Beasts of Beyond
welcome, welcome | returning face - Printable Version

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welcome, welcome | returning face - SOJOURN - 02-24-2022

He remembered it all. Being dragged down into the depths of the ocean from where he had loved in the Palm Glades. A place that was supposed to be peaceful before it was ravaged. Did he miss it? No. He didn't much care on what had happened to the place. The only creatures he had cared for were Medusa and Quasar and he knew that they were not around anymore. The Palm Glades did not exist anymore. They had become a shadow of themselves and were now a part of the much larger Typhoon. It was here that he found himself now, a being that easily slipped along the waves of the ocean as he came before the tracks. His eyes of solid white shifted under the waters for a moment before the water rose up and shifted. The waves lurched and shifted before swirling to form a paw of water. Pressing against the ground a body followed after. The water was alive and the being was made out of it. With a flourish the creature took the shape of a long legged fox like creature.

As he stood there a low sigh left his muzzle and he shifted his head before his dripping body started to walk along the tracks. From what he had seen this was to be his new home. He remembered his former name, his innocent. But now he was no longer that. No longer naive to think that the world was so friendly. As he came upon the gate he did not wait there to ring the bell. A pointless endeavor. He simply morphed through the bars and recollected himself on the other side. His body rippled and shifted as he continued on and he glanced around. "Nothing beats home I suppose." Though he sounded less than enthused. Instead he made his way forth with little care for where he tread. He needed to get a good visual of the place he would he staying.

Re: welcome, welcome | returning face - Morrison - 02-24-2022

Unwelcome, shifty (literally) creatures were always of interest of Morrison, despite not being in The Typhoon's best interest. He enjoyed a change in pace and new faces. Thankfully for him a newer one had appeared before his rounded, orange hues for him to enjoy. His eyes widened at their sudden appearance, notably skipping past the gate due to their liquid exterior. The captain had seen many things before but never anything such as that. Intrigued, the wolf inched forward towards the other and caught their unenthused mumblings when coming into range. 'Home,' it appeared, to be The Typhoon. Strange. While he didn't know every pirate within their borders, he wouldn't have missed this one, surely.

The canine stepped forward. His aged figure attempted to block the other from going any further. "And who might you be?" he inquired. A pressing gaze surveyed the other up and down, only to meet their gaze again moments later. His eyes narrowed. "Ain't seen you around here before, moisture man." A soft smirk met his lips at the nickname, reminiscing on how it sounded like a cheesy superhero. He did not mean it offensively. The obvious was just stated in his cocky and joking manner.
——————— wolf & the typhoon + palm glades & info ———————

Re: welcome, welcome | returning face - SOJOURN - 02-24-2022

A figure decided to block his path and he paused. It had been a while since he had even talked to anyone, social skills almost nonexistent. But he understood the jesting tone enough when he was called moisture man. Funny. Still he was being questioned about who he was and the fact that he had showed up here at all. Maybe he should have seen that coming and prepared something for the encounter. Solid white eyes blinked as waves rippled along his body before he fully turned to look at the aged wolf. Manners had been instilled in him though. His mother made sure that he did have at least some sense when it came to respecting his elders. Maybe, if he hadn't changed. Yet he did need to be pleasant. "I'm Ciabhan. Formerly a semi-high position from Palm Glades. I heard what happened and decided to make this my new home."

He didn't think that there would be any problems with that and he shrugged his shivering shoulders slightly. The tall creature then shifted his paws to begin walking again. The water along his body ebbed and flowed with the soft breeze before he paused to look over his shoulder. "Unless there is an issue with that? I'm sure I can prove to be a valuable member of the Typhoon." Much more so than the others would be or so he would like to think.

