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Bursting Bubbles [Joining] - Printable Version

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Bursting Bubbles [Joining] - Bubbles! - 03-08-2022

[Image: 12676116_tX7FMEtgHMt3P8N.png?1645558578]
[align=center][url=http://""] Art by ZambieMaster[/url]

Bubbles had spent most of her life in a cramped swamp, and the wide-open ocean was certainly a change. One she enjoyed, though also hated at the same time. She hated it because it meant change. It meant she was really moving on. Moving away from her old life with her family. One that was comfortable until it was set ablaze. However, she couldn’t help but also enjoy this new adventure and mystery that stirred before her.  The sea was certainly rest of the eyes compared to the swamp. Finally, there was some water she could swim in without getting coated in muck. It also excited her that she couldn’t see the end as it stretched beyond what her eyes could see.

Bubbles had always enjoyed swimming, but it was limited to the swampy waters her previous home had to offer. Now, she had the wide sea before her; and she could really put her fins to use. Perhaps he had overestimated herself actually, as she found herself getting tired and her fins aching from overuse.  It didn’t help she didn’t have a known destination. Should she turn around and head back to land?

Bubbles would bob in the water, looking around to see if there were any landmarks. It was then she spotted an island not too far in the distance. There… thats where she would go.

A slight smirk curled upon her features as the leopard dove under the waves once more. The motivation of a destination seemed to give her the energy she had previously lost.

Though her fins ached from overuse, she couldn’t help but push them to their limits, perhaps even beyond so, as she swam beneath the saltwater racing dozens of tiny fish.  Before she knew it, she had reached the island. The water was now shallow enough for her to walk and give her fins a break. Water splashed with each step as she made her way onto the shore, noting the tropical oasis before her.

“Wow” Bubbles would admire the bustle of plant life around the sandy beach, adjusting herself into a sitting position to finally take a breather.

Her coat was now covered in saltwater, though Bubbles didn’t seem to mind. It was better than mud, anyway.

Re: Bursting Bubbles [Joining] - Morrison - 03-08-2022

[Image: 39337026_iDDu7Bz04pspvuK.gif]
The water was Morrison's second home. Gifted with aquatic features and a love for the sea, he always made time within his day to explore the depths and relax on the shore of The Typhoon's finest beach. Today's occurrence started with a rest on the shore. Jaws parted and eyes beginning to close, the captain started to fall asleep. The tune of seagulls squawking and waves soothed him into a comforting coma after a long day of dealing with The Typhoon's responsibilities. He was asleep in no time.

Unfortunately for him, the leader's rest was disturbed. The crashing waves of an approaching being caused him to stir. At first, he dismissed the noise. Morrison rolled over unconsciously and let out a sigh, only to be interrupted once again by the splashing of water nearby. His browline furrowed. Orange eyes blinked open and focused out on the horizon, noticing a stranger upon the shore admiring the island's many features. While the wolf enjoyed company, he was not delighted by unwelcome trespassers. Leaving him not choice but get off his ass, the captain raised himself off the sand.

Momentarily shaking off his pelt beforehand, the blue canine started to make his way over. He cleared his throat. "HEY!" came his call from afar. "YOU LOST, MATE?" Response or not, he'd carry on with his venture forward with his ragged ears pointed and paws trailing across the sand. "AH, fuck, LET ME GET CLOSER. I'M KINDA DEAF." Probably from his own loudmouth... or old age... maybe the Palm Glades hurricane... or just because he's a fool. Who knows.

Morrison continued to jog towards the other aquatic animal, only to come to a halt nearby. He looked the other up and down. Their stature and out of this world mutations were noted in the back of his mind, especially the 'unicorn horn.' Nevertheless, that didn't matter. A stranger was among the land of pirates without permission and merely looking around like a lost puppy. His gaze readjusted upwards and attempted to lock with hers. "Now," he started off with, "Why are you here?"

Re: Bursting Bubbles [Joining] - Bubbles! - 03-08-2022

[Image: 12676116_tX7FMEtgHMt3P8N.png?1645558578]
[align=center][url=http://""] Art by ZambieMaster[/url]

  Bubbles had been too occupied admiring the scenery that she didn’t notice the canine nearby. That was until she heard his voice. Quickly, her gaze darted and fell onto the canine approaching her, asking if she was lost.[b] “Well, I suppose you could say that” [/b]was the leopard's response. She hadn't really been paying attention to where she was going and had no idea where it was she  had ended up. So technically, yes, she was lost.

