Beasts of Beyond
eye of the tiger // anyone want to spar? - Printable Version

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eye of the tiger // anyone want to spar? - XANTI - 03-17-2022

straight for the throat you’re like an animal!
in for the kill, like you're an animal!
“Fuck, I’m getting so old,” Ximen grumbled. His face scrunched as he stretched, digging his front paws into the ground as his spine curved. Pop, pop, pop! Went his vertebrae.

His stretch finished up with a yawn, and the sleepy motherfucker rubbed the sleep out of his eyes with the back of a paw. He paused to admire his black nail polish, then held out the leg until the joint crunched back into place. If only he could body swap into something younger and less, uh, like a musical instrument.

“OKAY, everyone knows I’m lazy, but I’m itching to spar. Anyone wanna go? I’ll kick your ass.” Ximen intended to sound intimidating, but he yawned at the end. “Just let me wake up a bit first.”

Re: eye of the tiger // anyone want to spar? - SOJOURN - 03-25-2022

"Oh my, my, my..." Came a voice that was so warm and sweet as the being allowed his grey toned figure to step closer to the area. His bright sun like gaze landed on the cheetah with interest in them as he looked upon the form of the other. He seemed tired, hard to wake up and he found that amusing but he never judged a book by its cover. Still the lion was debating on if he would partake in such a thing as a friendly bout. Would it suffice? Though he was already thinking to let this individual win. Because why not? He was not here to boast more here to observe and learn. Hmm. "We have not met so can I have a name?" He spoke these words with ease as he settled down upon the ground, invisible wings almost like crystal clear glass shifting against his side and flashing slight prism of color.

"I wouldn't mind a spar also. Sounds like a decent way to pass time. Just don't kick my ass too hard." The teasing mirth in his voice was there, warm and inviting as he moved to take off the glowing blue orb he wore and place it off to the side.

Re: eye of the tiger // anyone want to spar? - Seven - 03-25-2022

Sparring was not something Seven had done before. Granted, she didn't know if either of them would allow her to do so right now, given her blindness. But she was determined and as she walked to the two, keeping her distance. "I would like to have a go once you two have had your fun." She called out, sitting down. She didn't have any powers, but had a decent bout of strength and power in her build. Nothing like her old one, though.
Seven - Tanglewood - Heavily mutated tigress - Tagged by Astral

Re: eye of the tiger // anyone want to spar? - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 03-25-2022

Old? In Cory’s eyes, most creatures here couldn’t even fathom the word old, let alone claim it as their own. Corrupttimelines had been around, lumbering these planes for what felt like centuries. Sure, it was only actually about eight years, but to him that was old. Corrupttimelines should’ve had a family. He should’ve made friends or at least remember fragments of his old life by now! Nevertheless, he had done no such thing. So to him, Cory was both unsuccessful and old.

Teetering around nearby, the perk of voices clashing together caught his attention. The large, scaly creature would maneuver himself closer and shift his weight forward, moments before dropping onto his behind nearby and allowing a gentle smirk to appear. “I feel it would be rather unfair of me to spar you,” he remarked, gesturing with his wing to his rather large form.

However, some people he also did not know well began to catch his eye. There was Apolloyon, who Cory felt his gaze daunt to more than once. They were unlike anything Cory had ever seen before, and yet that intrigued him greatly. Handsome? Was that how Cory felt about them? Perhaps. It would never be admitted aloud, however. “You look familiar, but I do not know your name either,” he remarked towards the other, dipping his head politely.

Then there was Seven. Corrupttimeliens recognized this as a tigress, but no name came to the face displayed ahead of him. Another worn smile came to his face as he dipped his head to her in respect, not sure of what to say. Social situations had been a bit of a sore spot for the wyvern.
code by spacexual

Re: eye of the tiger // anyone want to spar? - LUCINDER XIU - 03-26-2022


the male, flames burning along his spine, lumbered over. he remembered ximen, had sparred with him before. the corner of his lips curved upwards in a small smile as he thought back to that time. stopping next to seven and a few other he didn't recognise, he blinked, and sat down. "remember me, ximen? i'm back, to kick your ass." he teased softly, voice a soothing rumble.


lucinder x — tanglewood — 7 months

Re: eye of the tiger // anyone want to spar? - XANTI - 03-27-2022

straight for the throat you’re like an animal!
in for the kill, like you're an animal!
Ximen blinked, and suddenly four idiots rolled over. Had he microslept again? Ugh. Stupid brain, not sleeping when he wanted to and sleeping when he didn’t. But he was bored of meditating, stretching, and yawning, so he might as well fight.

