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a harpsichord for you | typhooner - Printable Version

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a harpsichord for you | typhooner - SOJOURN - 02-26-2022

He was not lost. The waves carried him where he needed to go. He was never lost and he had just wanted to get out of the area for a bit. Wander for a little. Even though he had found himself in a similar home they were different than what the Glades had been. Although they were not as soft as the Glades had been. So coddled. Frowning a bit he stepped at the entrance of what looked like a snake bridge. Water dripped from his fluid looke form as he stood there and eyes it. "The Coalition..." Observing and not interacting he had seem the deeds that they had committed against the Glades. They had hurt them many times and he found it interesting. Especially how much they had hurt them. It had never been a good look for them but the Coalition had might back then. Capturing and torturing. His tail swayed behind him as he stepped through the maw of the bridge and made his way onto the main island.

His white eyes lingered on what he saw here and there. Smelling the scent of pine trees and keeping away from the vicious looking fauna that wrapped around trees and stones. He wondered if he had ever come here before as he slipped forth through the underbrush. He knew of their ways but his own memories were Foggy at best. He could say that he missed his friends...those that he wished had survived. He didn't know what happened to them so he figured they had died. As he began to wind his way up the mountain he licked his lips, tasting the cold air. "Hello? Any Coalitioners around here? I'd like a chat..."

There was no fear on him as he sat and waited. He was just curious of them after all, no matter where he had come from.

Re: a harpsichord for you | typhooner - Scyllios - 02-26-2022


Scyllios wasn't around when the Coalition began its destructive empire, they were there to watch a raid as they ran. They didn't know those who had died in the long gone Glades. They only knew those who died, mentally, physically, in the comfort of their home.

Setting their pearly eyes on the water figure, they attempted to reach Ciabhan's mind to speak, "You do not look familiar." their English was broken slightly, but it got the message across.


Re: a harpsichord for you | typhooner - SOJOURN - 02-27-2022

The moment that something reached out and touched his mind the man flinched. A cringe covered his facial features and the water around him whipped up into a fury as if trying to protect him from something. He breathed out suddenly, jaws clenched before he shook his head a little. The words vibrated through his skull and he forced himself to remain calm. But he despised things that invaded his head and thought it wasn't their fault his eyes glittered with a measure of resentment. Just a bit. With a light frown now forming after the events that transpired he would lift his eyes away from them. "I wouldn't think that I would be familiar. I don't live here. I'm from the Typhoon." He also wouldn't look familiar because who he used to be was different.

Such a meek and quiet boy he had been. Willing to do what he could for the sake of others. Preposterous. Still he finally locked his white gaze on the fish like creature and decided to introduce himself. "I'm Ciabhan, and I just came to visit to see how things were here."

Re: a harpsichord for you | typhooner - Scyllios - 02-27-2022


For a moment they saw resentment in the water creature's eyes, and Scyllios fought to keep their legs where they were, to not back up out of shock. While a wave of pity washed over the Maned Wolf, what he said next made them tense. Their eyes narrowed as he mentioned the Typhoon. Scyllios' squid-like tail swayed, remembering the bloodshed, the chaos, that came from the Typhoon after, understandably, The Coalition kidnapped some of their people. But the bloodshed and slaughter would forever be in their memory.

Trying to reach into his head again, albeit more tentatively, they tried to speak again. "I am Scyllios. Afraid I do not know what has happened..... in duobus annis*. Have been absent. But things are okay right now." Their eyes softened, for they could not blame someone who may not have known of the terror both groups endured in that long ago fight.

/// * Translation - in two years ///


Re: a harpsichord for you | typhooner - Romulus - 03-13-2022

[Image: 41450132_oCTyo4kdcSATJIk.gif]
A lot could change in two years. Unlike their previous reputation, the Coalition of the Condemned's current Kingpin had less violent, greedy views. Instead he focused on the betterment of their animals through neutral measures, unlike his father's point of view. Ultimately, that left the group's state, at the moment, rather peaceful. Romulus never wanted to lead but he was proud of what had become of his long reign and the changes made. He did not want the others to lose their loved ones like he did, so his reign would remain on middle grounds with decisive decisions.

Even so, the Coalition of the Condemned's reputation from the past never disappeared. Their power was always remembered. The lion couldn't help but worry that could bring trouble in the future, given the amount of wanderers on the border from time to time. Who know what or who would cause problems. With another day though, more came. His muscles tensed at the sound of commotion nearby. Rounded ears managed to catch the tail end of their meow. 'I'm from the Typhoon.' Caution momentarily held him back. His head swiveled towards the two and periwinkle eyes narrowed at the stranger as they introduced themselves. Odd. Just 'seeing how they were' was different.

Despite his hesitance, multicolored paws trailed forward. He came to a stop next to Scyllios and momentarily offered the other wanderer a nod, only to turn his attention back onto Ciabhan seconds later. "I'm afraid we don't have plenty of visitors asking how things have been going in the Coalition," he started off with. "Is there any reason you are asking? Are you an ambassador for The Typhoon?" His head craned. Romulus would hold off from introducing himself until their response was deemed satisfying, especially with a presumed enemy on their border.