It wasn’t long until the canine pulled closer, cursing under his breath and admitting he couldn't really hear well. He then demanded to know why she was here. Bubbles could not help but be taken aback by the sudden demand. She was unaware this land was claimed by a group of pirates.  “I - I was just admiring the scenery” she’d say, pressing her paws into the sand below her.

Now that the canine was closer to her, she could get a better look at him. She immediately noticed he had aquatic features, much like herself. “Oh hey!” her expression would lose all concern as it lit up. “You look kinda like me with those fins and all!” she’d say, her glowing fishtail swaying slightly behind her. “Not too often I run into other aquatic creatures!” she'd state, wide-eyed as she padded closer to the strange canine.

Re: Bursting Bubbles [Joining] - Morrison - 03-19-2022

[Image: 39337026_iDDu7Bz04pspvuK.gif]
The wolf nodded along with her words as he landed before her. Indeed, she was lost. The scenery wasn't an excuse to cross into another group's territory, loner or not. The captain's browline furrowed. "Yes, yes, very pretty," he quickly said, exasperated. "Ya know, shoreline, palm trees, fancy ships." Morrison pointed to each with a free claw as he spoke and then rounded back to the stranger in an instant. Out of breath from his jog, he continued to hurry his speech. "Ya didn't ask my question though, kiddo." Bubbles was probably not that young, but anyone younger than Morrison was considered young. Old bastard. "Why are ya here? Besides observing... You're on The Typhoon's territory."

As he look breaths to clear his head and talk easier, he was interrupted by her proclamation. Orange eyes widened in response. A final breath was taken in and exhaled out, only for him to reiterate her excitement. "Born and bred, baby," he offered back. His navy tail shook out his back fin confidently and was promptly followed by a smirk. "You look quite fine yourself, mate. All that glowy shit is diabolical." His head craned as he looked back at her swaying tail one last time, only to look back up at her seconds later. "Many aquatics here. We seem to attract 'em. Island, water, and all..."

As she padded forward, he attempted to hold a paw out to her. "I enjoy ya, don't get me wrong, but I gotta know why you're here first," Morrison stated. He managed to catch himself before delving further into conversation and shifting the subject to their peculiar statures.

Re: Bursting Bubbles [Joining] - SOJOURN - 03-22-2022

The yelling was what had caught his attention from the many things he was actively avoiding doing. He was for the most part attempting to learn more about the customs of the Typhoon. The overbearing customs. He couldn't wrap his mind around how needlessly complicated everything was. But he supposed that it was important and if he wanted to become their potential ruler one day as was one of his goals then he needed to understand it. Even back when he didn't have such wild ambition he was pushing himself to learn what he could. Still deviating from that the fluid like canine made his way over to where he had heard all the commotion. Talking and the like seemed normal and so he would steep himself in it when he had the energy to. It was here that he saw Morrison talking to someone else who was aquatically inclined.

Asking them what they were doing here which was common. These were taken lands and he for one did not enjoy the idea of anyone coming in just for sightseeing. Yet it was not his place to say anything and get riled up. "Are you looking to join the Typhoon is what I think Captain here is trying to get at. If not then we can escort you off the premises." Polite. He had no reason to be aggressive or hostile to the other considering they seemed nice enough and he allowed a moment to pass before he glanced away with piercing white eyes.

Re: Bursting Bubbles [Joining] - Bubbles! - 06-19-2022

[Image: 12676116_tX7FMEtgHMt3P8N.png?1645558578]
[align=center][url=http://""] Art by ZambieMaster[/url]

She smiled at his compliment, then looked on curiously. She was about to answer his question again. Apparently, sightseeing wasn’t a good enough answer, though Bubbles wasn’t exactly sure if she had a better one. Before she could respond, however, another canine approached. Her suspicions were confirmed, a group did inhabit these lands.

A wave of nervousness washed over the leopard like the tide of the sea, though she did her best to combat it and remain positive. “The typhoon?” she could not help but question. “Honestly I was unaware this place was occupied. But I have been looking for a place to stay, so if you all would have me I would like to join” she continued. Perhaps she hadn’t given the decision as much thought as she should have, but Bubbles was known for making impulse decisions. She could only hope this one didn’t end up a regret.