“You’re the lion, so the weight class favors you,” Ximen said to Apollyn. Almost yawned again, goddammit.

Then, quick as a heron scooping up a fish, his tail flicked out and attempted to tap Lucinder on the forehead. “If you don’t recognize your uncle who raised you, then I’ll march you to a healer and get your head checked.”

Ximen was half-serious. The mutated cheetah had let Els’s kids run wild after her death, and he probably wouldn’t have noticed if Lucinder bashed his head. Still, he had tried to be a parent. Even if he clearly preferred napping to childrearing.

“As for you two, Seven and Cory, you two could spar amongst yourselves while I make a fool of myself in front of my nephew.”

Ximen shrugged. Ugh. This was turning out more trouble than he was expecting. Maybe he should’ve napped again.

“No claws, no teeth, no serious injuries.” Ximen refocused on Apollyn Narrowing his golden eyes, Ximen telekinetically raised four slender bones. Unlike his real bone knives, they weren’t sharpened or modified; they were rabbit legs from his lunch.

Ximen grinned. His scorpion tail curled behind him, and he relaxed into his stance.


Re: eye of the tiger // anyone want to spar? - LUCINDER XIU - 03-27-2022


he was still too slow. ximen's tail whacked him gently in the head and he blinked, not even processing it until he raised his knives. damn, that guy was fast. and it was good that ximen recognised him, he liked the other. he had been there for lucinder when he was in a time of need, when elsweyr was killed and the world had gone to all hell.


lucinder x — tanglewood — 7 months

Re: eye of the tiger // anyone want to spar? - SOJOURN - 03-27-2022

"Of course it does." The divine beast spoke with a matter of fact tone as he gave a small smile. He was a cheetah after all so the weight would fall to him but with the rules set this would be a different sort of spar. No teeth, no claws, no injuries. It would be interesting. His eyes watched the bones that were lifted up into the air and he stepped back slightly. Hmm. Telekinesis. He saw powers like that and he wondered at how fast he was. Wind was his element and it could help him to be faster. Lightly he shook out his body, mane billowing against the sudden shifting of wind around his body. "Thank you for your time, Ximen." With that he suddenly jumped up into the air, a Gust of wind scattering sand and debris. His eyes looked down to the ground as he rushed forward in a dive, aiming to suddenly land hard upon the cheetahs figure and cause the both of them to roll across the ground.

The wind was still aggressive, almost like being in the heart of a storm. Distracting and making it hard to see with the debris that it was throwing about.

Re: eye of the tiger // anyone want to spar? - XANTI - 04-04-2022

straight for the throat you’re like an animal!
in for the kill, like you're an animal!
Ximen winced as the wind kicked up. His eyelids contracted to shield his eyes—and habitually as the sudden gust ripped the bones from his telekinetic control—and his golden irises tracked Apollyn’s jump.

Abandoning his hold on the bones, he focused all his concentration on turning intangible. When Apollyn landed, he passed through the cheetah. By the time the lion’s paws touched the ground, Ximen had jumped to the side, so he wouldn’t be in the lion’s face when Apollyn realized his intangibility trick.

What a pain. He hadn’t expected the bulky feline to move so quickly. Or for Apollyn to scatter his bones with the wind.

Ximen attempted to thwack Apollyn’s shoulder with a paw. A nice way of saying “hey, could’ve bit your throat or gone for the eyes” without causing any real harm. Ughhhh maybe he should’ve let the lion drag him to the ground, maybe he could’ve napped instead of having to race around on his paws.
