Beasts of Beyond
oh black water, keep on rolling }} re-introduction + doggy paddling - Printable Version

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oh black water, keep on rolling }} re-introduction + doggy paddling - Morrison - 01-03-2022

Two years since the hurricane.

There had been nothing like it. The destruction, chaos, and dismay that followed led The Typhoon down a darker path for quite awhile. The merger between The Palm Glades and The Typhoon took some getting used to, especially with two former enemies together as one. For awhile, the two groups stuck to their own side of the island and repaired what they could. Realizing they were at a loss, The Palm Glades eventually resigned to their fate quickly. There was nothing left. No ferris wheel, homes to live within, or a territory to safely settle in.

Thankfully some pirates and Palm Gladers came together. Those animals, like Morrison, led the effort to combine. The pirates accepted them with open arms into their home and allowed them to settle. With time, their traditions and culture began to combine. It appeared, despite their worries, they were one and the same. Not all agreed though. Some departed. Others found new lives and left for presumably better places. Wherever or whatever that may be, Morrison and the rest wished them luck but realized those that remained were tried and true.

To new beginnings!

Morrison, in the time of crisis, had taken the lead. He called himself Captain, but was always looking out for a successor. A crumbling canine had to retire sometime, right? The wolf was living in The Typhoon result of the merger and was planning to make the best of it. After abandoning his adventures in favor of his family, he realized it was time to settle. Maybe, since he was eight at the time, that was his so-called midlife crisis. After all, he was getting old. What an ancient bastard. Time for another cunt to ascend... maybe later though. 

With change on the mind, the wolf paraded outside of the captain's quarters. His eyes grazed the sword used to decapitate their enemy on his way out, offering a subtle smirk in response. Morrison shook his head. Paws scraped across the Anchored Temptest's deck and ended at the boat's edge. Peering over the side, amber hues watched as the waves danced back and forth across the shore. Calm. Relaxed. No tragedy to come... for once. The day to come was peaceful.

Hind legs pressed off the deck and into the air. The wolf glided downwards onto the ocean's edge with a grunt and shook out his blue hued pelt. "Oi, it's lookin' a bit nice out here," he remarked to those around, hoping to catch their attention. "Just like your mother last night." A smirk met his maw. For what many considered an elder, his maturity indicated otherwise. "But I ain't takin a swim in her again. Anyone up for a good 'ol doggy paddle in the water?" His paw gestured out to the soothing sea before him, hoping someone would join him. With his naive remarks though, the chances seemed low.
——————— wolf & the typhoon + palm glades & info ———————

Re: oh black water, keep on rolling }} re-introduction + doggy paddling - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 01-03-2022

Ah... the ocean. He recalled when he had first seen the ocean, when he had been picked up by his scruff covered in thick, hatchling plumage, and had been dropped off the cliff that looked over the sea. He had fallen, but he had floated, and it had been a wonderful introduction to the water indeed. Ever since he had found it fascinating; what made it move, what made it strong, where it ended and what tasty treats laid just beneath the surface were all intruiging things.

The water was a wonderful thing. He could control it, although he was still learning the full extent he was capable of doing. He was familiar with using the pressurized water of his crop to blast at opponents, but as of a year ago he had found that he could control the water outside of him, too. It was strange, but neat. If only he had a chance to use it to show off in front of someone; but that required him to know what he was doing... which he didn't. Not yet. Work in progress.

