Beasts of Beyond
for all seasons [ open! resurrection & intro ] - Printable Version

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for all seasons [ open! resurrection & intro ] - Kydobi - 02-18-2022


[OOC: if you saw my last failed attempt at return, no you didn't hehe. also pardon my writing, it's been a whilllllllllleeeeeeeeeeee. and anyone can feel free to post!!!! please do it gives me muse]

  He smelled the world before he first saw it. The scent of dirt was flooding his senses, a wet earthy smell. It was comforting and clean to him. Perhaps it was the typical negligence of a child, but his lungs were screaming for air. Forgetting something so trivial. The boy went to gasp for air but began gagging, something was lodged in his throat. His bliss was over that fast. His eyes opened in alarm, immediately burning from the harsh sunlight. He tried to whimper as he squinted. The thunder of his heart was all he heard as one word repeated in his mind.

  air, air, air

  It was all the cub could focus on. Desperately he stood up, as his eyes widened. The stress was making him sick. He stood there with his face facing the floor. Breathe! Breathe! Next thing he knew he was throwing up. A wretched thick pool of slime and mud landed on the floor. He was trying to hold onto any little breath he could in between the dry heaves. After some time, it felt like forever, he calmed down. His ribs ached and upon further inspection, he had had a mouthful of dirt. A fluffy black paw was attempting to wipe it out with little success.

"Bleh!" he exclaimed. Nasty nasty stuff, he would think as he shook his fluffy face. More dirt felt. As a matter of fact, his whole body was covered in mud and dirt. Being a young boy he wasn't grossed out.

How did that get there? Actually, how did he get here? The cub sat for a few minutes thinking, he couldn't remember anything prior to this. He couldn't even remember his name. Was there anyone special? Is anyone looking for him? The boy didn't know and he didn't feel so alone or worried. Not that there was anything wrong. Despite his panic, his previously worried face was quickly replaced with a joyous one. He heard birds chirping, frogs in the distance, and the gentle rustle of grass. Although he did not know that these were the names of what he was tuning in to. He just sat there all happy to sway to the symphony of the world around him.

Wherever he was, he seemed content in the moment.


Re: for all seasons [ open! resurrection & intro ] - aesior - 02-18-2022

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
The sounds of retching reached his ears, so busily attuned in his own work at the ground before him that he had no idea of the living or dead around himself. He would have had no clue had it not been for the boy coughing and gagging, dragging his attention from the roots and plants he had been pulling from the ground in front of him, his satchel set to the wayside as he worked on gathering new samples.

Gray fur brushed against undergrowth as he walked towards the noises announcing the presence of another living creature, gray-green eyes peering out from behind bushes and leaves, spotting a jaguar cub sitting there with a pool of gross ilk at his paws. Tipping his head quietly, the traveler would purposefully shake his pelt out amongst the thickest branches to create enough noise to hopefully attract the child's attention. Opening his jaws, going to speak before being met by a silence and harsh pain in his own throat. Shit, it was something he would never get used to. There was a major problem here - he couldn't communicate with the child, and he doubted that the child could even read. Ears flattening and laying back in frustration at his lack of voice, muddy paws bringing the traveler forth.

Gaze embracing the child, taking in full the way he swayed with the sounds around him. Hesitating, he sat before him, memories filled with other children both his own and others. There hidden grief laid hidden in his eyes, neatly wrapping his tail about his paws, his satchel set down beside him as he drew from within a journal. Setting it down, looking around with a turn of his head, hoping that someone else might be out in this area that knew how to read and actually, yknow, speak. Otherwise it was a game of pictionary with this child who seemed fairly content with himself.

Re: for all seasons [ open! resurrection & intro ] - Kydobi - 02-21-2022


[OOC: [member=23233]aesior[/member] ]

It wasn't long before someone came to accompany him. The young boy would look at the fellow feline approaching him. Still young and foolish, he didn't use his senses to notice the arrival. He would look at the gray man, a little spittle began to dry on his maw.

Instead, the child would smile because he was somewhat pleased to be in the presence of someone else. Adolescent arrogance would immediately dismiss the idea of a potential threat. The word danger was unknown to the boy.

"Hello!", he would say eagerly as he bounced to his paws, "Would you happen to know where I am?" He noticed the stranger bring out a.. a thing quite foreign to him. A large head would tilt in curiosity.

"What's that you got there sir?", he said as he pranced closer, dirt flaking off as he did so.


Re: for all seasons [ open! resurrection & intro ] - aesior - 03-14-2022

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
gaze fixed on the child, tail twitching against his paws as he considered what was going on, and what he should do. his gaze rolled over the youth, lifting a paw momentarily as he watched the spittle begin to dry on his maw. hesitating, he pointed to his own jaw and then the child's, holding himself back from trying to wipe it off. if the child didn't understand than maybe he would. blinking as he was spoken to, a wince on his face before he opened his jaws and tapped at his throat, exhaling as much air as he could in one breath, a soft wheeze escaping the tom. he couldn't speak, and the easiest way was to try and show him. tongue and teeth moving, mouthing at him as he put his own paw over the scars. there was lack of vibration. the words he'd mouthed were 'i can't talk'. maybe he would understand?

gaze flicking downwards quickly to his journal, looking back up. it was more a game of charades, not pictionary. he wasn't an artist. as he sat there, borage sprouted from the green sprigs upon his shoulders, the leaves trembling with each movement he made, paws kneading at the ground under himself, paws on top of his tail now as he kneaded a bit anxiously, an effort to soothe himself in the most instinctive way. eyes sliding to half lid, ears flicking as he blinked a few times. could he lead him somewhere? that would be safest for the child most likely, he seemed naive and too young to understand that not every stranger was friendly. taking one last look around, praying, hoping that someone else might show up to lend him a verbal paw.