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21 SHOTS TO YOUR GRILL :: joining - Printable Version

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21 SHOTS TO YOUR GRILL :: joining - blackjack - 03-18-2022

//tw for some gore (not discussed in explicit detail)

The desert was scorching hot and bright.

The morning sun beat upon his body as it climbed into the sky, bringing light upon the earth and illuminating even the darkest of nooks and crannies amongst the mountainous dunes. The maroon spatters of now-dried blood decorating his obsidian black paws was far more visible in the light — a reminder of his last bounty, along with the waterskin made of goat's skin that was slung over his shoulder and onto his side as he marched onward.

Blackjack's most recent hunt had taken him to this unforgiving place. He had been summoned by a cave-dwelling lone coyote on the outskirts of the desert that demanded an old friend-turned-enemy's head — a story he had heard many times now from a diverse variety of tongues. There were many that were pushed to their limit by some unfortunate soul, enough to call upon an outside force to intervene. In all honesty, with some of the stories he had been hearing, he couldn't entirely blame them. And even if he did blame them, it's not like he had any place to judge them for it. He was not the judge nor the jury, only the executioner.

The loner had promised him "vital tools for the desert" if he would succeed in his hunt. Though Blackjack was unsure as to how often he would frequent the vast expanses of sand and heat, he accepted the offer regardless, for he felt that it was better to be prepared than to refuse and suffer the consequences of one's false assumptions later. The horned jaguar departed from the loner's cave at dusk, when the sun began to melt away and offer temporary relief from its blazing wrath. He would walk in the direction he was pointed to for a while, for the loner had informed him that his enemy resided some distance across the desert, yet close enough to warrant worry of attack.

After some time navigating through the desert, Blackjack called upon the abilities of his dear friend. "Oscuro, búsquelos." Find them. The jet-black raven croaked briefly to him in response before taking to the skies, venturing out on his quest as Blackjack waited for him to return. Oscuro dived amongst the dunes and disappeared for a moment, only to resurface minutes later in the skies, cawing loud enough for the reclined Blackjack to notice him. The jaguar rose to his paws, watching his familiar circle an area just below the dune before him, and scaled the dune, looking down and just barely making out an obscured cave entrance. He whistled, and the raven returned to his side once more. "Buen trabajo," he whispered to the bird. Good work.

He inched forward, his paws prickling with excitement as he approached the cave in silence. At the cave's entrance, he found no one inside. Cautiously he looked around, his nose crinkling at the overwhelming smell of the herbs and spices resting in various baskets around the cave, and began to walk in. He heard not a single sound.

The silence was broken when he heard a sharp cry from the corner of the cave and turned to see a cheetah lunging towards him, a gleaming sword dangling from their jaws. Blackjack rolled out of the way and rammed into the cheetah as they passed, knocking the feline over with his sturdy horns. His eyes rested on the blade, carefully maneuvering to avoid its range and the risk of getting sliced or, even worse, getting his throat slit. He waited for the most opportune moment to strike and seized it, slamming his horns against the feline's head and knocking the sword from their grasp. Blackjack took hold of the sword himself and acted quickly, digging the blade into the cheetah's neck and twisting it before pulling it out, watching waves upon waves of blood erupt from the incision, spilling onto the cave floor and into the baskets of intoxicating herbs. The jaguar pulled back, watching the life ebb from his target. It was either his throat or mine, he thought.

He repeated the thought to his client when he returned to the loner's cave by dawn, rolling the cheetah's decapitated head towards the coyote when he arrived. Clearly he had put the other feline's sword to good use.

"AGH! What the hell is that?! You're dirtying up the place! You want your payment or not, you dick?!" the coyote shouted, lashing his tail angrily.

Twitching his ear in annoyance, Blackjack delivered a firm smack across the coyote's muzzle with the back of a blood-stained paw. "You said you wanted his head," he snarled. "Now you will pay me unless you want me to take yours as well."

The coyote spat on the floor next to him, glaring at the jaguar but ultimately complying. He walked over to the corner of the cave and retrieved a waterskin, tossing it towards Blackjack. "It's made of goat's skin. Real resilient stuff. Fill it by the little oasis just outside the cave — it's the purest water, maybe the only water, you'll be finding in this desert for miles. You best ration it well."

Blackjack nodded in thanks and slung the waterskin over his shoulder. As he turned to leave, the coyote spoke again.

"Another thing, Mr. Venturo. There's for people like you 'round here. You familiar with The Pitt?" Blackjack nodded again.

