Beasts of Beyond
????????? ?? ????? ?? ????? ⸙ joiner - Printable Version

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????????? ?? ????? ?? ????? ⸙ joiner - teef - 03-19-2022

.thoughts && Speech.

((tldr at the bottom!))

tw: mentions of child abandonment and implied abusive relationship w/ sire of children (children will later be reunited w/ vic - abandonment is unwilling) + mentions of injuries

splashing of water greeted him as his head broke the swells of water, weary blue eyes scanning the surface of the roiling sea. above and around the weary siren brewed an unprecedented storm, the sea a fellow stirring pot of violent nature. a pained sound left him as he was roughly pushed back under by the angry waves, tongue lolling from his jaws as he steadied himself. close were the encircling sharks, hungry beasts summoned by the weeping ichor of new scars forming upon his body. far behind were the days of a physician trained to tend the wounds he'd received. head lifting back above the waters as he heard the loud growl of thunder announcing the proper onset of the storm. his options were to battle the waves and undertow, or to find land and pray that there was shelter possible. with the sharks cutting off his options, the siren had to pray to make it to land before he became literal sharkbait.

inhaling sharply and diving back under the waves, the siren headed in the direction that he'd seen the outline of a lump of land, pushing his way through the waters with the grace of an injured body. he was mindful of the claps and snarls of thunder and lightning, ever aware of the sharks trailing behind him, lured by the scent of his blood. finally, oh so finally, would his paws strike sand and grit, taking every last ounce of his strength to dig his toes in and drag himself through the water and out onto land. drenched was the fur that clung to his sleek frame, a much prettier sight when he was dried out and not dripping blood. weak was the strength in his legs, tail drooping behind himself as he forced himself further up the beach as his lungs heaved for air, having forgotten the difference between the pressure of water and land. such a miscalculation left the siren to wander off balance and all over the place until he reached the shelter of fallen trees and dying shrubbery.

nosing aside soaked leaves, the siren let out a snarl in warning to anything that might inhabit the clump of logs, warning a gentle "comin' in.", before his weary body gave out on him. here he was safe from the sharks and hopefully the storm, though he couldn't do or say much about the water coming through the false roofing of the lumber pile. for him, it was good enough, even with the constant stinging and aching of the cuts and bites covering his form, the worst of which was upon his back and shoulders, sure to leave a jagged scar when he healed.

upon bloody and blistered paws ran his tongue as he took shelter from the raging storm, eyes lidded in the complete darkness as he took stock of himself and his wounds. his count revealed a shallow cut above his left eye that ran down past the eye and along towards the cheekbone, a torn ear from a vicious bite delivered by the madman he'd fled from to begin with. amongst the scales, there were places where scales had been torn off and cracked, the fins behind his forearms suffering tattering from claws and backwards-facing teeth. what had to hurt the most were the bite upon his throat and shoulder, claws having raked down his right and left hips. his body trembled as he tried to clean as many as he could reach with his tongue. in this manner, the siren passed the time during the onslaught of the storm, his head resting on his paws for the longest timing as he ebbed in and out of consciousness.

some hours later, he was awoken to tint droplets falling onto his nose, tongue automatically reaching out to swipe the drops away, his stomach reminding him of how long it had been since he'd fed. stiff was his body as he convinced his bones to cooperate and the injured muscles to stretch and bend at his will. slowly, he crept from the shelter he'd found with a grand yawn, carefully stretching each limb as his eyes caught the misty lights of dawn stirring the faintest waves of the ocean. inhaling and exhaling, the siren would limp down towards the ocean's edge, his left fore-paw held alight in favor for the aching bite and likely broken bone.

down to the oceans edge, among broken rock until he found the perfect perch, the siren easing his battered and bruised body onto the dark rocks kissed by the darkness of night. stretching out his body, he took the high ground as he watched the rise of the sun, the far away ball of gas a mocking sight to the survivor. his own story was of turmoil, and of children left behind in a place akin to a hell. why the sun had to continue to rise, he knew not, but the sight of it always mystified him. head turning at a pang in his side, looking out to the midnight waters with a sorrowful expression. most easiest put he'd been exiled from his home and forced to leave behind his children with their madman of a father that brought war upon their kingdom. closing his eyes as a sorrowful song began to well in his chest and throat, aching to be released.

