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ANIMAL IMPULSES // open, Clanwide Plot Prompt - Printable Version

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ANIMAL IMPULSES // open, Clanwide Plot Prompt - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-22-2018

light the night up,
you're my dark star
Something was wrong. Something was terribly wrong with the way prey acted. Atbash didn't entirely understand what was going on, since she never experienced things quite like this before. So to say she was nervous about things was an understatement. But she had to keep calm and relax; being a semi-high position meant she had some responsibility and people looked up to her (or that's what she believed, anyway). She had to keep her cool, or at least try to maintain it as much as she could.

Prey had been attacking the members of Snowbound, so it was only natural that Atbash was worried about things. It was odd to see them like this, and Atbash was afraid she'd catch something herself. However, a couple of NPCs reported that they thought they found some uninfected nests. And upon Jacob's request, Atbash went to go find a couple of people to help her investigate. "Hey, um... Could I get somebody to help be investigate something?" The she-cat called as she went towards the center of camp. "Actually, can I can two somebodies?" It might be easier to have two more people rather than just her and somebody else. Or hey, the more the merrier! She wouldn't stop anybody if they wanted to join after she choose two people.
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: ANIMAL IMPULSES // open, Clanwide Plot Prompt - guts - 05-22-2018

Aizawa wasn't blind to how the prey was acting lately. It was hard to ignore, with them attacking clan-mates left and right. He had even had a run-in of his own, which left him unscathed save for a few bites and scrapes. Hopefully he wouldn't contract anything. He doubted these prey weren't sick in some way, and if these things kept happening, they'd probably start acting the same way, too. They'd catch the disease they had, or just simply die.

"I'll come," he speaks up as he approaches, hoping he could help out. His size might come in handy, in case things went bad.


Re: ANIMAL IMPULSES // open, Clanwide Plot Prompt - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-22-2018

Maybe Killua was the lucky one. Probably. He wasn't really all that concerned about what was happening to the territory. But the more he thought of it the more he realized how it could be a problem for those that didn't even really know about it all things considered. The albino serval wasn't sure what methods he could use to try and get rid of what was happening to Snowbound right now. He knew that it was probably humans that were the cause of this, and killing a human didn't seem all that hard to do. But would Snowbound even decide to go with that idea in the first place? Probably not. They didn't like killing after all, and he wasn't sure if killing a human was the best option for him, who was trying not to kill anyone at the moment. As usual, it seemed like killing something to get rid of the problem was the easy way out. Something that was a struggle for the wildcat to deal with considering that was what he grew up with. When he was frustrated, he would just end up killing someone that he didn't care about and everything would be perfectly fine. This was for the best though. That's what he had to keep telling himself. The wildcat had no reason to try and take the life of others that were trying their best to keep on living. He continued to repeat the words that his dead mentor had told him when he tried to take the life of someone that was doomed to die anyway. At least, that's what Killua thought anyway, and in the end they ended up saving the other's life. Recently with Killua walking around, it wasn't just him that was around. Instead, he always have a shadow behind him, that shadow being the 11ft tall Hellhound that seemed to be following him everywhere. The purple-hued canine didn't seem to want to leave Killua's said and there was absolutely nothing he could do to get the other away from him. He had tried several different methods, and he couldn't exactly kill the beast. Killua was heading to camp like he usually did, only once a day though, with a lollipop that was in his mouth. The assassin blinked his sapphire blue eyes as he could already see someone standing in camp from the distance he was at. Actually, it was more than just one creature. He couldn't tell who it was though until his paws made contact with the stone ground. Considering how camp was, it meant that the Hellhound that constantly followed him around didn't fit, and it would give Killua a little bit of a break. He did turn to look over his shoulder at Mike before turning around and walking to where the two were standing. Atbash and Aizawa from the looks of it. He approached as he hears what Atbash was wanting to do. Investigate something? Well, if someone was investigating something it meant that it had to be interesting and important. He moved the lollipop to the other side of his mouth as he came to a stop slightly next to Aizawa, but leaving plenty of space in between him and the lion. "Investigating huh? Sounds interesting. I'll come." Killua would state with a grin on his face It there was a means of a challenge or danger, then he would definitely help. Besides, he hadn't had anything to do the past couple of days as he was trying to take it easy so that the wound on his right arm would heal already. He still had bandages on his right arm and around his throat, but that didn't seem to be much of a concern.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: ANIMAL IMPULSES // open, Clanwide Plot Prompt - london r. - 05-22-2018

It was almost frightening how the small animals of this land had started acting over the recent days. It certainly was far from normal, and, after having her brothers die from an illness, she believed this might be a malady as well. Erratic changes in behavior seemed to be diseases from what she had seen before, though whether this was a mental or physical ailment would be slightly more to figure out. Either way, Atbash was right to try to find uncontaminated prey for nourishment, just in case. As anyone else, surely, London would rather be overly cautious than eat something she may end up regretting. "I can come with you, though I'm not sure how much help I'll be." the arcticplayer would offer, her soft, British accented voice hesitant, but determined. There was no way she was going to sit around and do nothing while this wonderful place that had become a second home to her got destroyed. She would move to stand next to Killua, casting her friend a glance before returning her attention to Atbash.

Re: ANIMAL IMPULSES // open, Clanwide Plot Prompt - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-25-2018

light the night up,
you're my dark star
Oh, thank the Stars. Atbash seemed relieved that some of the other Snowbounders wanted to join and gave a dip of her head in thanks at the three who came over. "We should hurry up, then." Who knows how long the nest would remain uninfected? With that, the she-cat went off into the territory, trying to recall where the exact area was that the NPC had reported to her.

The silence was a bit awkward, if she had to admit. Atbash tried to mentally shrug it off, but it still lingered. "Uh..." Atbash started out, flicking her ears. "This is probably a stupid question, but, uh... What should we do exactly if the nest is uninfected? Like, should we try to preserve it, or something?" So they could breed and hopefully keep the uninfected count up.

//Feel free to have prey attack if you'd like!!
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi