Beasts of Beyond
We'd be alright if the wind was in our sails // Joining - Printable Version

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We'd be alright if the wind was in our sails // Joining - SirDio - 02-24-2022

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]ψ — He was not an easily deterred man. David was a strong sailor, who faced adversity and challenge head on and with a roar. He was not an easily deterred man, but he was an easily interested one. Even though he lived as long as many gods did, the ocean was forever going to be a place of interest. A home. And why not join a group that looked like it was very much an ocean-oriented one.

His legs carried him to the gates, where his eyes peered at the bell and the rope that was attached. "Ask not for whom the bell tolls, eh?" he smiled, reaching up on his hind legs and pulling down on the rope, wincing as the bell rang out. "It tolls for thee." David hummed, then stood with patience, tail swaying over the flooring beneath him.ψ

Re: We'd be alright if the wind was in our sails // Joining - SOJOURN - 02-24-2022

The ringing, incessant ringing seemed to vibrate the water that was around the train tracks. The air shimmering with droplets of water that seemed to mist the air. One moment there was no one near the gate, only an eerie silence before there was soon someone. The moisture shifted and easily condensed to merge with the watery pelt of the maned wolf. His white eyes focused on the stranger as he stood there before the gate. With ease the man pushed the door open with a watery paw as the sun almost seemed to shine through it. He tilted his head as he eyed the other for a moment, holding that silence before he gave a small frown. "Right, the usual. Do you need something?" Casual was his words that left his muzzle as he finally spoke them.

This was what he remembered, some returning of normalcy. The simple question that most strangers were given. A what do you need? A how may I help you? It was a bit too polite for his tastes but it would do for now. So the rippling water creature sat down and waited for his question to he answered.

Re: We'd be alright if the wind was in our sails // Joining - SirDio - 02-24-2022

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]ψ — Okay, so maybe he hadn't seen everything the world had to offer. Like the walking, living, literal body of water that greeted him and opened the gate. The sailor stepped back slightly, a guffaw leaving his crocodile jaws. "By Poseidon's heart! I'd nev'r seen somthin' like you before. What're you supposed to be, some wat'r spirit?" He spoke with a thunderous voice, humor and curiosity clearer than the sky.

Taking some steps toward the gate, he fiddled with his diamond necklace. "To answer your quest'n, I'm lookin' for a group to join. Heard about a 'Typhoon' or somethin' along them lines and was given directions to 'ere." he tilted his head downward, "Th' name's David Rays."ψ

Re: We'd be alright if the wind was in our sails // Joining - Morrison - 02-26-2022

[Image: 39337026_iDDu7Bz04pspvuK.gif]
Ring a ding, another one arrives at the gates. To no surprise of Morrison, an unfamiliar face drifted into view as he approached with rugged ears perked and a smirk upon his lips. Thankfully for him, Ciabhan was there. They had already done the usual talk, minus introductions, and it appeared their visitor had an inquiry for them. More specifically, him. The older captain rolled up to the drenched canine's side. As always, similar to his own reaction, the other had to comment on Ciabhan's significant look. "All too sentient for ya liking?" he questioned, briefly looking over to his fellow pirate. Morrison shot them a quick smirk in passing and turned back to David in a jiffy.

A snort left him as he lowered down to the floor with his haunches. "Ain't one to point out the obvious-" That was a lie. He always did... even if it was the brutal truth. "-but ya quite a looker too." A paw swiveled forward and circled around at the other's very green appearance. Not to mention weird. "Green and tentacle-y, almost like a bad experience I had with a lovely lady in the middle of bumfuck nowhere." Lips pulled back into a cocky smirk. "Although, I'll tell ya, it wasn't very 'nowhere' on the bumfuck." A cackle left him. That was another story for later though. This island story in particular had plenty of cherades and shenanigans to describe. David just happened to remind him of it with those 'things' on his neck.

All fun and games though. Somewhat. The wolf dipped his head, signifying his approval. "Cap'n Morrison," he barked back. "Welcome to our rag-tag group, lad. Where you comin' from?" That could change his opinion on the other joining, but also bring in an adventurous tale. On new people, he was open-minded, thankfully. Enemies though? Ehh... We'll see.

Re: We'd be alright if the wind was in our sails // Joining - SOJOURN - 03-22-2022

"No not a water spirit." He began almost casually, the thought of striking up a conversation there but he didn't have time before Morrison came forth. His alabaster gaxe shifted over to him then as he spoke up. And slowly the maned wolf's face scrunched up into something of almost disgust and perhaps disdain for where the topic had somehow gotten to. He loomed at the Captain then and wanted to chastise him and well he did. "Morrison I'm sure no one wants to hear about your escapades and shenanigans when up were...most likely younger." Especially not something that involved tentacles. Shaking his head the watery being would finally look back to David and dip his head. "I'll apologize for him. You are new and I'm sure you'd rather not hear it too." He knew that he didn't and he shook his head a little.

"I'm Ciabhan by the way. Just a resident. I'm around if you need something. Drinking partner or whatever." He gave what he felt was a decent introduction before he backed off from the scene to allow for things to continue. More members was a good thing after all. New faces meant something to keep a group alive.