Beasts of Beyond
PAIN, FOLLOWED BY HATE // Open - Printable Version

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PAIN, FOLLOWED BY HATE // Open - Ares - 03-08-2022

Ares stared at the graves before her, anger bubbling within her. She stared at the names, glossing over Ana's. With a deep snarl, the show began with a powerful tone. "You know what I find funny, you three? The fact that I rose from the dead, but none of you do! Elsweyr, you remember when you fucking found me?? You took me here, took me home? Cause I somehow fucking remember!" She snapped, staring down at the grave of her late mother. Some parts of the memory were etched away, but that part always stayed. "Bet you didn't know what would fucking happen, huh?" All that pain and turmoil they had endured.

Turning to face Aurum's grave, fire flicked her fangs as she went off. "I appreciate the sentiment of everything you did for me, Aurum. I was a fucking hardass and I deserved everything that happened to me because of it. I loved you like you were my father." And like her birth father, he left her behind. Selfish thought, yes. "You all just left me behind. I hope you know how much I wanted... no. How much I needed your help. Cause I sure fucking didn't until you were gone." Slowly her volume had raised to a yell, but she brought it down.

"I should have-" She held a paw up and shook her head. "I should have known that everyone would leave me. My birth parents left me, Ana was torn from me, Elsweyr, you became someone completely different, Arrow's fucking gone." She reeled in a deep breath, then turned to the sky. "And Laeglin! Don't think I forgot you! 'Cause how could I? You give me a bird and shit and then leave! WHY DOES EVERYONE ALWAYS LEAVE ME?!" With her yell, fire quickly shot from her mouth, but quickly dissipated. The anger she felt, the tension in the air, was palpable.

"I didn't even get to have a childhood. I just realized that. I really don't think GIVING YOUR CHILD A KNIFE is a good way to parent." She screamed, turning her gaze to Els' grave. "AND I DON'T GIVE A DAMN WHAT YOUR DEAD SOUL THINKS OF ME RIGHT NOW, THAT DAGGER IS HIDDEN UNDER ASH AND CHARRED WOOD FROM THE HOUSE I ONCE LIVED IN. THE HOUSE I BURNED DOWN." Much like how Elsweyr had gained a new form had Ares tossed the past away. "I didn't need to be strong at that age! I needed to be safe, loved! You could have waited!"

"I don't even give a shit about that sword, so if you're a ghost and you're about to say something, Aurum, fucking can it." It did it's damage. Ruined her relationships. "Of course, if you are a ghost, a little sign wouldn't hurt." She dared to say, hopeful. But as nothing happened, she again fell in a fury. "FUCKING OF COURSE! I'M SO FUCKIN UNLOVABLE THAT NOT EVEN A GHOST WOULD WANT TO TALK TO ME!" She began to hyperventilate, and she took a step back.

"I really, really, hate this anger. I don't know where it stems from. I know I need to calm down, but I just can't. I hate it. I hate everything about it. I want it to leave but every time I try to think on why it's there, I get reminded about you two! And the cycle repeats! It doesn't-" She coughed slightly, looking over her slightly rotting body. "It doesn't make sense and it doesn't get better! I just want to forget it, forget about everything that happened to me. But I can't!" and then she slumped, eyes narrowed. "I don't need you." She snipped, standing a little straighter and turning to walk from the graves.

//this is an open thread, don't feel like you need to match the length (I encourage you not to, for your health and mine)