Beasts of Beyond
Happy New Year! || Major Development + Roleplay Update - Printable Version

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Happy New Year! || Major Development + Roleplay Update - Orion - 01-01-2022

With a lot of thought put into this, I would like to announce Beasts of Beyond will be making some changes to the site to update it's concepts and better it's community. Recently, as many of you have noticed, we have dropped in activity. Needless to say... Life comes rushing in at you quick. There has been a lot going on for me and while I would like to prioritize BoB, life does come first. Everything happening has led to intense burn-out, leading into a break that made me realize I need time to revitalize the roleplay I love.

That said, some big changes are coming (or have already been implemented)! Now what does this update include?

New Theme Variation
We're getting a new theme! Some of you may have seen previews within our Discord. Not only are there new features, but there's a ton of new things to look at and customize. No features will be removed. The theme being worked on is currently a darker theme, something requested and preferred by many users. While this new theme is coming, I would like to take a moment to remind you that all former themes will remain an option.

Rewritten Rules
Rules have now been rewritten and clarified clearer. Some rules were often unnecessary and overexplained, so they've been removed or revised based on the circumstance. If there is anything missing or information does not make sense, feel free to chime in and voice your opinion.

New Guides / Guide Tab Update
- A guide to powers is being rewritten and being added into the guide tab currently. This version will be clearer on limitations and neatly organized by four branches: aesthetic, elemental, mental, and physical.
- 'The Essential Guide to Plagiarism' is a new guide being added that outlines what to do in regards to plagiarism and how to avoid it.
- Gems are an important part to Beast of Beyond's economy. This said, the addition of a new guide outlining gems is being added.
- Trigger warnings. A pressing subject. The new guide 'Trigger Warnings and When to Use Them' outlines Beast of Beyond's rules regarding trigger warnings.

Boards Changes
A few changes to the boards have been implemented. The first and earliest change, which hasn't been announced, was the removal of The Palm Glades and their merger into The Typhoon. Not only this, but in the near future, you may be seeing the addition of human roleplay boards after they are fleshed out. This type of roleplay has been desired and has been discussed for awhile now. It's now finally time. You can see more information regarding that further down into this post. Other changes to our boards include the addition of the departure board, description changes, and more.

New Awards
New awards are coming soon! These awards will be tied in with the NPC system, questing, the trade market, monthly challenges, human RP, our next charity run, and more. Keep an eye out for further additions.

Discord Update
The site's Discords will be getting an update. So far the main Discord has been rearranged and some channels have been archived. As for the group Discords, they will be receiving the same treatment with time.

One thing that needs feedback is character channels. Should Beasts of Beyond servers keep or remove character channels? See this thread to vote and explain your reasoning.

Animal RP Timeskip
Due to the major changes in the past year, the animal roleplay game will be timeskipped after a vote on our public Discord. This timeskip will be two years into the future. Two years allows characters to progress past things within the past without completely erasing the site's lore. Groups will have new high positions and information as needed.

With this said, high positions and leaders ARE NEEDED. You can apply here!

Beasts of Beyond will be adding a few NPCs for all players to utilize. These NPCs will have set personalities/looks, but they are welcome to engaging in any and all situations you desire. More info is to come. These NPCs are actually leading into two revamped systems... Quests and trade market!

Updated Quest System + New Trade Market
The updated quest system that will be linked with NPCs and the trade market is currently being further fleshed out. This system is designed to allow all users to get rewards in-game, rather than relying on post and word count. More information coming soon!

Monthly Challenge Boards
We tested this feature in July and after some discussion, users would like this event to continue. Along with this, groups who contribute the most posts/threads will receive a special booster/reward the next month. Keep an eye out for the next one!

Human Roleplay
After some discussion and voting, there has been a favorable amount of users would like to see an extension human roleplay game. This game will remain very similar to Beast of Beyond's current power and mutation rules, but the setting will be vastly different.

Within this human roleplay, the modern world was riddled with technology and pollution following it's rise. Due to this, the world below was descending into madness. The Gods above purged the Earth. With those humans that remained, they were given a choice: ascend into the atmosphere to start new or stay below and clean the world. Those dedicated to cleaning the land and undoing their harm were granted powers/mutations that would benefit them. They connected with nature, overall taking on their attributes. On the flip side, those who chose to plead ignorance and ignore their tasks were burdened with things such as: vampirism, lycanthropy, etc. This led to lineages that continue today. Those above in the sky were granted glory as they desired, but no gifts physically. Tension remains in the space between them, but can that be changed?

More information coming soon.

October/November Charity
As of right now, this is postponed. When the site reopens for good, then the charity run will proceed. If you have any suggestions for charities or causes, feel free to message Orion anytime.

Overall, the timeline for all of this to be completed is the end of January. I have had this post in the drafts for awhile and have been contemplating what to do since then + working on the site for it's betterment. This feels like a good starting point nevertheless. After all, it's a one man show currently, but any help offered would be appreciated too. Everyone's opinions have been so helpful too. It is so appreciated. Thank you to everyone for sticking around and keeping your heads up. Your constant support is what keeps this entire thing going!

In the meantime, everyone is welcome to continue chatting on Discord and can begin to RP in these new and updated environments as they're being worked on!

Another update will be made when all these updates are completed + progressive updates on Discord.

Re: Happy New Year! || Major Development + Roleplay Update - Orion - 01-01-2022

Figured I'd add this last minute, but here's a short list of everything for progress sake:
— New Theme [~, finished, asking for opinions and revising]
          — Header Adjustment [✓, added 1/28/2022, just need to upload/download icons]
— Rewritten Rules [✓, finished]
— New Guides / Guide Tab [~]
          — Power Guide [~]
          — Plagiarism Guide [✓]
          — Gem Guide [~]
          — Trigger Warning Guide [✓]
          — Adding this here late, but edited all group guides! [✓]
— Board Changes [✓]
— Awards [~]
— Discord Update [✓]
— Animal RP Timeskip [✓]
— NPCs [~]
— Questing Update [~]
— Trade Market [~]
— Monthly Challenge Boards [~]
— Charity Run [~]
secret things [~]