giving in to the instinct, the siren's voice began to fill the air in a gentle swell, emotions rich and dragging behind his each word. the lull of tone and vibration in his throat helped soothe the aching misery of his wounds, though it did little to assuage the pain in his chest as he thought of his twins, an anger building in him. he wasn't going to let them stay there for long, no matter how many times his body paid the price. a world of war was no place for the young, and he would be damned before he let them suffer any longer. the siren was unaware that the land he'd washed upon might belong to anyone else, minding his own business to sing for the children that could not hear him.

I'll return from darkness and will save your precious skin
I will end your suffering and let the healing light come in
Sent by forces beyond salvation
There can't be not one sensation

World on fire with a smoking sun
Stops everything and everyone
Brace yourself for all will pay
Help is on the way

Girl I will cover you when the sky comes crashing in
I'll go the distance, lead the way to your darkest sin
You know there's something coming down from the sky above

World on fire with a smoking sun
Stops everything and everyone
Brace yourself for all will pay
Help is on the way
You will save your precious skin
Let the healing light come in
I'll cover you when the sky
Comes crashing in
World on fire with a smoking sun
Stops everything and everyone
Brace yourself for all will pay
Help is on the way

tldr:; vic arrived during a storm to the beaches of the typhoon and at dawn has climbed onto rocks and has sung in his siren's voice World On Fire by Les Friction. he is unaware that he may be trespassing and is fairly injured //

template by orion

Re: ????????? ?? ????? ?? ????? ⸙ joiner - LOKI FLÓKI - 03-19-2022

LOKI FLÓKI 5 months / cutie pie

the female had been hidden under the covers as the storm raged outside, but now that it was over she looked at her mother for affirmation and hopped out the door, eager to explore what the Typhoon had to offer.
as she approached the beach she heard a noise. the softest voice she had ever heard. singing a song so beautiful she became transfixed on the spot. she didn't want to break the silence after the song ended but she was curious as to who was the singer. "hello? who is this?"


Re: ????????? ?? ????? ?? ????? ⸙ joiner - ARSENO - 03-19-2022

Mint. One molten gold eye opened followed by the other, watching the colorful kitten exit their wooden home. A yawn escaped, stretching his maw wide and leaving bare his oddly yellow tongue. Smacking his mouth, annoyed by morning dryness the wolf got to its feet, gave a great shake, and then found himself following the younger feline.

Outside it was not yet dawn, sun hanging below the horizon. Long claw scratched old wood as Arseno found the wooden bucket placed near the ships entrance, now full from last nights storm. Taking a drink the horned canine felt a wave of anger and sadness pull him under. That was unusual. It was then his ears registered a song, crooning in rhythm with the waves. Then Loki piping up.

A stranger. "Ey, Loki." Arseno scrambled from the ships deck barking loudly "Didn't your mom tell you about stranger danger?" the tone was trying to be lighthearted though rushed and out of breath. His usual spark dulled. Finding himself side-by-side with an obviously unharmed kitten Arseno looked up to meet a gilled canine.

'Who is this, indeed.'

Re: ????????? ?? ????? ?? ????? ⸙ joiner - LOKI FLÓKI - 03-20-2022

LOKI FLÓKI 5 months / cutie pie bio

the song stopped and loud barking filled the air. her fur shot up and she hopped in place, a small hiss bursting from her mouth as she spun to see arseno, to which she relaxed. "oh, arseno. you scared me." she swatted his leg with a tiny paw and sniffed. "well... yeah, she did tell me about stranger danger, buttt they can't be that bad, right?"