"My mother- ooohhh..." Once the captain's words clicked in his head, and he understood that no, his mother somehow hadn't come back from the dead just to sleep with this wolf (and not even bother to tell Jotunhel hello). It was just... banter? Was it banter? The wyvern was uncertain. Regardless of his internal thoughts, he gave his feathers a shake. The king fisher wyvern went to sink into the water, flopping in the shallows and squirming in until just his head was able to get above the water. "The water is very nice. Very warm. You're looking just as nice," Jot absently mused as he finally got up to start paddling with his broad wingspan, rolling over to soak his back as well.

jotunhel ._. wyvern ._. tags

Re: oh black water, keep on rolling }} re-introduction + doggy paddling - Morrison - 01-03-2022

Well. That's something. He hadn't really meant to strike a chord with the undead, but apparently Morrison had and he didn't know it. At Jotunhel's murmur back, he merely nodded in confidence and reiterated his words back. "Your mother." With a showy glint of his yellowed teeth, he watched as the wyvern shook out their pelt and accepted his proposal... or so he thought? Paws trailed after Jotunhel as the other went past the sand and into the seafoam. Morrison settled in nearby. Letting out an overexaggerated sigh, he let his body sink into the water. "Now, that's about like it, don't ya think?" His question was hypothetical. The captain was merely expressing his gratitude for such a pleasant day as the warm waves brushed against his figure.

The wyvern's subtle musing caught him off guard. "Is that so?" he remarked. His smile merely grew. He gently swam closer to the wyvern, who was now laying upon his back, and attempted to lightly jab them in the side. With a snarky cackle, he continued his banter. "Why thank you. You ain't so bad yourself, big boy." Ten feet of muscle and power behind those pointed eyes... Now that was intimidating. Not a day goes by where he doesn't appreciate the mythical, mystical figure of a dragon. Many had capabilities beyond his own. Others were tall as elephants. Needless to say, the astonishment Morrison held was not envy but admiration.

The mutated wolf leaned back, his head momentarily dipping into the salty waters as he did so. Now upon his back, he peered up at the skies above. Clouds danced above their eyes. White and light, just like he liked clouds. "Seems like mother nature decided not to fuck us for once." A claw pointed upwards to the sky, pointing at the sun. "We should make some plans or host something, ya know? Get people riled up for a bit while it's not cold." The warmth was abnormal for the winter, but he didn't mind. It gave them more time to prep for the cold. His head craned off to the side. Amber eyes peered over at the wyvern, hoping for their insight. "What do you think?" Basically, comments, questions, and concerns. Maybe ideas. Morrison wasn't picky on how the other responded. He had dealt with his fair share of people to know that not everyone was going to be satisfied.
——————— wolf & the typhoon + palm glades & info ———————

Re: oh black water, keep on rolling }} re-introduction + doggy paddling - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 01-04-2022

Jotunhel's whiskers twitched when the comment regarding his mother was echoed again. Fuzzy brows scrunched, the gears up in the wyvern's fuzzy head having to turn it over. Ah. He got it now. It was one of those jokes, those common things used to try and bind people together. If he pieced the other's previous words together correctly, would that make the current captain a step-dad? A thoughtful grumble shook the wyvern, his tail swishing and splashing some water onto himself. He wouldn't mind a step-dad, although that would make his previous compliment not make sense. Would it? The wyvern had gone and confused himself.

He was brought from his confused thoughts of whether he could or could not continue his normal behavior with a metaphorical step-dad when he was nudged, making his head crane over. Jotunhel wound up grinning like a fool, pearly teeth clicking as he struggled to get his expression back under control. The king fisher wyvern could dish out flirtatious words and compliments and unconditional 'love', but the second anything like it was returned? Jot would lose the train of thought and struggle to not wind up looking like a love struck, kicked puppy.

"Ah- that's- yea. That's nice of you. Truly. I- Uh- you have a fur-care regiment I could borrow? Maybe then I'd look as good as you." He nodded his fluffy head, absently using his wings to paddle and keep himself from sinking. "The sky is very beautiful today. I might take a flight later." A gurgle followed his words, turning over whether or not he had any ideas for something to do while the weather was so pleasant.

"There are... contests, yes? Those are a thing? How about a surfing contest? I've seen a couple do some spectacular wave riding around here. Maybe some surfing training before, just so its fun for everyone." He opened up his gills as his head sunk down a little. "That way nobody gets whipped too bad, and everyone can have some fun in the water."
jotunhel ._. wyvern ._. tags