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HELL OF A RIDE joining - Printable Version

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HELL OF A RIDE joining - LAERTES - 03-16-2022


"Oh, fuck!"

Blue and black feathers flew from the heap that had just fallen from the sky. He should have known better than to trust the branches in this boreal forest. None were nearly strong enough to hold the several hundred pound beast that was now sprawled on the ground, nursing its aches.

"Should of known. I'm not a kid anymore," the feathered feline muttered to itself in a surprising soft voice for its otherwise fearsome appearance. Taking a pause from its ministrations the winged hybrid looked about and saw nothing but the bleak and cold forest before it. He sighed deeply.

Stories had said it was here. The Coalition of the Condemned. One of the supposedly nicer groups of the area. He was lucky to have found the islands, given that all he had was a story and direction. Perhaps these weren't the Coalition islands? With one great inhale that theory seemed unlikely. Someone, or rather a group of someones lived here.

Re: HELL OF A RIDE joining - Plexus - 03-18-2022

Plexus had taken an important stroll among the territory looking for many herbs that were running low; between all the scrapes and bruises and thorns and births, he had very little store of medicine left. His black plague mask, with chips of orange and yellow paint stuck to it, tipped ever so slightly up, tufted ears perked, upon hearing a very heavy crash. With a short sigh, he forlornly wished he was near literally any patch of anything useful for emergency treatment.

With a gallop, the Guru took off only to shortly arrive at the fallen feline with wings. Shuffling away any distracting thoughts, he carefully raised his large, fluffy tail in greeting, his mask cocked to the side as he wished he could take it off and convey his expression. With a thought of despair, realizing, no, he needed context, the Norwegian Forest spoke, his voice scratchy and weak, "Hurt?"

Re: HELL OF A RIDE joining - LAERTES - 03-18-2022

Thinking it would be some time before anyone found him Laertes was surprised by the very sudden appearance of the large domestic feline. His brain raced to catch up. 'Hurt?' the words washed over the blue heap of feathers. Taking a moment to lower his heart-rate Laertes slowly opened his wings which with some luck were not injured, though a few feathers were missing or out of place and a dull throb of pain was noted in a joint or two.

"I believe I'm okay. Thank you," Laertes spoke, his voice gentle and slow. A bit embarrassed now that someone had witnessed his crash landing the hybrid oriented himself upright, licking a paw and slicking back his ruffled mane. Now that he wasn't in some liquid puddle he began noticing certain things, namely the enormous beak atop the fellow feline which was indeed not a true beak. Part of Laertes ached at the familiarity in a black beak, memories of family overriding the strangers features. It was the blank goggles that brought him out of his mind once more.

"I'm Laertes. Is this by chance the Coalition of the Condemned?" the query came much more smoothly then his previous statement, a slight birdlike tilt of his head made in question. The masked felines presence, and the fact that he hadn't been attacked yet made him all the more certain that he had indeed found the right place. A new home, if he was lucky.

Re: HELL OF A RIDE joining - Plexus - 03-18-2022

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
Plexus ever so slightly nodded at the affirmation of being okay. Large tail sweeping the leaves and undergrowth away, his head jerked to the side, indicating he should follow, "Yes." Stiffly waiting for the other to get moving with him, the large cat crouched and sharply scratched at where the mask connected behind his ears, "Plexus. Guru, the medic, of Coalition. Welcome."

Despite how he had opened up with Romulus and Inferno, Lex still had issues around strangers and still found he struggled talking in more than a few words. He knew he should be making small talk, talk about the Coalition, talk about the territory, yet all he could do is state who he is and his title while gesturing to follow. He is improving, slowly.

With a final scratch, the Norwegian Forest paused, his plague doctor mask tilted in question as he waited for Laertes to follow him.
If they left now, he could collect herbs on the way to camp with their guest.

Re: HELL OF A RIDE joining - LAERTES - 03-18-2022

That was easy. Yes, very easy. Almost too easy, the voice in the back of his head said. Nevertheless the lion-hearted followed, every step taking him further away from his past. He wondered if soon he'd forget the faces of his family. If he'd regret leaving. If their faces would ever not be superimposed upon that of this medic. It hurt to think of, but Laertes had hope that their place in his heart would be filled. Though, the rather blunt words of Plexus made him second guess himself. All the same, he would try.

"Thank you, Plexus. I won't soon forget today" memories seeped into his voice, kind and likely far too much for the stranger. Then again, Plexus was no longer a stranger. He was kin.

Re: HELL OF A RIDE joining - Plexus - 03-22-2022

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
The medic gave a sharp nod (he only really wore his mask out of camp now, he forgot how exaggerated his nods and disagreements had to be) and began at a light trot as he was still a little concerned in how someone could crash and be okay. He wanted to say more, to convey warmth to the feline but the words were stuck in his throat, and he didn't feel at all comfortable with taking his mask off in front of the stranger/new member. His heart ached with shame at the thought, but brushed it off to force the words from his muzzle. The words felt akin to broken glass as he spoke, "You're...welcome. help."

Ears burning, he could feel quite a few residents of the CotC scolding him right now. He knew he was encouraged to speak when he could (or to learn more than a few paw-speak/sign language signs), but not to force himself to talk. It usually led to him spiraling or being unable to talk for awhile. The Norwegian Forest cat was heavily considering learning more paw-speak so he could actually communicate better when he wouldn't couldn't talk.