"I am. But I work alone," Blackjack said.

"The Pitt's a very independent place," the coyote replied. "Too rough for my taste, but maybe up your alley. I don't know how long you'll be in the desert, but if you need shelter, they've got plenty. If you, y'know, survive getting in there in the place. You'll know you're there. It's very...distinct."

"I'll see to it," Blackjack remarked before trotting out of the cave, Oscuro landing upon his back and riding along.

You'll know when you're there, the loner had said. Now, with the jaguar facing a wall of stakes with decapitated heads upon them, the words rang in his mind once more. He wasn't particularly intimidated by the wall — for fuck's sake, he had just done the same to some stranger the night before — but rather intrigued by the idea that he had been this close to The Pitt without even realizing it.

Would venturing further into their domain be worth the curiosity he felt now? Normally he would be opposed to taking up arms with a group, but at this moment his paws were undeniably weary and aching from the walking, and his waterskin was already close to depleted. He needed to rest soon, and the desert was more or less impossible to do so in.

"¿Qué te parece?" he said to Oscuro, glancing down at the raven beside him. What do you think? The raven croaked in what Blackjack perceived as a tired manner.

"Yo también," Blackjack replied with a ghost of a smile. Me too. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to investigate The Pitt.
[glow=#f4c430,2,300]how to rob men blind[/glow] —

Re: 21 SHOTS TO YOUR GRILL :: joining - bonnie - 03-19-2022

Life was hard to find here, and much harder to keep. If not the sun, the the lack thereof. If not the flora, the fauna. Most everything here was both yin and yang for the wanderers and could bring both life and death. It was this that made Bonnie respect the inhabitants of the Pitt, a group which she now had assimilated. They were much like their surroundings, bringers of life and death. Blood which bathed the earth gave way for new life.

It was then no surprise to find herself face to face with yet another bloody maw. She approached silently through the sifting sands. "Do you have business with The Pitt?" Bonnies voice rang like a bell, its softness juxtaposed with the damning scene. Though she now was used to bloody strangers, those not of Pitt-origin still rose the fur along her spine. The healer could only hope the line of heads between them kept any ill-intent at bay.

Taking a closer look at the panther Bonnie realized just how massive he was. Body several times the size of her own. That, and that he was black. Black. Black. The sun baring down on them brought out his faint spotting and a certain luxurious sheen to his fur. Bonnie could practically feel the heat radiating off him. At least he hadn't arrived as she had. Dehydrated, disheveled, and pitifully coughing on murky puddles. He likely had better luck because he'd had a destination. She'd simply found this place on sheer luck. Well, maybe not luck. Bonnie had entered the desert as a plea for death and now laid perpetually on the edge. If anything, this was purgatory.

Meeting eyes with the horned feline Bonnies breath was taken aback. His eyes were gorgeous. Pools of gold. Such luster they'd make kings blush with shame. Surely nothing good could be so beautiful. Eyes like pitfalls, she fell like prey beneath his gaze. Bonnie swallowed thickly, noting the slightly faster pace of her heart and willed it to slow. She hadn't felt like that since...a wave of cold passed through her, overpowering any heat she may of felt.

A slight ruffle of feathers brought her attention to a similarly glossy raven. It's intelligent gaze piercing through the she-wolfs layers of composure. As though it could read her thoughts the bird shifted about on its perch. Taking a deep breath Bonnie came to find that every moment that passed under the strangers scrutiny made her more and more uncomfortable. Uncomfortable with her own thoughts.

Re: 21 SHOTS TO YOUR GRILL :: joining - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 03-19-2022

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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a faint sound from bonnie caught his attention. a simple question yet hinted at either a potential newcomer, or a potential threat. the melanistic animal padded over slowly, tail flicking in the sand and leaving grooves. standing next to her he towered over her and let his optics run over the body of the other panther and crow. same animal as him but such unfamiliarity lurking in those eyes that were staring bonnie down.
the skald gently pushed her slightly behind him, aware of the affect the stranger had on her. she seemed transfixed by him and shivered, he noted with a frown before returning his gaze on the newcomer. he looked strong, golden optics shining brightly against the sun. jormungand let the same look cross his icy blues, running his tongue slowly over his jaws. "she's right. why are you here?" he couldn't agree more that currently the pitt was fucked; with vale's return and othalla barely in control the last thing they needed was more trouble.
as if feeling his mood the shadows around his body shifted tighter, secluding himself off from the rest of the world, nudging him to shift his paws anxiously. he chided them not now, he was busy doing business. think of this as business. think of everything as business, a business meeting. vale, the pitt, his rank, his status, his kids. this newcomer.