Re: welcome, welcome | returning face - Morrison - 02-25-2022

Piercing white eyes turned to face him and soon the other canine began speak, drawing in Morrison's interest. The Palm Glades, eh? Another Glader returning to The Typhoon for another round at the pirate rodeo, it appeared. One thing concerned him though. Their rank, while significant, did not ring a bell with his name. "Ciabhan, Ciabhan, Ciabhan..." he pondered to himself. His head looked down at the floor for a few moments as he thought, only to jolt back up a seconds later. "Nope, don't ring a bell, mate." His lips pulled back into a sneer. A brow furrowed in consideration. Once again he had the age old debate of 'Was it his elderly memory forgetting someone or the truth?' with himself.

With no memory coming forward, the canine narrowed his gaze. He leaned in slightly, staring them in the face. "'m a Glader, myself... or was," he clarified. Navy paws shifted and moved to turn with the other in an attempt to block their path again. "If you ain't lyin', perhaps you can sweep the deck with us daft cunts." The captain was clearly looking for clarification. The fact that Ciabhan had started to turn away from him gave Morrison a suspicious vibe, unfortunately, despite their decent intent.
——————— wolf & the typhoon + palm glades & info ———————

Re: welcome, welcome | returning face - SOJOURN - 02-26-2022

For a moment he stood there and waited, casually and really unworried that he would be confronted. The wolf began to mutter his name, a whisper of breath that he barely heard before he spoke up about not knowing who that was. The rippling creature sighed a little, undeterred by the circumstances. "Of course not. It isn't the name I went by previously." His words were said quietly and softly, under his breath and almost too hushed to hear. He didn't really wish to bring up his former self. The one that had been too soft and fell prey easy to thinks. Still he merely continued forth that was until he was blocked again. Silly him thinking that the conversation would end there in politeness. A tinge of irritation fluttered in his stomach but he kept it to himself.

Especially given that there was an ounce of suspicion here. Knowing that the other had even a former Glader may have caused this to be a little tricky but he merely allows an easy smile to pull at his muzzle. "There is nothing for me to lie about. I lived there...I had a home at the boardwalk and everything. Our leader was, no, it was Rhinestonestar when I was there." Foggy memory tried to resurface and pain struck his core. He didn't show it but he couldn't remember. Was Medusa their deputy. A frown colored his muzzle before he glanced Morrison. "Is that enough to be able to the so called sweep the deck? And while I'm at it I haven't caught your name."

Re: welcome, welcome | returning face - Morrison - 03-19-2022

[Image: 39337026_iDDu7Bz04pspvuK.gif]
Ah! See, that made sense. He was tempted to pry on their previous alias, but seeing he didn't know their current form, the captain merely pushed the thought aside. There was no need to prod. They would prove their new loyalty with time and effort, of course. Their spill of information only proved their former allegiance, even if they could probably get it from some random animal, but he didn't necessarily mind. Morrison happened to frown at the mention of Winterhymns though. His family had long disappeared to do other things, although he wasn't sure they were necessarily better. Nevertheless, he kept his head high. The captain was just subtly glad to have someone who knew what Palm Glades looked like before it's destruction.

With a cheesy smile, the captain continued on his usual spiel to newcomers. "New name, new beginnings, new group," he jokingly commented. "That should be enough. Welcome to The Typhoon then, Ciabhan." A paw gestured behind him towards the group's innards. Thankfully, there was a lot more to explore than the rotting head of Stryker on the railroad gate. Although it was weirdly interesting...

He did forget to introduce himself, didn't he? The canine was so focused on the stranger's clarification that introductions went out the window. He straightened himself out and threw his head upwards. "M'name is Morrison," he started off with. "Captain Morrison. I'll be your leader for the time being until I die valiantly in battle." A cackled echoed outwards. For a joke, it was rather dark. Perhaps he could live out to retirement or die of natural causes, but nope. The fate of a leader usually ended up in disappearance or death, sadly. Despite the reality of the situation, he dreamed of other things.

Orange eyes shifted out towards the horizon. He craned his head in thought. "Perhaps we could go for a lil tour, Cia? Bhan? Ciab?" came his offer as he contemplated nicknames.