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THE IGNIBUS FAMILY — GUIDE - Printable Version

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THE IGNIBUS FAMILY — GUIDE - psy - 05-22-2018


The Ignibus family has its roots in the FeralFrontverse, where it was founded on November 5th, 2015 by Zjarr Ignibus to better organize a cluttered family tree. Here the family stakes its claim as masters of the flame: practitioners of fire-bending, blacksmiths, crafters, magicians and the like. The family has an intense affinity with fire and are masterful at using their elemental powers for whatever they desire, and they're less keen on sharing their home with those not also bearing the same abilities. Typically an Ignibus uses their powers for production or harmless displays of magic meant to entertain others, but tricksters and much more mischievous kin are free to use their abilities however they'd like so long as the family is not harmed in the process.

This list only includes actively played members of the Ignibus family. Deceased/dropped characters will still be mentioned in the family relations.

THE HEAD FLAME. The leader of the family who can call the family together for meetings and approve of events. Often runs the family business of blacksmithing.
Zjarr, played by psy.

THE VICE FLAME. Next in line to the Ignibus throne. Though Adoptive Flames are treated with the same authority and respect as Blood Flames, it is greatly preferred that the Vice Flame be a blood-born Ignibus.

BLOOD FLAMES. Members who are, by blood, related to other members.
ADOPTIVE FLAMES. Members who are adopted rather than being born in. Their biological children will be considered blood members since they would be born with the Ignibus surname. The family is selective about adoption, typically selecting those who possess or may potentially possess the ability to harness fire. Often these members are adopted as children, but exceptions can be made.
1. All hostility must be dropped at events and meetings, no matter what happened before or who started it.
2. If your character is promoted, demoted, been dropped, etc. please post a reminder on this guide so that the guide may be updated.
3. It is appreciated that your character's litters pass on the Ignibus name. Please insure that you've posted a link to any litters so that the children may be added.
4. There will be periodical activity checks. Meetings also double as these.
5. Any family events (like parties, for example) may be suggested to the head.
6. If you miss an activity check with no prior notice, your character is removed from the guide.
7. Family above group boundaries and strife. If a member injures, kills, or otherwise intentionally harms a family member, they are stripped of the family name.

The Family Business - Above all the Ignibus family most highly values their proficiency in blacksmithing. The family runs a tight-knit arms dealing operation that spans across all groups and takes no sides. Members are encouraged to join the business, but it isn't mandatory.

The Forge - Found in a cave system in the Neutral Grounds, the Ignibus Forge was founded by Zjarr in March 2022 as a place to perfect his craft, and family members are permitted to use this space to practice blacksmithing, create their own weapons, or act as a base of operations for their arms dealing contracts.

Meetings & Activity Checks - Occasionally there is an activity check. Members that do not check in to show that they are active with their character and have no prior notice will be removed from the guide. Meetings are often infrequent unless something important must be discussed.

Festival of the Flame - The Festival of the Flame takes place in the first week of November. It marks the foundation of the family. The festival is hosted at the family Forge. Members are encouraged to host contests and play games. On November 5th, there is a feast with a bonfire. Members sit around the fire on logs and celebrate their past and present, as well as wish for good luck for the family.

important links.

Our family tree:

Re: THE IGNIBUS FAMILY — GUIDE - psy - 05-22-2018

The Ignibus family is tied to the Nox Fleuret family on BoB. Zjarr Ignibus is a traveler, the ex-leader of BB's ThunderClan, the ex-deputy of FF's Thunderlands, and an ex-Starstruck Guardian (sHP) of The Ascendants. Pele Nox Fleuret-Ignibus was a dwarf star (child) of The Ascendants and was the daughter of Zjarr and Lunafreya Nox Fleuret.

Re: THE IGNIBUS FAMILY — GUIDE - psy - 05-22-2018

maybe another reserve

Re: THE IGNIBUS FAMILY — GUIDE - Zjarr - 05-22-2018

track on sub

Re: THE IGNIBUS FAMILY — GUIDE - guts - 06-05-2018


Re: THE IGNIBUS FAMILY — GUIDE - Elumina - 06-05-2018

track as pele's RPer

Re: THE IGNIBUS FAMILY — GUIDE - psy - 03-14-2022

bumping as some changes were made + this is still active atm, just being revamped!!!

Re: THE IGNIBUS FAMILY — GUIDE - axiom - 03-17-2022

interested track :eyesemoji owo:

Re: THE IGNIBUS FAMILY — GUIDE - psy - 03-18-2022

Added a new litter to our important links!

Re: THE IGNIBUS FAMILY — GUIDE - tanglewoodian - 04-17-2022