Re: 21 SHOTS TO YOUR GRILL :: joining - blackjack - 03-19-2022

To Blackjack's surprise, it hadn't taken long for not one, but two Pittians to greet him at the border. The wolf came first — a female whose appearance matched that of the sandy dunes and cracking dry rocks of the desert, with a pelt that was colored in an assortment of creams and light browns beneath what seemed to be a purple costume. He had seen animals wear a variety of clothes, though it was more or less a rarity. Perhaps it made more sense in the desert, where the sun alone could blind a man with too much exposure, and something like a hat or the very hood the wolf bore upon her would be quite useful.

At her soft voice, his golden gaze fell upon her and met her own attentive brown eyes. They were curious, wondering, and...perhaps something like discomfort. He watched her throat move slowly in a thick gulp, his expression unchanging but his thoughts racing. Was she afraid of him? What was wrong with her? He was a man of simple interactions, well-adjusted to the emotionless exchanges between himself and his customers; this, unfortunately, made it difficult for him to understand the effect he had on the wolf at that very moment and what about him had pushed her to react in such a manner.

The second arrival mere moments after broke the tension ever so slightly, allowing Jackie to recompose himself and return to business. This next Pittian was a jaguar as himself, black as night with muscles rippling beneath his pelt. Rich golden eyes met icy, intensely bright ones — a key distinction between the two felines next to Jackie's horns. The other panther ran his tongue over his jaws, and involuntarily he mirrored the action, swiping his tongue across his lips. His tongue, unlike the other's, was reptilian in appearance, dark-brown and forked at the end. It was a mutation that contributed to Jackie's unsettling aura. He was a strange beast hailing from some unknown corner of the Earth, after all.

"I mean no harm. I figured that I would find shelter here," Blackjack responded to the two Pittians. His voice was calm, his words delivered in a deep and rich tone, painted by his soft accent that rolled in each syllable. "My name is Blackjack Venturo. This is my...familiar, Oscuro." He tilted his head slightly to the bird beside him as he spoke. The raven made no noise, only looking up at the wolf and the other jaguar and blinking.

The jaguar's focus returned to the Pittians. "Are you taking newcomers?" He had assumed so based on his last client's words of advice for him, but he wanted to make sure while the Pittians seemed surprisingly amiable. The bounty hunter wasn't sure what he was expecting when he showed up at their border, but seeing how his paws continued to ache, he was more than content with the way things were going now.
[glow=#f4c430,2,300]how to rob men blind[/glow] —

Re: 21 SHOTS TO YOUR GRILL :: joining - bonnie - 03-19-2022

Bonnie was knocked out of her trance by Jorgumand pushing her slightly behind himself. The chill that had enveloped her lingering as she silently watched the two interact. They must have sensed her discomfort, the line 'I mean no harm' being the strangers first utterance to the two Pittians and the tense rippling of muscles beneath Jorgumands pelt. Taking yet another deep yet silent breath Bonnie kept her eyes between Jorgumand and the desert sands shifting beneath them, not wanting a repeat performance.

Blackjack. Oscuro. Newcomers?

The accented voice wash over Bonnie, tone as far as one could get from malice.

'Doesn't mean he's any good.' There was her mind meeting her step to step. 'Doesn't mean he's bad either.' A twisted dance that left her exhausted was in it's first notes. It was then she registered the silence, and with slight panic she wondered if she was supposed to speak. Had she missed something?

"Newcomers. Yes." speech stunted, Bonnie snapped her jaw shut and prayed that Jorgumand would take over. If she could blush she'd likely be the color of a fire hydrant. And now she would have to live with the source of this embarrassment. Not just Blackjack, but herself.

'Could always leave.'

Ya right, and die in the desert. Sure thing. Good plan. Not that it'd worked any better last time. No, she'd learn to live with herself and Blackjack's hauntingly beautiful eyes. Things weren't broken. She hadn't done anything wrong. Nobody would hurt her. She was okay.

The spiral ended, tornado winds of thought dissipating. Greeted on the other side by a still silence.

