as startled as he, perhaps even more considering his appearance the feline spoke as gently as he knew how. "I'm sorry, kid. I didn't see you there. Are you okay?" The 'are you okay' which would normally accompany that felt like a bad choice of words in their situation. It wasn't remotely okay for a creature that still needed its mother to be so obviously abandoned. Either way, he had ask something. He could only hope that she would understand him and be willing to take his assistance.

Re: a wandering soul ;; joiner? - ninazu - 03-23-2022

Ninazu chuckled. Tripping over a muddy child? Hilarious. Though she could understand the mistake; the muddy fox smelled more like soil than an animal. Probably one reason why it’d survived without a family. She was too filthy to have a caretaker or parent, but that muck might’ve saved her from being eaten. Funny how life works.

“Finder’s keepers, so I suppose you’ll be the one carrying her back to the nursery.” It’d definitely be easier for the lion-raven to carry the kid back instead of her, serval that she is, but Ninazu cared less about the physical toil and more about not carrying anything that yucky. Even if she carried the kid in her satchel, she’d probably have to drown all her supplies in vodka.

Re: a wandering soul ;; joiner? - Agrimony - 03-23-2022

it was the sudden noise that woke the tiny fox from her dozing state. the shout was followed by sudden motion. it was this that made her scramble onto her sore paws. the pain in her paws, coupled with the pain in her stomach, made her let out a faint whimper. tiny eyes wide and body tense, the fox pup let her eyes follow the motion. when she finally focused on him, she let her head tilt. she had never seen anything like him before. this creature was different and that was exciting to her. it was the apology followed by a question that caught her attention most of all. he didn't seem like he wanted to hurt her. did this mean she was safe? that was yet to be decided.

"oh.. it's okay.." she paused and tilted her head down to look at her paws. "i'm okay.." she answered in that soft voice. head tilting back up in time to see a second creature come strolling up. the young woman was curious about this one as well. both were creatures she never met. the young pup looked between the pair as one spoke to the other. they must know each other and they wanted to take her somewhere. that much she gathered. it was better then nothing. plus, adults meant food and they seemed nice enough to her.

"i'm zuriela.." she adds after a moment. after all, she shouldn't be rude to the duo. they may have very well saved her life.

Re: a wandering soul ;; joiner? - LAERTES - 03-24-2022

Ah, the source of his plant-related woes, Ninazu. Harbinger of man-eating plants. He couldn't say he was happy to see her considering the goo still stuck to his feathers. That, and that she seemed quite unwilling to help him with the child. He wondered if she'd ever been a mother. Laertes had certainly never been a parent. "Right" he said, a bit of question in his voice.
It was then the little one began to speak. His heart panged for her. It was not okay at all. But good for her for being tough about it. Zuriela. A name to put to a little muddy face. Not knowing how to comfort her nor get her where they needed to Laertes winged it. "Nice to meet you, Zuriela. I'm Laertes, and this is Ninazu" the lion hybrid gestured with a wing to the iridescent canine beside himself. "We're from the Coalition," he did not add Condemned to their title, he didn't want to scare her into thinking their were prisoners or outcasts of some sort. "Would you like to come with us? Get some water, food?"

Re: a wandering soul ;; joiner? - ninazu - 03-25-2022

When Laertes introduced her, the serval lifted a paw and waggled her black toe beans. “Charmed,” she said. Thankfully the hybrid was doing a well enough job; after raising her own cubs to adulthood, Ninazu had experienced motherhood far too much for her liking. With her children all grown, she wasn’t looking for a baby replacement.

“Before you go with Laertes to food and water, are you injured?” One of the serval’s four ears twitched. While Ninazu hated acting the role of a medic—too much time doing the role in both the Pitt and the Coalition—she’d still check the kid over before handing her off. Then she could disappear back to her solo hunting without any worries.

Re: a wandering soul ;; joiner? - Agrimony - 03-25-2022

The pup let her head tilt slightly at the introduction. Eyes studying both members before her. Now, these names were a bit hard for her, but she was sure she could manage. After all, she was old enough to learn new names and faces. Laertes, the one that almost stepped on her. Ninazu, the one that came shortly after. The fox mentally repeated these names as she looked between the duo. Tail waving in tune with her softly swaying form.

At the mention of food, the pup perked up. Her paws almost forgotten as soft voice spoke in turn. "Yes please.. Ah.. If food isn't to much trouble.. Being alone is not much fun.." She admits with a faint quiver to her voice. She was trying, rather hard, not to be upset at her own misfortune.

It was the question of injuries that made her head droop a bit. "Oh.. My paws hurt.. But I don't want to be a bother.." She wouldn't admit that she was hurting badly. She was afraid she would be told, as her mother had so many times, to just toughen up. Only the weak whine about injuries. Yet, she just wanted to feel better again.

Re: a wandering soul ;; joiner? - LAERTES - 03-26-2022

Ninazu was right to ask if the fox was hurt, for indeed it was. "Do you have anything we could use here, Ninazu? If not, I'll still be carrying her back anyways so it shouldn't matter much." if she carried those blasted plants here she should have some plants on her now too. Or did she just carry around nuisances? Laertes chided himself at his thoughts, still a bit pissy from his earlier ordeal as well as the fact that he was entirely unprepared to aid the helpless creature before them.
He wondered how she ended up in this position. If she was left on purpose or by circumstance. He couldn't imagine being orphaned like this. It was only a few weeks ago that he'd still been living with his family. Safe and sound. What a cruel world it was. At least she'd ended up with them instead of some vultures digestive system.

Re: a wandering soul ;; joiner? - ninazu - 03-27-2022

Ninazu’s right ears twitched as she listened to the child. The ex-guru and mother could’ve offered sympathy, but what are empty platitudes worth? Better to say nothing and let the child wallow than to offer a flimsy string as a lifeline.

Besides, the serval certainly didn’t want to make herself available as a parent.

“Can you hold out the paws bothering you?” Ninazu asked. Could be something simple, like matted fur between the toes. Could be something worse, like burned pawpads.  “It’s always best to check these things. Untreated pains get worse over time, hm?”

She glanced at Laetes. Fair question, actually; she’d stopped carrying her medical supplies to stop being roped into healing idiots. She’d tolerate healing others if the Condemned lacked a proper guru, but Plexus occupying that position brought her free time. Not to mention a spine grateful for the absence of a heavy satchel.

“I don’t have any healing supplies on me now, no.” Ninazu shrugged. “Not much difference between applying it now or back home, anyway, besides that a salve could rub off in transit.”

// injury description? (:

Re: a wandering soul ;; joiner? - Agrimony - 03-27-2022

The pup looked at the duo in turn. Blinking as she was asked to show her hurt feet. So, she lifted a small paw to show her paw pad. "All of them hurt like this one.." She answered as the pup wobbled a moment before sitting. Showing her little paw pad was raw.

//raw paw pads with a few small cracks in them