Beasts of Beyond
we built our castles in the clouds ? introduction - Printable Version

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we built our castles in the clouds ? introduction - teef - 02-21-2022

  -- small paws patterned across the ground, ball of fur that was jökull skittering across the camp grounds of the Coalition, chasing after a ball of moss tangled and messy, batting it between tiny paws with claws outstretched. She'd left the nursery, the three-month old enjoying herself as much as possible even when playing ball solo. Her tiny game brought her closer to the edges of the nursery's territory, tail a proud banner behind herself as childish laughter left the small girl. Ahead she could smell the scent of water coming from The Grotto, tiny ears swiveling forward in pointed interest. It smelt good, the water that she could smell.

-- speaks in #DEB887 -- jökull aeronwen tsune

Re: we built our castles in the clouds ? introduction - Scyllios - 02-27-2022


The youth were always curious. In many, many instances that can be good. In just as many, it could end up being a terrible fate. Obviously, Scyllios would know. That was why they were keen on watching the children while Brutei slept. Watching the kitten playing with a moss ball, and getting further and further from the nursery and them, the maned wolf sprung into action. Loping over to Jökull, they tried to reach into her mind to speak, "Stay by nursery. Please."


Re: we built our castles in the clouds ? introduction - teef - 03-23-2022

  -- fur bushing up along her back at the strange voice speaking into her mind, the small kitten turned quickly as she heard the sound of scyllios' paws on the ground, arching her back and staring at the maned wolf. okay, maybe a slight over-reaction but the voice in her head was spooky and she had never heard it before. staring up at scyllios with a frightened hiss spilling from her lips as she stared up at the maned wolf, "w-what was that! d-did you hear that?", she whispered, fur still on end as she shivered a little, "a voice told me to stay by the nursery ... d-do you think it was a ghost?", she hadn't interacted that much with scyllios, leading to her not knowing that they didn't speak aloud.

-- speaks in #DEB887 -- jökull aeronwen tsune