Beasts of Beyond
?? ?????'? ???? ?? ???? ☤ Jasper x NPC ☤ CLOSED FAE LITTER - Printable Version

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?? ?????'? ???? ?? ???? ☤ Jasper x NPC ☤ CLOSED FAE LITTER - teef - 02-17-2022


Jasper Kinsella(reference, clickable), a light fae who has been in the lands of The Beyond for some time, and his husband, an NPC, were deeply in love. Jasper traveled the Beyond at his side, often unable to settle for long out of unease. His own past was threatening to catch up to them in the form of the insurgent royal family, and that being one his family had tried to marry him into. While on the run, his husband grew sick from infected injuries and succumbed to the infection before the hunting family could catch up to them. Burying his husband and continuing to flee, Jasper finally arrived at the border of The Coalition, all but collapsing and on the verge of delivering his litter. Upon joining, for his safety and that of his children until he can fight his enemies face to face, Jasper delivered a healthy litter.

-- children are light fae and must have either a form of dragonfly or butterfly wings (royalty have a set of four wings)
-- their mother's body is that of a borzoi but the children may be of any canine body, likely the thinner and more delicate looking breeds
-- [member=23237]jasper[/member] , the children's mother, is currently a wanderer of the Coalition of The Condemned
-- all children have royal blood. children are pure-blooded royalty and the children are allowed to claim this royalty in their blood. royal blood is running on the side of Jasper.

The children are able to be any regular bodied canine, though preferred if more on the borzoi/whippet sort of side. They will be born with the Kinsella last name but will be allowed to change their surname should they desire to.

-- the children are born under the Kinsella lineage and will be added to the family tree (when the family home thread is edited)
-- the children are currently at the age of six months, they may age at your discretion (the children's players must all agree on if the children will encounter an age skip)
-- the children's accounts will be pinged when the family holds their own meetings (not necessary to post in, but would be encouraged)
-- i (teef) ask that you try to post with the child(ren) at least once a month or every second month
-- if you haven't completed a reserved slot's form within a week, the slot will be re-opened. if you have an issue completing it before a week is up, please reach out to teef!
-- please try to complete your form! i will be linking the form as the child's birth record on the family home post!
-- the children will be loved by Jasper! please don't say that he doesn't love them, he truly does
-- the children have been born and will be starting out at six months of age in the Coalition of The Condemned!!!

This litter only has THREE open slots at the moment (i, teef, am possibly taking a fourth). This litter is first come first serve. As for the forms, they are considered a free for all. It is asked that you please make a form so that the children can be added to the genealogy and listed under the Family's members.

-- slot ONE - Hyzenthlay Kinsella for SchizophrenicVoid
-- slot TWO - Gohan Kintsugi Kinsella for DIO!
-- slot THREE
template by orion

Re: ?? ?????'? ???? ?? ???? ☤ Jasper x NPC ☤ OPEN FAE LITTER - jasper - 02-17-2022

parent track//

Re: ?? ?????'? ???? ?? ???? ☤ Jasper x NPC ☤ OPEN FAE LITTER - SchizophrenicVoid - 02-17-2022

Can I please reserve a slot while I type up a form?

Re: ?? ?????'? ???? ?? ???? ☤ Jasper x NPC ☤ OPEN FAE LITTER - teef - 02-17-2022

sure thing!

Re: ?? ?????'? ???? ?? ???? ☤ Jasper x NPC ☤ OPEN FAE LITTER - SchizophrenicVoid - 02-17-2022

Name: Hyzenthlay Kinsella
Gender: Female
Personality: An ice queen through and through.  Hyzenthlay is crafty; a self-taught strategist. She knows how to both avoid and incite trouble; a dangerous yet invaluable trait for such a wily canine. Resourceful and creative, Hyzenthlay can often be found crafting things from her seemingly innocuous findings. Hyzenthlay certainly had a chip on her shoulder. Short tempered and hot headed, it doesn’t take a lot to rile her up. And it doesn’t take long for her anger to escalate from verbal retorts, to physical anger. When spoken to, Hyzenthlay is rarely polite. She’s generally rude and curt, her responses quip and bitter. Many would describe Hyzenthlay as a witch, or a harpy, especially considering her strange fascination in witchcraft and ritual.
Appearance: A reddish brown tall and slim canine of unknown breed. Mostly covered in a thin layer of downy fur, with various tufts of extra fur around her ruff and elbows primarily. Delicate iridescent dragonfly wings flutter lightly upon her upper back. She always carries a lantern lit from within through the use of fireflies and glowing moss, as her ice blue eyes struggle to adjust to the darkness of night.

Re: ?? ?????'? ???? ?? ???? ☤ Jasper x NPC ☤ OPEN FAE LITTER - teef - 02-17-2022

approved!! updating the post w/ her!

Re: ?? ?????'? ???? ?? ???? ☤ Jasper x NPC ☤ OPEN FAE LITTER - SirDio - 02-17-2022

Can I have a reserve? I'll get the form up later today

Re: ?? ?????'? ???? ?? ???? ☤ Jasper x NPC ☤ OPEN FAE LITTER - teef - 02-17-2022

sure thing ^^

Re: ?? ?????'? ???? ?? ???? ☤ Jasper x NPC ☤ OPEN FAE LITTER - SirDio - 02-22-2022

So yknow how I said I would finish my form the same night? I lied so here's the form now

Name: Gohan Kintsugi Kinsella
Age: 6 months
Gender: amab, he/him for now
appearance: a slim mutt with mainly Borzoi in him from Jasper, his fur is primarily dark Grey with delicate gold markings on his face, tabby-like in form. His eyes are a golden color, with white toward his pupils.

Four butterfly wings expand from his back, black and yellow in color. His face is gentle, but he always looks so nervous.
Personality: Gohan is a very skittish individual, innocent and kind. He would never hurt a fly, and would much rather prefer to talk his way out of trouble, as well as talk others out of it as well. As a middle child he tries his best to mediate any negativity between siblings.

Re: ?? ?????'? ???? ?? ???? ☤ Jasper x NPC ☤ OPEN FAE LITTER - teef - 02-22-2022

happy to see him lol, adding him to the front post