Re: 21 SHOTS TO YOUR GRILL :: joining - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 03-20-2022

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


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so the newcomer, blackjack venturo, seemed to mean no harm. jormungand's swipe of his tongue was mirrored by the other, and his optics lingered on the rough dorsum and the forked tip of the reptilian tongue, albeit briefly. bonnie seemed to relax slightly after he arrived, he was glad to see that. no need for any newcomer to put any of his pittians in a state where they couldn't think properly for himself. the skald shook his shoulders out, enjoying the way the bones rubbed against one another, deliberately waiting to answer.

blackjack's voice was soothing, a light spanish accent could be detected that apparently did bonnie wonders. the poor girl probably even think for herself in the newcomer's presence. he turned over to face her and murmured into her ear, allowing his own honeyed italian accent to help the words flow smoother: "hey bonnie, why don't you run back to camp and get olalla? i'm quite high up in ranks but there's only so much i can do. plus, i don't think you can really think straight right now." she was young and inexperienced with facing newcomers, she was fairly new to the pitt herself.

he returned his gaze back to blackjack, allowing a lazy smile to form onto his maw. "so, blackjack.." he begun, taking a few steps forwards slowly, tail swishing in a calming manner, making his shadows pool around him harmlessly - best not to come off threatening until he knew for sure the other's intentions. he let his orbs wander over blackjack's horns, analysing, studying his body, making mental notes on the color, each scar. "now blackjack, i may only be a skald but to me you seem alright, and yes, we are taking newcomers. hello... oscuro. you are welcome too." there. then and there the tension that was hanging thick in the air was cleared. now all he could do was wait until either the high and mighty olalla himself came or something else interesting happened that had to catch his attention.

to be certain that blackjack had the correct vision of what the fuck he actually was joining, jormungand continued on: "how much do you know about us?" because the pitt wasn't something for lazy losers who just did fuck all all day. jor really hoped the pitt was someplace that blackjack had in mind, because he did seem like an interesting character and the pitt could always use more muscle.

Re: 21 SHOTS TO YOUR GRILL :: joining - blackjack - 03-20-2022

Newcomers. Yes. Well, yes, that was what he had said, wasn't it? Jackie had waited for the wolf to continue speaking past that, only to be met with a similar silence shortly afterwards. Maybe she just wasn't feeling it today. Maybe she wasn't social at all. He couldn't blame her — he found himself struggling for words as well.

He found a more conversational stranger in the jaguar beside the wolf, who had sent her off for some Olalla character back at their camp. Olalla, a name that Jackie had never heard but could chalk up to the name of a leader based off of the other feline's next few words. If the panther before him was high up in ranks and couldn't accept him, surely Blackjack would become the leader's next issue, that leader perhaps being Olalla. Excitement prickled in his paws, shocking his nerves like bolts of lightning. Would he be meeting the head of The Pitt so early? Of course, Blackjack knew practically nothing about the position of a Skald within The Pitt's hierarchy, and there was a great chance that he could be mistaken, but if his theory was correct, what would happen then? Surely I'm not in over my head, he thought somewhat grimly, but he forced himself to push away his concerns on the matter. Things were going fairly well so far, albeit not incredibly smoothly, and he felt that maintaining his cool in the presence of another Pittian would be a possible feat for him.

It seemed that there were more questions for him to answer in the meantime. Blackjack figured that joining the ranks of The Pitt (even if it was solely for shelter as he intended) would not be nearly as easy as making the simple request, but he wasn't precisely sure what it would have entailed in the first place. Was he meant to study them beforehand, listen to the old tales of their violence and ruthlessness and spit it back out to them? He knew nothing of that. His knowledge of the Island's most prevalent clans and tribes stemmed from those who were willing to share their knowledge with him — the reward of information after a successful hit done for them beforehand. The information he had on The Pitt was limited, but he knew enough to know that they were a brutal bunch and not to be messed with.

"Each member follows their own laws," the horned jaguar finally responded, his rich gaze shifting between the other panther and the soft, quite interesting shadows that swirled around him, crawling between his legs like black snakes. That was, at least, the greatest impression he got of their group. "Help each other, but only each other. It takes great strength and will to survive in this place among you folk. If I hadn't known that, I would not be here." His eyes met the Skald's once more, a certain flair of determination now upon them. He knew that he was no weakling, no future corpse rotting away amongst the dunes. He was a hearty beast, more than enough to take on the challenges of The Pitt.
[glow=#f4c430,2,300]how to rob men blind[/glow] —

Re: 21 SHOTS TO YOUR GRILL :: joining - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 03-21-2022

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


IC TEXT | IC opinions only

the other seemed excited, almost amusingly so, that jormungand let a small smile slip onto his face. "don't get so excited yet, kid. meeting the ardent isn't such an honor. i may be able to put in a good word for you but he's ultimately the one who can accept you. the ardent basically has the final say in who joins and who goes. i like you though, so i'm rooting for you." he flicked his tail behind him, noticing the way the other had to think a bit to answer his question.

