Beasts of Beyond
lavish mansions | coming across the temple - Printable Version

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lavish mansions | coming across the temple - SOJOURN - 02-24-2022

Adventuring along through the territory was easy enough. He was finding his way along pretty nicely given the circumstances. Large ears swirled as he picked up the sounds of birds overhead and the sounds of scuttling prey in the foliage. Eating he realized had not been a priority of his since arrive and truth be told he did not know if he could eat. This form changed and shifted with the fluidity of water. It was water. He hadn't thought much about it but coming onto land after such a long time was vaguely strange. Heavy. Still the maned wolf would think on this more as he traveled along the jungle. He had no real purpose in mind but to see the sights when he stumbled upon the temple. It looks old and large, towering over him with vines crawling along stone. For a moment he just stood there but after a while he realized that the could smell herbs. Distant memories trickled along his mind as he remembered fondly of wanting to be a healer. Learning some of the craft.

It had been a while and he wondered if he remembered his stuff. Stepping inside he guessed this was where the healers commenced and he sniffed about. Water rippled along his back and flowed through his tail as he wandered the halls. Finding a small room with herbs stored. He sniffed at them. Some stale and some not. Perhaps he would get some more...maybe. "Just to help if necessary. Who knows if they will actually need it though. Seems quiet...." Too quiet, too serene. He felt like things could be louder.