Beasts of Beyond
sometimes my mind plays tricks on me - joining! - Printable Version

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sometimes my mind plays tricks on me - joining! - Cheshire - 02-15-2022

⸺ Kaesha ⸺
do you have the time, to listen to me rhyme ~

A young cub, a snow leopard playing with her siblings, just then having started to finally move around and squall when she misses the warmth of her mother. Finally having the understanding to know what she wanted, when she needed it, and how to barely say what that was. Her brother Augustus was her favorite of her siblings, making sure they would eat, rest, and drink water if their mother was out getting them materials. Her sister, Ambrosia was a little senstive, but she had a big curious heart. And her mother was the most caring woman one could ever know, sacrificing everything to keep her kits out of danger.... but 4 moons was when she was ripped from the close grasps of her mother, an owl's talons ripping into her wings and side as she reached... and reached, to barely miss her mothers grasp.

"Momma!" A wicked scream, a heartbreaking scene to the poor widow from below, and a horrifying one to her siblings. "MOMMAA!" she screeched as she saw the lithe form below race up the cliffside and miss the leap to reach the owl again. As the form furthered from her sight, flying higher in the air, the leopard would barely see her fall onto the ground, and body shake from sobs.

She would never see them again, she could feel it as the night passed and the morning sun would rise, travelling for forever, and her stomach having a wicked twisting feeling. She didn't know why, she didn't do anything to anger Mister or Missus Owl! In fact, Kaesha knew that she should be the one mad.

Letting out a final squeal of rebellion, the cub would struggle. More pain from the talons burned as she did, but finally, she would twist to bite the owls leg, a screech coming, before dropping the winged leopard from- who knew how high? But trees were incoming fast, and the wind whipped at her back fur and wings.

Flap! Flap, you can do this Kaesha! her mothers voice sent a chill as she remembered the flying lessons. Jumping off that cliffside, and if failed, would get caught by mother, or Augustus. She was the only one left who hadn't figure it out.

But, she wouldn't- couldn't give up now. Her eyes closed, tears welling underneath as she knew the tree tops were coming even closer now....

Her wings stretched...

A small flap...

And next thing she knew, she was no longer falling, but had come to hang in a steady place as her white and black wings flapped desperately to keep her up.

A blue eye opened, before they both did, gasping in shock as she allowed herself to slowly drift down, excitement flooding her veins intertwining with the fear of trying to find her way back home. If that was even a possibility. The snow leopard would suddenly gasp as her wings became harder to flap, and she plummeted again, this time at least she could grasp onto a branch, black claws digging into the bark, before pulling herself up and looking down at the... seemingly high drop. Her breaths were heavy as she tried to gasp for more air.

Flying was difficult, and made her exhausted... so how.. was she going to get down now?


Re: sometimes my mind plays tricks on me - joining! - Seven - 02-15-2022

Seven could hear struggle from above as she walked in slow, methodical steps. Though blind, she was able to map her steps and take easy routes within the swamp, using the scents around her to help map the way.

She didn't think much until the scent of a young feline hit her nose. Her large paws fumbled as she looked blindly around, trying to find the white outline of the child. Spotting it, and noticing that the outline was clinging to a branch, she let out a low rumble, trying to stand closer.

"Child? Child, are you okay?" Her alto voice rang out, standing by the tree Kaesha was clinging to. Her expression was that of mild worry, and her tail lashed around.
Seven - Tanglewood - Heavily mutated tigress - Tagged by Astral

Re: sometimes my mind plays tricks on me - joining! - deliah . - 02-16-2022

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Deliah had been patrolling nearby all morning. It had been a beautiful, sunny winter day and the Doberman had been enjoying the fresh air as she made her way through Tanglewood's dense forests. She was shaken away from her blissful morning walk when she heard a commotion. Her ears perked up when she heard Seven's voice. She followed the scent of her Clanmate urgently, praying silently that no one was injured. When she came upon the scene, her golden eyes widened. She looked around frantically, trying to figure out how they were going to get the child down from the branch she was dangling off of.

Re: sometimes my mind plays tricks on me - joining! - Cheshire - 03-01-2022

⸺ Kaesha ⸺
do you have the time, to listen to me rhyme ~

She looked down, gripping black claws in the branch to keep from falling. The height was not ideal to fall from. Below her, a really large female would call up to see if she was okay, or she would assume it was for her. Though... the feline did not seem to know exactly where she was, her head looking all over.

"I.. I think so!" she called down. Only some.. mental trauma, and losing her parents. And holes in her wings from Missus Owl... But she was pretty sure she was fine otherwise, nothing too serious.

"Do... Do you think its safe to jump down?" she called out, eyes watching as a canine like creature approached next. Like a wolf.. but more slender, taller... and not as scary seeming. They seemed scared as well, so maybe it wasn't safe to just jump down.

Her grip tired, and she would grip into the bark, using her hind leg claws to her grip into the trunk for a final pull onto the branch, that wavered under her weight. Obviously unsteady, but she was too young to know how trees worked.

"Oh! Im Kaesha by the way!" she greeted, a smile on her face as she stared down at the others. "I came from... that way!" She would put a large paw for support on the trunk as she would point to the east with her other paw.