//adding her bio to this template because there's mentons of no stranger danger :v


Re: ????????? ?? ????? ?? ????? ⸙ joiner - teef - 03-22-2022

.thoughts && Speech.

between the sigh of the sea singing gently across the grains of sand and the tender croon of the wind bringing the chill of a damp night, would a voice enter his ears. turning his head from the darkened waters turning to light, gaze falling upon a child ... made of ice-cream? blinking at the odd sight laid out before him before another voice joined as a horned wolf showed himself. blinking at the sight of the newcomers to this location, tipping his head as his pain-filled brain tried to rationalize what was happening before him. then it clicked and a flicker of recognition passed through his eyes; this land was occupied and by a few different ... species. clearing his throat as he gazed at them, taking a bit longer to understand the question asked of him.

after a quiet while, he opened his jaws, "forgive my slowness. i'm ... i'm vinicius. call me vic.", pain labored his words, tired eyes staying on the older wolf, cautious of these two even though part of him knew that his song had likely drawn one or both in. "where am i? can i stay here for a little please?", this was the closest to the waters, this was the closest place to his children. what the siren didn't realize is that his voice kept its lulling lilt even as he spoke, sadness and wariness in his tone intermingled with deep exhaustion. blinking slowly at them, looking back out at the sea with narrowed eyes, "... i'm a wanderer for now. i need to stay close to the sea.", his body all but shuddered as he turned blue eyes on the inhabitants of this land and beach, debating on slipping from the rocky perch he had taken.

a kitten and a wolf, what a strange pair to be here, but he supposed he wasn't anymore different to them as they were to him, "i have family still out at sea. i need to look for and wait for them ...", his gaze lingered on the mint kitten, a look of sad longing there. how big would his children be when he met with them again? hopefully not bigger than they were when he'd been chased out. the other sirens wouldn't follow him here, there was no way for them to, or at least he prayed that there wasn't. long whiskers twitching, he sluggishly moved his aching body to slip down from the rocks, leaning against the cold hunk of minerals for support, "i'm sorry, i'm a bit banged up.", his voice was flat, full of irritation, he'd been too slow to avoid the returned blows from his spouse when he had tried to, well, kill him. the siren king was a bastard, and he was dragging war into an otherwise struggling kingdom, and he couldn't keep watch over the senseless violence.

template by orion

Re: ????????? ?? ????? ?? ????? ⸙ joiner - ARSENO - 03-24-2022

Ha. He'd scared the kid. His lip curled to her childish tone. Arsenos best friends had always been of the younger variety, they knew the fun and freedom that laid in life. Not bogged down like most by traumas and expectations. He hoped he'd be able to get to know the lil' sherbet more.

The metallic scent of blood emanated from the scaled canine. It hadn't been so obvious at first, the musk and grime of the sea covering what laid bare. It was only with the beige canines strained voice that Arseno realized the situation. Turning slightly to Loki he expressed his concern "No, they can't really be bad in this state. Mind fetching [member=1130]rosemary[/member] for them?"

Vic. Thats what the blue-eyed strangers name was. As Loki went to get the only healer Arseno knew of the fellow canine waited out Vics elucidation. The darker brown wolf was thankful he'd sent the little gal. Clearly this guy wasn't leaving the sea, and there was no way he could make it to the temple in his shape. Nevermind the usual sob story that accompanied it. This dude was straight fucked right now. Good thing he landed on their shores. "Well, Vic, no need to apologize. You're in The Typhoons territory and I see no reason that you shouldn't be able to stay." Arseno hadn't read the rules, but surely nobody would just dump this guy back into the sea. The pirates had some humanity, more than most expected.

Re: ????????? ?? ????? ?? ????? ⸙ joiner - LOKI FLÓKI - 03-24-2022

LOKI FLÓKI 5 months / cutie pie bio

the stranger introduced himself as vic, to which loki grinned back widely. "hi vic! i'm loki flóki, but you can call me loki!" she then really noticed how much blood there was on him, and when arseno told her to fetch rosemary she wanted to stay to meet the stranger, but decided that he needed healing before anything else.

so she ran. scurried as fast as she could on tiny paws, whispering at nearly the top of her lungs for rosemary's name until she finally came to the female. "uh, animal, by the ocean. arseno needs help. no, not arseno. vic, vic!" she hadn't seen vic slowly rest on his side, a weary look in his eyes, but if she did she'd have cried. "hurry, hurry!" she chided the healer.