Beasts of Beyond
hello! - Printable Version

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hello! - fleur . - 02-16-2022

hello<3 i am new here! i have been on rp sites since 2011, but sort of stopped rping when feralfront shut down. i am looking to get back to rpsite as it's a big hobby of mine!

Re: hello! - Cheshire - 02-16-2022

Hey! Welcome to Beasts of Beyond!
I actually just joined too, and was on feralfront as well as Deidre, so it's nice to see you again!!
Everyone here is pretty friendly and welcoming so I'm glad you could join it!

Re: hello! - fleur . - 02-16-2022

Thank you very much! It's so nice to be on an RP site again! It's always been a fun hobby for me. It's nice to see you again!!

Re: hello! - SirDio - 02-16-2022

Hi! Welcome to the site.

I'm Dio, and I've just recently returned to BoB after a turbulent time last year. This place is super welcoming, as is our discord if you wanna join it!

Re: hello! - teef - 02-16-2022

*comes sliding by to say hello*

hello! Welcome to BoB, I also just returned after a break ^^

I was on FF for a long time, always happy to see other people!

Re: hello! - fleur . - 02-16-2022

Thank you both very much! It seems like a lot of people are returning after hiatus! That’s great(: I appreciate how welcoming everyone is.
I don’t have a discord yet but I am definitely considering joining! Thank you, Dio!!