Beasts of Beyond
Hide away, they say 'Cause we don't want your broken parts [Joining] - Printable Version

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Hide away, they say 'Cause we don't want your broken parts [Joining] - Eon - 01-17-2022

  It appeared to be a moonless night, much like that fateful day that was forever burned in the back of the fox's mind. It had left an invisible scar along with the coming days when the moon began to show her face once more. Yet, it hadn't been a month since that incident. Instead, the moon had simply hidden away behind the grey cloud beside her starry friends. Eon realistically knew this, yet he couldn't help but be reminded, even as hints of her silver light pierced through the clouds. He was hiding away, much like she was.

Though the sky appeared starless, the galaxy markings still shone brilliantly in the fox's fur and wings. He would have normally blended in with the night sky above, but due to the lack of visibility, he instead stood out like a sore thumb. Glowing against a dark grey sky.

His wings were starting to grow tired as he flew farther and farther... At least he had found dry land. It was a nice rest to his eyes compared to the miles of sea he had faced before.  He had been on his wings for a few days, with minimal amounts of breaks. As much as he wanted to just stop, he couldn't. He had to find where he was going, his destination. Where exactly that was though... He still was not sure.

Azure irises scanned the terrain below for signs of life. there appeared to be nothing of significance, at least for some time. It was rather unfortunate, as Eon had been hoping to bump into a possible companion or two, but the lands seemed barren. perhaps he should head elsewhere. Soon though, the scenery changed. A tangled mess of trees would appear below him. For whatever reason, the fox felt compelled to look.  His large feathered appendages would flap repeatedly to keep him still, yet airborne, as he slowly descended unto the tangled forest below.

It didn't take long until Eon noticed he had descended into swamplands. Certainly not his first choice of a destination, as the mucky water repelled him. He preferred not to get his shimmering pelt any dirtier than it already was. 

Eon would make sure to find a dry patch of land before hitting the ground. Gently his paws would touch a patch of sea-green grass. Eon didn't plan on staying long, yet it felt good to finally get some weight off his wings. Even for a great flyer, such as himself, traveling so far was tiresome.  Scents began to hit his nostrils. Mixed in with the scent of muddy water was the lingering aroma of many blocks of life. Was it possible a group had laid claim to this swamp?

Eon desperately hoped he would not be chased out. While perhaps he should have been worried, the fox could not help but feel a bit of excitement in its place. It had been some time since he had interacted with another creature, and his heart pounded in anticipation. For now, though, he would rest here and catch his breath while he could.


Re: Hide away, they say 'Cause we don't want your broken parts [Joining] - butch kennedy - 01-27-2022

[glow=black,1,400]IS IT OVER YET, WILL I EVER FEEL AGAIN? — 。+゚.[/glow]
It had been too long that the feline had been alone.  Large paws made their way almost silently through the swamp that was their home, the only sound being the shuffling drag of the back half of their body.  They moved through the tall grass like a snake, expertly hidden in the foliage of the wood.  They didn't even flinch when something a-lighted a mere foot or two away from them.

A mighty hunter by instinct and an introvert by habit, the beast surveyed the thing with narrowed eyes.  Wings like a bird.  Markings reminiscent of a sky they had not seen in some time.  The forest swallowed all - even starlight was a commodity available to only a few of the swamp's inhabitants and the huntress was not one of them.  Something about the creature triggered an old feeling in the feline.  A need to teach, to protect.  A need for a sort of companionship.

The words did not come easily to her as she had not spoken to anybody else in so long, but after a moment, Firefly's soft voice echoed outwards in greeting.

"What brings you to my tangled grove?" 

template credit to guppy

Re: Hide away, they say 'Cause we don't want your broken parts [Joining] - Atticus Roux - 01-28-2022

It's been awhile. New animals, old ones. Thankfully Atticus felt at home despite all these changes and was wandering around per usual, finding two unusual specimens at the border. One new, one old. Sunflower hues traced their silhouette. He paused and frowned, contemplating his desire for social interaction today. The feline merely let out a sigh. Caving to expectation, the long-time Tanglewooder trailed over to where the two roamed.

Before any words could leave his own maw, the leader's soft voice echoed out towards the stranger. He subtly rolled his eyes out of sight of the other. That was a way to put it. Readjusting his vision back to Eon, he cleared his throat and added on. "You're within Tanglewood," came his firm confirmation. A paw gestured out towards the dirty swamplands, only to return quickly to the floor below.

Since Firefly had not asked one part, Atticus continued on. "Your name and reason for being here?" Less of a question. More of a demand. The grey tabby was open to discussion later, but he preferred to cut to the chase and get to the introductions beforehand.

Re: Hide away, they say 'Cause we don't want your broken parts [Joining] - Eon - 01-29-2022

A sigh would escape his breath as he'd relax a bit. It didn't last long, however, as he heard something rustle in the brush beside him. Instantly he'd perk up, alert, eyes gazed in the direction of the sound anxiously awaiting what was to come. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to rest here after all. Soon a yellow feline would reveal herself.

Eon would noticeably tense up as he didn't know how she would respond d to his presence.  However, as she spoke calmly, he'd relax a bit once more. Before he could respond to her question, another came from the shadows… this one more stern with his words. The fox would tense up once more as his name was demanded.

"M-my name is Eon" he'd manage to get out, eyes dating between the pair before him unsure on who to focus on.

"I'm sorry for trespassing. I was just looking for a place to rest, that's all." he'd try to explain, without giving away too much information.


Re: Hide away, they say 'Cause we don't want your broken parts [Joining] - Atticus Roux - 02-02-2022

Eon. That's a name for sure. Atticus merely craned his head at their first comment, impatiently waiting for the important aspect of his question. Thankfully, the answer came. A sigh left him in regards to her honesty about trespassing, only to shake his head afterwards. At least this wasn't The Pitt. Otherwise this feline would be torn to shreds. Luckily. the tabby feline and his leader appeared to be better about giving an ear to strangers. After all, he had met his former love Sweeney through a brief moment of open-mindedness.

A place to rest they could do though. He wasn't in charge of that though. "Where are you coming from?" he questioned. Just a precaution. His gaze narrowed as he waited for an answer, only to add on moments later. "We can offer temporary shelter if the leader here decides to do so." Looking over expectantly at Firefly, he offered a subtle shrug. If the answer was swell and they had a place for Eon to rest, then so be it.

Re: Hide away, they say 'Cause we don't want your broken parts [Joining] - Eon - 03-07-2022

Eons ears perked as he heard the tabby speak, asking where he was from. The fox hesitated for a moment; but he figured he better answer, or else he could come across suspicious which he certainly didn't want to do.

“I come from beyond the coast,” he said, not giving much detail on what those islands were, and who lived there. Not that he knew much anyway...  “I flew here, been traveling on these wings for the past few days. They may be strong, but they still need to rest.” he’d say, expanding his rather large wingspan dusted with galaxy markings.

"If you let me stay"
he'd continue "I'm sure I could make myself useful." His eyes looked over to the lioness, who was presumably the leader the tabby cat had mentioned.
