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TO RULE BY THE SWORD! // Knight Adoptions - Printable Version

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TO RULE BY THE SWORD! // Knight Adoptions - SirDio - 03-08-2022

Basics: Six knights, lead originally by Knight Gawain Aushire, have arrived from some far-off land in search of new homes for themselves. Their home was that of strong and fierce men and women, and most of the Knights have come from royal or high-status bloodlines. They are a close-knit group, having seen many a hardship. Here, in the Beyond, they hope to be a shining example of knights, or an example of devastation.

Culture: The Six knights have all been raised to be Honorable and humble. Taught to be helping hands in times of peace and war, the knights can choose to throw away these beliefs, or stick to them. Out of all of the knights, Gawain was the most strict follower.

Rules: There are very few rules here for the Knights, but...
1 - I reserve the right to rehome the knights should they fall inactive for more than two weeks.
2 - This is First Come, First Serve, and there will be 5 slots open.
3 - You are allowed to drastically change their character, but do not kill them off early on. If you find that you do not have muse for them, let me know and I can rehome them.

- Arthurian names (like the Knights of The Round Table) are encouraged but not required
- The Knights have titles, such as The Dragon Knight. These titles are either "The ____ Knight" or "Knight of The ____". Their titles are often after animals or elements of nature.
- Their armor also depicts powerful animals, such as Gawain's helmet depicting that of a dragon.

Slots There will be five slots, as Gawain is played by Dio.

Knight Percival -- Sekitan

Knight Galahad, Knight of The Savannah -- Wifewoof

Knight Guinevere(Sybil), The Poison Knight -- Teef

Knight Lucifer, The Storm Knight -- Cobra

Knight [Name] -- Player

Knight Merlin -- Teef (hehehe)

Re: TO RULE BY THE SWORD! // Knight Adoptions - teef - 03-08-2022


Re: TO RULE BY THE SWORD! // Knight Adoptions - Sekitan - 03-09-2022

Massive wip but
Knight Percival
Slowly corrupted winged domestic feline

Re: TO RULE BY THE SWORD! // Knight Adoptions - wifewoof - 03-14-2022


Name: Knight Galahad
Knighthood: The Knight of the Savannah
Appearance: Hyena : WIP : Armor : WIP (I want to test out some designs before I settle on his appearance oops)
Personality: Very sweet, and charming. He tends to be very innocent when it comes to a lot of world things, but he knows the sword and the valor to fight when needed. He loves to laugh at jokes, and play around when he can since he is no longer bound to the normal life of a Knight at the table, he can roam with the others and forge himself anew. He holds the Knighthood in high esteem and looks to further his knowledge in the world to learn what he previous could not. He is very serious about the Knighthood, and honor, given to him, he doesn't take lightly his duties and his abilities to help others.
Based On: Galahad who was sent the vision to seek the Holy Grail, and also a hyena cause I love those silly ducks <3 Might change to a dingo fuck

Re: TO RULE BY THE SWORD! // Knight Adoptions - GAWAIN - 05-31-2022

bump! i forgot to say this earlier, but woof and sekitan, your knights have been accepted! bring them in when you finish them

Re: TO RULE BY THE SWORD! // Knight Adoptions - teef - 06-08-2022

Name: Guinevere (now born under the name Sybil)
Knighthood: The Poison Knight (snake armor)
Appearance: a woman of a light colored pelt and fierce green eyes, marred by few scars.
Personality: in the works (ironed out as I play, I'll work on cementing it)
Other: now belongs to the Kinsella Family, a group of practitioners talented in poison use. Will search out the other knights when she's fine to be on her own (is now aged at a year)

Re: TO RULE BY THE SWORD! // Knight Adoptions - Cobra - 06-11-2022

Name: Lucifer
Knighthood: Knight of The Storm
Appearance: a black lion with a pink mane and tail tip. has pink wings.
Personality: Cold. Silent. Flirty at times. Witty. Sarcastic.
Age: 5 years

Re: TO RULE BY THE SWORD! // Knight Adoptions - SirDio - 06-11-2022

Both accepted!

One more slot is still available!