a good response, but he tilted his head. "interesting you would say that we each follow our own laws. if we did do that, there would be chaos. beautiful chaos. there are many a large beast around the pitt and if they were allowed free reign you would not want to be he here when they get angry." he mused, chewing on his lip. "we have rules that have been... adjusted, dependent on who was ardent. but we generally follow the ones ground in stone because it's what makes us functional as a place."
"if i hadn't known that, i would not be here." came the last words of the other, and he smiled a genuine one. bravado, spirit. that's what he liked. "now i really like you, kid. i think you'd make a good addition to the team." his honeyed voice purred delightfully.

Re: 21 SHOTS TO YOUR GRILL :: joining - bonnie - 03-21-2022

Jormungand had asked her to get [member=8745]Olalla[/member]  , their leader and her fellow wolf. Grateful to the blue-eyed panther for giving her some form of escape Bonnie quickly trotted off without sparing the newcomer a single glance. The storm had subsided and left the she-wolf in a near euphoric state. She hardly noted the weighty pull of sand turning to thick jungle mud.
Pinpointing the distinct scent of the Pitts head honcho Bonnie soon found herself in the wolfs presence. "Ardent, a newcomer is on the border and Jormungand requested your presence." voice succinct, head minutely bowed. The pale blood she-wolf had not yet truly met Olalla. Thus, she wasn't sure if her politeness would be unfavored. Well practiced in people-pleasing she only hoped to make a good impression and not end up like those strewn across their border.

Re: 21 SHOTS TO YOUR GRILL :: joining - Olalla - 03-23-2022

Olalla sat within a clearing within the jungle, the smell of wet leaves, mud, rainwater, and the gentle kiss of mist that fell from the leaves with an occasional wind was calming to the beast, why wouldn't it be. In through the nose, the beast inhaled slowly as he rested his body within the clouded clearing. Out through the mouth. Calm, as all things should be. As all he wished to be. Calm.

In all truthiness, the beats had met Bonnie only once beforehand, and unsurprisingly had shown her the same treatment he had shown the others. Neutrality. While some may have taken it as a kindness, a hospitality, others had taken it as a cruelty, a hostility. Olalla gave 0 fucks, your here, you're under my rule, deal with it or get the fuck out.

Vale had made that extremely hard. To keep neutrality amongst meeting members, and while they were two different minds, and two different intelligence levels, they needed to learn how to act as one mind. One host. At least in the times of need. Olalla pondered his acceptance though to Vale's offer, and wondered if he had done the right thing, though one could never be sure with Vale.

A voice broke his thoughts, though the beast stayed still with his eyes closed, enigmatic in his demeanor. Bonnie. "Hm," Olalla mumbled, turning his head slightly to the side in acknowledgment of Bonnie and her request. How small she was, how fragile. How easily detainable, easily contorted. Breakable. Like a rose within the howling winds of winter. Misplaced. A puzzle. The beasts eyes opened into slits as he watched the wolf from his peripheral vision. " Jormungand," Olalla coaxed with furrowed brows now. " Oh what does that sharp tongued beast want now." he rattled on as he stood up, shaking off dust and forest floor debris.

After a few long strides, and a few yawns later, the rhino sized hybrid was bet with not one, but two felidae and a meek wolf who barely spoke above a whisper to him. Poor girl. He gave a sharp laugh. "We all follow our own rules," he repeated with a scoff. "Without a working, knitted community, melancholy is inevitable as a king is nothing without an army. We help each other when and where its needed, not when we want to, boy. The message of salvation alone makes converts, but the message of the Kingdom is meant to make disciples. Disciples of professors or posessors are purely up to the mind." Olalla eyed the bulky, experienced beast before him. Fair weighted and an avian.. familiar? Didn't matter, didn't care. "I am Olalla," he announced as he swayed his thin tail. "Head of the Chrysos house and lead Ardent of The Pitt. I understand you have business with us. Bonnie tells me you'd like to join." Enough with the fancy fuckin intro, your nothing more than a beggarly ass that plays dressup all day. Olalla stood tall, his brows furrowed as he bore down at the horned cat. Neutrality, striving for it at this point. Cats. It was always cats. "Fortunately, we are accepting new members, as [member=18043]JORMUNGAND[/member] and [member=23323]bonnie[/member] have explained at this point."